In a total of about thirty countries, 275 million people speak some version of the great French language. We know that language, like other types of histories, has a story …
Seven Funny German Words, Worldwide
Funny German words, do they even exist? Truth be told, when I began to write an article about funny German words I didn’t really know where to turn. When you …
Tips and Resources for Reading Kanji
Learning a new language can be difficult, especially if you are older and have a lot going on in your life. Making time, making it fun, and setting small goals …
An Easy Guide About Family Members in Korean
Family is a very important factor in Korean culture. Large family gatherings are very common on big holidays like Lunar New Year and even up until a few decades ago, …
Spanish Restaurant Vocabulary for Beginners
What’s more exciting than being on vacation or visiting new places in Spain? Well, the FOOD, of course. But before heading out to eat, it’s important to know how and …
Properly Pronouncing the French Alphabet
It might seem silly to be an adult and having to learn the alphabet all over again. You’re probably more interested in learning about French past tense, greetings, or where to …
Where to Find the Best Russian Audio Books for Free
Many people find that when not communicating with Russians or consuming Russian media on a daily basis, their listening skills really suffer. If you find listening to Russian songs difficult …
La mejor manera de aprender inglés online usando YouTube
De acuerdo, pregunta al azar: ¿cuál de estos dos haces más a menudo: ver televisión o YouTube? No contestes eso, todos sabemos la respuesta. ¡Estás en línea ahora mismo, por …
Italian YouTubers Who Can Help You Learn the Language
In case you have been living under a rock ;), YouTubers are people who post videos of themselves on the social platform YouTube. They host channels where they usually focus …
Chinese Grammar Tricks that Will Make Studying Easier
Anyone can learn Chinese grammar. With the a good dose of motivation, a steady and effective study routine, you should find yourself progressing and knowing Chinese faster than you could …