你 微笑 时 很 美 EP25 (1)
You're Beautiful When You Smile EP25 (1)
想 不想 试一试
Do you want to give it a try?
试 什么
Try what?
诚哥 你 也 想 吗
Brother Cheng, do you want to be in a relationship with them?
我 已经 有 喜欢 的 人 了
I have someone I like.
你 要 来 深圳
You're coming to Shenzhen?
你 来 深圳 干什么
Why are you coming to Shenzhen?
你别 吓 着 人家
Don't scare her.
Here are five million yuan.
离开 我 的 儿子
Leave my son.
就 这样 吧
You may do that for now.
你们 先 出去 吧
You guys may leave for now.
好好 好
来来来 李总
Come, Mr. Li.
你们 两个 等 一下
Two of you, wait a moment.
坐下 吧
Sit down.
又 没 外人 了
There are no outsiders now.
你 说 你 谈恋爱 的 消息
I only knew that you were in a relationship
让 我 从 网上 知道
when I read the post on the Internet.
你 觉得 这样 合适 吗
Do you think that's suitable for you?
我 已经 说 了 很 多次 了
I've told you many times.
您 不用 过来
You don't need to come.
我 不 过来
I don't need to come?
我 再 不 过来
If I don't come here,
你 是不是 要 把 你 所有 的 终身大事
you'll decide on your marriage by yourself,
都 要 自己 做 决定 了
am I right?
你 连 问 都 不问 一句 我 和 你 爸
You didn't even ask for our opinion.
我 已经 成年 很久 了
I've been an adult for a long time.
成年 怎么 了
So what if you're an adult?
你 再 成年 你 也 还是 我 的 儿子 呀
Even if you've grown up for long, you're still my son.
再说 了
你 谈恋爱 我来 看看 都 不行 啊
can't I even take a look at your girlfriend?
Tong Yao,
你 觉得 他 这么 做 合适 吗
do you think he's right?
我 喜欢 她
I like her.
这件 事情 谁 都 改变 不了
No one can change that fact.
是 啊
你 喜欢 谁
No matter who you like
你 要 和 谁 在 一起
or who you want to be with,
的确 是 你 自己 的 事情
these are your personal affairs.
不用 征求 我们 大人 的 意见
You don't need to ask for our opinions.
不过 呢
我 看 网上 这 情形
judging by the situation I've seen online,
你们 俩 在 一起 的 路
the two
注定 会 很 坎坷 的
will go through a rocky path.
妈 您 不用 担心
Mum, don't worry.
无论 将来 发生 什么
No matter what happens in the future,
我 都 会 和 她 一起 面对
I'll face it together with her.
(ZGDX Gaming is making a public announcement.)
ZGDX 电子竞技 俱乐部 成员
(Team ZGDX's team members,)
陆思诚 与 童谣
(Lu Si Cheng and Tong Yao)
目前 正在 交往 中
(are currently in a relationship.)
感谢 大家 对 两位 选手
(We're grateful for the support)
及 ZGDX 战队 长久以来 的 关注 和 支持
(you've given to our team members and our team.)
本 俱乐部 秉承 自由 开放 的 管理 理念
(Our club will handle this affair with an open mind and heart.)
他们 什么 时候 在 一起 的
When did they become a couple?
在 不 影响 战队 训练
及 比赛 成绩 的 情况 下
(or their tournament results,)
不会 对 成员 之间 的 私人关系
(we will not interfere)
进行 过多 干涉
(with their personal relationships.)
对于 两人 之间 的 恋情
(As for their relationship,)
俱乐部 全体人员
(the entire club)
都 已 送 上 最 美好 的 祝福
(have sent them our blessing.)
对于 网络 上 涉嫌 侵犯
(As for the people who are suspected)
陆思诚 及 童谣 名誉权 之 言论
(of defaming Lu Si Cheng and Tong Yao online,)
本 俱乐部 将 持续 关注
(we will continue to observe them)
并 保留 追究 侵权 言论 发布者
(and we will pursue them)
及 转载 者 的 法律责任
(for defaming our players and sharing said posts.)
针对 部分 涉嫌 侵犯
(As for the people)
两人 人身安全 的 言论
(who are threatening their safety,)
本 俱乐部 将 采取 一切
(we will do everything we can,)
必要 法律手段
(including legal means,)
追究 发布者 的 法律责任
(to pursue legal responsibilities with said suspects.)
绝不 姑息
(We will not let them off.)
再次 感谢 各位 媒体 及 粉丝
(We would like to thank the press and our fans)
一直 以来 的 关心 包容 和 爱护
(for your love and support.)
