Podcasts are all the rage these days–from true crime to feel-good romantic stories, there’s really something for everybody. Since podcast fever has spread to nearly all corners of the globe, …
Do your interests lie in the world of business? Perhaps you will be working in a Spanish-speaking country soon. If either of these statements describes you then you are going …
Chinese learning has become popular in many countries. People learn Chinese for various reasons. Some consider China a fascinating country for job-hunting and career development, others are passionate about gaining a …
Lucky for you, if you’re interested in fashion and you’re learning German, you will have no shortage of interesting content to learn from while getting style advice from the pros. If any of the following blogs catch your eye, be sure to import the posts into LingQ where you can study the content, look up unfamiliar words and advance your German language skills.
Японский алфавит: Руководство для начинающих Начать изучение японского алфавита с нуля – задачка не из легких. Не только потому, что это абсолютно новый язык, но и потому что в нем …
Japanese is a fascinating and rich language with a long history. It’s also a language full of cute words and expressions to describe just the right feeling. Today we’ve got …
At this point LingQ users are well accustomed to the big changes that came with version 5.0. The new design allows learners to quickly find new lessons in various categories, ranging from Culture to History to Video and Entertainment. That being said, we all get comfortable with old methods of finding new content. Here are five tips for finding the best content.
Can you change your accent? Let’s face it, whatever language you are learning and whatever people say about the importance of accents, we all want to sound like a native …
This week I am joined by YouTube polyglot Aaron Fingtam. He runs the channel Fingtam Languages.
A grande questão para a maioria das pessoas começando a aprender francês geralmente é, “Quanto tempo demora para aprender francês?”
Eu fui sortudo o bastante para ter nascido em uma parte do Canadá que é conhecida como uma comunidade bilíngue. Praticamente qualquer lugar que você visite por aqui, encontrará pessoas que falam tanto inglês quanto francês, ou uma combinação dos dois, conhecida como “franglês”.