Here’s a series of rapid-fire questions: How well do you speak English? How many other languages can you speak? Do you want to learn a new one? How long do …
Meme: una imagen, video o pieza de texto, típicamente de carácter humorístico, que los usuarios de Internet copian y difunden rápidamente. Esa sería la definición del diccionario, al menos. Sin …
According to language guru, Steve Kaufmann, one of the most effective ways to learn a new language is to spend a lot of time listening to it. When it comes …
こんにちは!My name is Sami; I was born in the United States and had never left until, about four and a half years ago, I went to Japan to spend my …
Adjectives are a fundamental part of any language, because they allow us to describe more in detail our everyday experience, enriching it with shades of meaning and perception. But Italian …
I once had a friend describe his experience learning German to me. He said, “Everything was going perfect until I ran into the grammar.” Is that what’s happening to you? …
Adverbs are words that tell more about the verb of a sentence: when, where or in what way it was done. Thankfully, Japanese adverbs are really easy to use: they …
You may have been focusing on vocabulary, verbs and adjectives as you learn Korean. While these are essential parts of the language, if you want to move on to the …
Vamos a hacer un viaje rápido por el camino de la memoria. La primera cosa que la mayoría de nosotros aprendimos después del alfabeto inglés fue “Yo soy …”, “Mi …
Almost every morning, I wake up and the first thing I do is turn on the radio to listen to the news in French. I usually just have the radio …