You may begin to suspect that you’re a language nerd when you find yourself looking for apartments far away from your place of work on purpose. That way, of course, …
Italian Greetings for the Most Common Situations
Italian greetings are used for welcoming and acknowledging others in a variety of situations. This post will give you an overview of greetings so that you can learn what to …
Como aprender la pronunciación italiana
Aprender la pronunciación en un nuevo idioma a menudo es intimidante y hacer sonidos con los que no estás familiarizado no es demasiado cómodo. La pronunciación italiana no es diferente. …
Practice Your French by Reading from These French Fashion Bloggers
Today, french fashion bloggers are one of the primary links between France’s elite fashion community and fashion lovers from around the world. With just a quick Google search, you can …
How to Teach Yourself Spanish, Japanese, and Other Languages for Free
If you’re wondering how to teach yourself Spanish, Japanese, or whichever language you’re interested for free, then you’ve come to the right place. Everyone thinks learning a language is expensive. It …
Aprende inglés a través de historias clásicas
La lectura nos hace más inteligentes, menos estresados y nos brinda un escape muy necesario de la rutina de la vida cotidiana. Sin embargo, leer en un idioma que estás …
Polish Songs and Their Lyrics to Help Improve Your Polish Language Skills
Polish artists create music of all genres. There are popular Polish songs that could be classified as rock, hip hop, dance, pop, folk, metal and all other genres you can …
29 Russian Idioms to Get Your Head Around
Idioms are phrases with overall meanings that are different than the meaning of the words that make them up. Just like in English, there are hundreds of weird and wonderful …
How You Can Use Your Favorite KPop Lyrics to Study Korean
Have you ever wondered what the heck your favorite KPop artists are saying? If you’re studying Korean, you have (or you will) come across Korea’s most popular music genre. I’m …
6 trucos para mejorar tu pronunciación en inglés
Seamos realistas: la pronunciació en inglés es el regalo que se sigue dando. Lo que quiero decir es: incluso si puedes comunicarte bastante bien y has superado todos los exámenes …