What is the best way to learn German? Well, I think it’s by using content you enjoy. For example, imagine how much more fun you’d have learning German by watching …
10 Common French Nouns for Everyday Use
When trying to learn any new language, one of the most effective study methods is to learn and memorize the most common verbs, nouns and adjectives first. This helps you …
Cómo hablar inglés como un nativo viendo estos YouTubers
Por lo general, los estudiantes me preguntan cómo hablar como un nativo de inglés. Esto es lo que les sugiero a ellos (y lo que les sugiero a ti también). …
Polish Numbers Put in Perspective
Poland is the ninth largest country in Europe, composed of 940 cities, 23 national parks and countless open fields, lakes and mountains. A country that shares its stories through its …
Italian Sayings About Food
Food is one of the main elements of the Italian culture, therefore it shouldn’t be surprising that most of the Italian sayings and proverbs revolve around food! I’ve listed some …
How Long Does it Take to Learn Chinese
Hello, LingQ community and other language learners around the world! My name is Kiandro Scavella, inspired language and culture enthusiast. I’m originally from The Bahamas, the land of sun, sea, …
Basic Korean Sentences for Your Next Trip
If you haven’t been already, you should consider Korea as your next travelling destination. Its amazing cuisine, sightseeing spots, museums, festivals, activities and cultural experiences make it the perfect place …
15 Italian Idioms for Your Everyday Conversation
Idioms can be found in every language, and every culture has their specific ones: they originate from habits, events, cultural tradition and jobs. Most times they cannot be translated directly …
The Basic Vocabulary for French Family Members
The words for French family members are pretty straightforward, and, like other French words, many have a Latin root. For example, father in French is père, which comes from the …
5 Japanese Dramas That Will Improve Your Language Skills
Is watching Japanese drama a magic pill that will make you fluent? Probably not. But, next to immersing yourself in the country of Japan itself, it’s arguably one of the …