Are you listening to German right now? You could be. Everyone has little moments of time throughout the day that they could be using to learn a foreign language, including …
Whenever you’re walking, exercising, driving, or travelling, listening to the radio in your target language is a great way to keep up with your language studies. A good radio station …
The joy of language learning is indeed always wanting more – more words, phrases, rules, and languages to help us navigate and understand the world. The perfect example of this …
Adivinar el significado de ciertas palabras y expresiones en inglés puede ser un poco problemático sin entender la jerga en inglés. Por definición, la jerga es el lenguaje informal a …
That Dior handbag is going to cost the eyes out of your head! Your coworker entered the conversation like a hair in the soup. Little by little, the bird makes …
When you read the title of this post, you probably thought of Portugal and Brazil. Indeed, they are the most well-known Portuguese-speaking countries of the world. However, did you know …
One of the first things you know in a language, even as a child learning your mother tongue, is how to count. Numbers are the basis of a variety of …
La prueba está en el pudín, dice el refrán. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de algunos errores comunes en inglés relacionados con los adjetivos, diría que la verdad está en …
Even though you can learn Mandarin Chinese at your leisure with the help of an app, simply learning the syntax and vocabulary just isn’t enough. Mandarin Chinese is one of …
Every learner of German picks up real fast the idea that there are four cases. But it takes some of them a lot longer to understand what the cases mean …