LingQ Academy Catch Up: Keep on Climbing
It’s been a busy few weeks for our students! They’ve been pitching to the media, climbing mountains, testing the new version of LingQ, blogging, creating infographics, enjoying the Vancouver sun (all four days of it so far this summer) and, of course, doing tons of reading, listening and writing on LingQ.
Tamás, Emily and Hanna are regularly adding to their blogs, both in their native languages and in English on Medium. Though writing in a language that isn’t your first is challenging, our students have been doing it for a couple of months now. We wanted to give them a fresh challenge and so we asked what they consider the most difficult thing to do in English is. They all agreed: talking on the phone.
With an upcoming LingQ meet up to organize, we set Hanna, Tamás and Emily the task of calling bars in Vancouver to ask about reserving a space for the event. The idea filled Hanna and Emily with dread! Tamás on the other hand was delighted and couldn’t wait to get going. Check out how they did:
Have you had any scary or embarrassing moments speaking over the phone in a language you’re learning? What did you do to improve?
There has been no shortage of challenges recently at the LingQ Academy. Emily, Hanna and Tamás were also tasked with making their own infographics. Of course one member of the group found this easier than the others: Emily had just finished graphic design school in Taiwan before coming to Vancouver. Here’s her ocean-themed infographic:
Tamás went with a driving theme in his infographic titled Shortcut to Fluency – Step On It!
For Hanna, simplicity was key. She focussed on how reading books that feature different cultures can feel like travelling to that place.
The students aren’t only facing challenges head on in the office. A couple of Saturdays ago, the LingQ team took the Academy Trio on a hike. Now, most of the hikes in and around Vancouver are more difficult than the hikes that Emily, Hanna and Tamás are used to. The feature that makes the hikes here difficult? Elevation. We took our students to The Chief, which is the second largest granite monolith in the world (the first is El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, California).
It was a tough hike! Emily even said it was the most difficult physical challenge she has ever completed, but everyone reached the top.

Keep on climbing, guys! We’re proud of the progress you’re making, both inside and outside of the office.
You can keep up to date with what Tamás, Emily and Hanna are up to each week by subscribing to the LingQ Academy Live YouTube channel.