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Reviewing Vocabulary in Lessons and on The Vocabulary Page

Any time I want to see all the words and phrases I have made LingQs for, I can find them on the Vocabulary page.
I can tab between All LingQs, just phrases and those LingQs that are Due for Review. This is the vocabulary that is due for review according to LingQ’s spaced repetition system. This SRS system determines when I should review these LingQs based on how well I know them and when I last reviewed them.
Clicking Review Now starts a review session for the currently displayed list. I can use the filters and sorts to refine the list if I want. There are five different review activities: flashcards, reverse flashcards, cloze, dictation and multiple choice. I can adjust the activities I want to include in the settings, and even adjust the settings for each activity.
For example, in my flashcards I want to see the term and phrase on the front and the term, translation and phrase on the back, along with the status bar of course.
The status bar shows how well I know this term. I manually increase the word status when I feel I’m improving my ability to remember it. If I get a word correct twice in a row in the same session, the status automatically increases one level. Otherwise, all status changes are done manually like this.
Don’t worry too much about how accurate your vocabulary knowledge is. Just move the status up as the words and phrases become more familiar, and before you know it you’ll realize that you never need to look certain LingQs up any more, at which point you can consider them “known” and hit the green check mark.
Don’t be afraid to do this. You can always click on a “known word” and turn it back into a LingQ, and your stats will adjust.
Remember, you don’t have to review your LingQs on the vocabulary page. In fact, most of your learning will take place in lessons where you’ll be exposed to these LingQs in different contexts. These activities are a good brain break from reading and listening.
Happy LingQing!

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