Every learner of German picks up real fast the idea that there are four cases. But it takes some of them a lot longer to understand what the cases mean …
French Short Stories to Help You Learn Faster
There’s something to be said about visiting France just to see the Eiffel Tower, or to drink the world’s finest wines while munching on the country’s world-renown baguettes. However, while …
The Best Way to Learn Italian on Your Own
You already know how much faster learning Italian is when you immerse yourself in the environment. The constant interaction in supermarkets, shops, cinemas, along with advertisements and TV, is a …
Portuguese Songs from Brazil to Help You Learn the Language
Friedrich Nietzsche once said that “without music, life would be a mistake”. Don’t you agree? Music is an important part of our lives and believe it or not, music can …
The Best Way to Learn Russian on Your Own
The Russian language, though challenging, is unique and according to Google, the 7th most spoken language in the world. In this post, I will share a few tips that will …
Where to Find Helpful Content in Japanese for Beginners
Languages are not learned for the sheer sake of accumulating a stack of vocabulary words or conquered grammatical ideas, they’re learned to be lived and breathed. Everybody studying Japanese will …
The Ultimate Guide to English Slang for Language Learners
Post Hey, what’s up? Up? The sky or the ceiling, what else could there be? Hmmm… As we can see, guessing the meaning of certain English words and expressions can …
Japanese Words We Use in English
If you’ve ever wondered how hard Japanese is to learn, well I’ve got news for you…you probably know a bunch of Japanese words already! Thanks in part to Japan’s pop …
Chinese Verbs and Why They’re Easy to Master
In our post about Chinese sentence structure, we mentioned that, “Chinese verbs have no tenses nor conjugations.” If you ever want to talk about the past, present, or future, you can …
The French Preposition “De” and How to Use It Properly
In our recent posts, we’ve been talking about the different ways that you can access French content to help you improve your language skills. But today, I’d like to dive …