Gulf Arabic - قرفة الطواري
Golfarabisch – Zimt-Tawari
Gulf Arabic - Cinnamon Tawari
Árabe del Golfo - Canela Tawari
Arabe du Golfe - Cannelle Tawari
Golfo Arabico - Cannella Tawari
Gulf Arabic - Cynamon Al-Tawari
Golfo Árabe - Canela Tawari
Gulf Arabic - Al-Tawari kanel
Körfez Arapçası - Tarçın Tavari
海湾阿拉伯语 - Al-Tawari 肉桂
الطبيب: شنو عدنه اليوم ؟
Doctor: What do we have today?
الممرض: دكتور الاسعاف يابت مصابين اثنين بحادث سيارة. السايق انقمى عليه وبعدين صحى.
Nurse: Doctor, the ambulance brought two people who were injured in a car accident. The driver fainted and then regained consciousness.
الطبيب: وشنو نوع الاصابة مالتهم.
Doctor: What are their injuries?
الممرض: عدهم جروح وكسور ورضوض.
Nurse: They have wounds, broken bones, and bruises.
السايگ عنده جرح براسه ويای ينزف ويشتكي من صدره.
the patient|||||bleeds a lot|||
The driver has a head wound; he is bleeding and complaining about his chest.
الراكب اللي معاه چتفه يعوره وهم مجروح براسه. خيطنا الجروح مالتهم.
And, the passenger has a shoulder injury and also a head wound. We already stitched their wounds.
الطبيب: چم خياط سويتولهم؟
Doctor: How many stitches?
الممرض: السايغ ثمن خياطات براسه والراكب اربع.
Nurse: The driver got eight stitches and the passenger four.
الطبيب: خوش سويتو لهم اشعة؟
Doctor: Okay, did you do X-rays?
الممرض: اي سوينا هذي حگ السايغ.
Nurse: Yes, we did; here is the driver's.
الطبيب: الظاهر عنده ضلع مكسور والباجي فيهن رضوض.
Doctor: Apparently, he has a broken rib, and the rest are bruised.
الممرض: وهاي الاشعة حگ الراكب.
Nurse: And, here is the passenger's X-ray.
الطبيب: هذا عظم الترغوة مالته مكسور، جبس له چتفه وذراعه ولا يحرك ايده ولا يشيل اي شي.
Doctor: His collarbone is broken. Put a cast on his shoulder and arm. He should not move his arm or pick up anything.
الممرض: زين نحولهم عالداخلي؟
Nurse: Well, should we admit them to the hospital?
الطبيب: لا خلهم في الطواري اربع ساعات واتصلوا باهلهم واذا حالتهم مستقرة سولهم دسجارج بعدين.
Doctor: No, keep them in the ER for four hours and contact their relatives. If their condition is stable, they can be released.
الممرض: احنا اخذنا معلومات عن تاريخهم الطبي وما عدهم اي امراض وما ياخذون اي ادوية.
Nurse: We took information regarding their medical history. They do not have any diseases, and they are not taking any medications.
الطبيبة: زين، انا راح اكتبلهم وصفة مسكنات وخلي يصرفوها من الصيدلية.
Doctor: Good, then I will write them a prescription for painkillers, and they can fill them at the pharmacy.