Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, so on and so forth… Learning the rules of English grammar is important but actually understanding and using them correctly is where the fun starts. It …
The best way to master a new language is to integrate it into your daily life. Would you like to learn basic food vocabulary in Spanish? Read on! Food …
Alors que le superlatif en anglais n’est pourtant pas compliqué à utiliser en soi, il semble poser des problèmes à de nombreux débutants. Il fait en effet l’objet de nombreuses …
If you have studied any of the German language, you know how confusing the articles can seem at first. Personally, I had a terrible time learning them, and still, to …
If you’ve studied any foreign language before then you already know that languages that use the same letters often don’t use them the same way. In this post we’ll explain …
People all around the world differ tremendously but we share the need to love and be loved. Have you ever been curious to learn how to talk about the matters …
¿Sabía que los idiomas del mundo pertenecen a dos categorías según la forma en que usan los pronombres personales? Piensa en el siguiente ejemplo: “Me voy” vs. “Ir” …
In Russian culture, expressing gratitude for someone else’s work is important and a sign of good manners. While you might already know the basic way to say thank you in …
Hellos and Goodbyes are normally the first thing we learn to say in every new language. At first, saying ‘goodbye’ might seem pretty straight-forward until you dig a bit deeper. …
Colombia is a beautiful country with mesmerizing places to visit and stunning natural scenery. In fact, Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world. Because Colombia is …