The Dutch Alphabet: All You Need to Know
If you’ve studied any foreign language before then you already know that languages that use the same letters often don’t use them the same way. In this post we’ll explain …
If you’ve studied any foreign language before then you already know that languages that use the same letters often don’t use them the same way. In this post we’ll explain …
People all around the world differ tremendously but we share the need to love and be loved. Have you ever been curious to learn how to talk about the matters …
¿Sabía que los idiomas del mundo pertenecen a dos categorías según la forma en que usan los pronombres personales? Piensa en el siguiente ejemplo: “Me voy” vs. “Ir” …
In Russian culture, expressing gratitude for someone else’s work is important and a sign of good manners. While you might already know the basic way to say thank you in …
Colombia is a beautiful country with mesmerizing places to visit and stunning natural scenery. In fact, Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world. Because Colombia is …
Podcasts are all the rage these days–from true crime to feel-good romantic stories, there’s really something for everybody. Since podcast fever has spread to nearly all corners of the globe, …
Do your interests lie in the world of business? Perhaps you will be working in a Spanish-speaking country soon. If either of these statements describes you then you are going …
Chinese learning has become popular in many countries. People learn Chinese for various reasons. Some consider China a fascinating country for job-hunting and career development, others are passionate about gaining a …
Lucky for you, if you’re interested in fashion and you’re learning German, you will have no shortage of interesting content to learn from while getting style advice from the pros. If any of the following blogs catch your eye, be sure to import the posts into LingQ where you can study the content, look up unfamiliar words and advance your German language skills.
Японский алфавит: Руководство для начинающих Начать изучение японского алфавита с нуля – задачка не из легких. Не только потому, что это абсолютно новый язык, но и потому что в нем …
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