La alegría del aprendizaje de idiomas es, de hecho, siempre querer más: más palabras, frases, reglas e idiomas para ayudarnos a navegar y comprender el mundo. El ejemplo perfecto de …
6 German Podcasts to Help You Study
Are you listening to German right now? You could be. Everyone has little moments of time throughout the day that they could be using to learn a foreign language, including …
Where to Listen to Korean Radio, Dramas, and Comedy
Whenever you’re walking, exercising, driving, or travelling, listening to the radio in your target language is a great way to keep up with your language studies. A good radio station …
Finding Content to Help You Learn Gujarati
The joy of language learning is indeed always wanting more – more words, phrases, rules, and languages to help us navigate and understand the world. The perfect example of this …
La guía definitiva para la conocer la jerga inglesa
Adivinar el significado de ciertas palabras y expresiones en inglés puede ser un poco problemático sin entender la jerga en inglés. Por definición, la jerga es el lenguaje informal a …
6 French Sayings You Should Know
That Dior handbag is going to cost the eyes out of your head! Your coworker entered the conversation like a hair in the soup. Little by little, the bird makes …
Portuguese Speaking Countries
When you read the title of this post, you probably thought of Portugal and Brazil. Indeed, they are the most well-known Portuguese-speaking countries of the world. However, did you know …
Our Guide to Spanish Numbers
One of the first things you know in a language, even as a child learning your mother tongue, is how to count. Numbers are the basis of a variety of …
Aprende como utilizar adjetivos en ingles -ed -ing
La prueba está en el pudín, dice el refrán. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de algunos errores comunes en inglés relacionados con los adjetivos, diría que la verdad está en …
How to Learn Chinese by Watching Chinese YouTubers
Even though you can learn Mandarin Chinese at your leisure with the help of an app, simply learning the syntax and vocabulary just isn’t enough. Mandarin Chinese is one of …