Rejection. It’s something startup PR and marketing people get used to.
Sometimes you think you’ve written the perfect pitch to an editor or journalist. You’ve read their articles, you understand the audience they appeal to, you’ve reached out on Twitter and suggested a story you’re sure they’ll be interested in. A week goes by and nothing; no response to your “killer pitch”. You send a follow up email, then another a week later. Still nothing.
We wanted to protect our students from the pain of rejection, but we knew they would have to experience it sooner or later. It’s par for the course in the startup world.
Once you are an intermediate or advanced learner of a language, a great way to continue to improve and to grow your fluency and vocabulary level is by reading books …
I have just over a week left in my French 90-Day Challenge and I want to go out with a bang: I’m going to watch a whole movie in French. I’ve been studying the language pretty extensively for a few months, so I should be able to do it, right?
The end of February is here, and for some that will mark the end of a 90-Day Challenge. How have you done? Are you close to reaching your goals?
É comum que o objetivo de ser fluente numa língua estrangeira pareça vago e ilusório. Nem sempre é claro o que ‘fluência’ significa. Aqueles que ainda não experimentaram a sensação …
Ученикам часто кажется, что они не делают никаких успехов в изучении языка. По этим причинам сам процесс изучения может вас расстраивать.
This time we talk to challengers in the Russian, Spanish and Italian challenges about their motivation, how they study and advice they have for fellow language learners.
How are we doing 90-Day-Challengers? I hope the beginning of your challenge has been full of reading, listening and LingQing!
Wondering how other LingQ members are doing in their challenges?
French and I have a history, and not a good one. Learning French was mandatory from age 11-14 at my high school in Wales, U.K. I had been looking forward …
My name is Ryan Arp. As Steve Kaufmann recommends in his Youtube videos: words, words, and more words!
I originate from a small farming community in Iowa. During my time (I am 26 years old now) at the University of Iowa, I befriended lots of foreign Chinese undergraduate students; it was through them that I was introduced to Chinese culture and, of course, the Chinese language.