По предварительным прогнозам количество человек, изучающих английский язык, достигнет отметки в 2 миллиарда к 2020 году. Монополия английского на звание доминирующего языка глобализации остается вне сомнений. Сомнение, как раз, возникает …
A few years ago the British Council started a project called the 1000 word challenge. They did this in the hope that more people in Britain would try to learn at …
Another great way to stay motivated and compare yourself to other LingQers is by joining challenges. If you’re already taking part in any challenges, you’ll see them here along with …
Most people know that there are two official languages in Canada: English and French. While English is spoken by the majority of Canadians – around 58.4% of them – an …
The LingQ import function gives you the power to learn from your favorite content. You can import the latest Netflix series, your favorite podcasts and transcripts, trending YouTube videos, the …
We all need help to stay motivated when learning a new language. That’s why LingQ developed a system that rewards and encourages you every step of the way. All progress …
LingQ co-founder Steve Kaufmann has a nickname in the language learning community: The Godfather. He earned it by being one of the first to build a presence online via his popular …
PRIMERA PARTE ¿Recuerdas lo que es un adjetivo? Todos lo tuvimos que aprender en el colegio: “el adjetivo es una palabra o frase que modifica a un sustantivo” Y los …
Our community of enthusiastic language learners is part of what makes LingQ great. The most obvious example of community sharing are the popular translations which you see in the blue …
Пассив и Актив В этой статье я выступлю в роли учителя английского. Я расскажу вам, как выучить английский с нуля, как если бы вы были моим учеником или ученицей. И, …