I was 17 and I was like, man, it’d be really cool to be, do this YouTube thing. You know? So Nate’s Adventures was born. And at first my channel was just me going around, doing fun stuff, going camping, and going rock climbing. And then one day, this was maybe just over a year ago, I was like, you know, let’s speak Spanish. You know, I feel like making videos about it would be a good way to practice. And I thought to myself, you know, I want to share the language with people and I want to share with people just how cool it is to know another language, whether that’s Spanish or another language.
Мы внимательно выслушали ваши пожелания и добавили в LingQ много новых изменений… Наша миссия в LingQ – дать вам больше контроля над процессом изучения языка, чтобы вы могли учить язык …
Escuchamos tu feedback y hemos aplicado algunos emocionantes cambios en LingQ… Nuestra misión en LingQ es darte más control sobre tu recorrido de aprendizaje del lenguaje, para que puedas adquirir …
Ouvimos seus comentários e fizemos algumas mudanças animadoras no LingQ… Nossa missão no é dar a você mais controle sobre sua jornada de aprendizado de idiomas para que você possa …
Wir haben uns euer Feedback zu Herzen genommen und einige spannende Veränderungen an LingQ vorgenommen… Unsere Mission bei LingQ besteht darin, euch mehr Kontrolle über eure Sprachenlernreise zu geben, sodass …
Nous avons écouté vos retours et avons fait d’intéressants changements sur LingQ… Notre mission chez LingQ est de vous donner plus de contrôle pendant votre apprentissage d’une langue afin que …
So in Korean, there’s kind of a funny, like slang term that people use to talk about uh, foreigners who are really good at speaking Korean. So when you install the language pack for a piece of software or a video game or something, they usually call that the… which means Korean patch, or they’ll call it the … or something like that.
“Pop surrealism is basically a faction of the low brow art movement, which developed in the seventies. It was this movement of artists who were doing darker stuff, but more cartoony, you know. It had branched off from what the traditional art was, you know, like realism and pointillism and abstract. They were taking essentially cartoons and elevating it.”
When it comes to the world of fashion, every country has its own stereotypes. Russian women in particular have garnered quite a reputation as fashion-minded and elegantly dressed. This stereotype …