谨此 代表 陆思诚 先生
(Here, we would like to represent Mr. Lu Si Cheng)
童谣 女士
(and Ms. Tong Yao)
对 此前 因 私人 情感 问题
(to give you guys an honest apology)
造成 的 社会 资源 浪费
(for wasting the community resources)
表示 深深 的 歉意
(due to their previously undisclosed relationship.)
借此 也 呼吁 大家 共同努力
(At the same time, we would like to call upon everyone here)
共建 良好 的 网络 环境
(to establish a better online community.)
说真的 啊
Honestly speaking,
官博 妹子 是 真的 刚
the admin is really courageous about this.
就 差 祝你们 俩 百年好合
She's almost going to wish you two
早生贵子 了
a happy marriage.
你们 俩
You two are really...
不是 要戒 糖 吗
I thought you were going to quit taking sugar.
没 心烦
It's not that. I just feel troubled.
烦 什么
What's on your mind?
我 做 错 了 事
I made a mistake.
我怕 这 一次 是我太 冲动
I'm afraid I'm doing something
没 考虑 后果
without thinking of the consequences this time.
什么 后果
What consequences?
Consequences regarding
你 要 面对 的 事
the things you're going to face.
如果 你 是 害怕
If you're afraid
我会 被 网上 那些 言论 打倒
that I would cower in fear over the haters' comments,
那 你 大可不必 担心
you don't need to worry at all.
我 没事
I'm fine.
其实 刚 开始 是 有 一点 害怕
Actually, at first, I was pretty afraid.
总 觉得 公开 了
I thought many people
就 会 有 很多 反对 和 质疑 的 声音
would question our relationship once we announced it.
所以 有 很多 顾虑
That's why I was concerned.
更 害怕 的 是 会 影响 到 你
I'm more afraid of the fact that it would affect you.
就 像 之前 简阳 那样
Just like my previous relationship with Jian Yang.
开始 后悔 在 一起
You might regret your decision.
然后 是 谎言 欺骗
After that, you'll lie to me.
最后 渐行 渐远
Lastly, you'll distance yourself from me.
但是 后来
But after that...
后来 怎么样
What happened after that?
后来 我 知道
After that, I knew
你 和 简阳 不 一样
you were different from Jian Yang.
所以 这些 事情 都 不会 发生
So, I know the things I'm worried about will never happen.
我 就 安心 了
I felt relieved.
我 也 做好 了 心理准备
I'm prepared mentally.
迎接 所有 狂风暴雨 的 到来
I'm prepared to face the upcoming storm.
我 不 后悔
I don't regret my decision.
也 不 害怕
And I'm not afraid.
你 这么 强
You're so strong.
我 也 要 变得 和 你 一样 强大 才行
I need to be as strong as you.
矮子 长大 了
My Shorty has finally grown up.
我 还 以为 你 会 害怕 得
I thought you would be so afraid
躲 在 被子 里面 哭 一 晚上 呢
that you would hide under your blanket and cry throughout the entire night.
还 这么 远 哪
We still have such a long way to go?
天 哪
My goodness.
没想到 你们 滴滴 专车
I didn't expect us
还 赠送 狗 粮 套餐 了
to be blinded by them on a car trip.
真是 柠檬树 上 柠檬 果
There is nothing we can do
柠檬树 下 你 和 我
but being jealous of them.
童谣 开 直播 了
Tong Yao is having the live streaming right now.
看 吗
Do you want to watch it?
童谣 这个 时候 开 直播
Tong Yao is having the live streaming at this time?
真是 不要命 了
She's trying to kill herself.
童谣 要 不要命 我 不 知道
I don't know if she's trying to kill herself right now.
我 看 你 是 不想 要命 了
But you're driving yourself to an early grave.
现在 我 只 想 关注 电竞
Now, I just want to focus on e-sports.
居然 开 直播 了
(She's actually having the live streaming?)
前方 大批 喷子 出没 预警
[ZGDC_Smiling] (Haters alert.)
居然 还有 脸开 直播
(She still dares to have the live streaming?)
是 看 自己 最近 话题 度高
(Is she doing it)
来 蹭 一波 热度 吗
(in order to become more famous?)
你好 啊 陆夫人
我 是 开 直播 了 呀
I am having the live streaming right now.
现在 打 排位 训练
Now, I'm playing ranked matches.
不 开 直播 混 时间
If I don't do my live stream for the live stream quota,
什么 时候 开 啊
when should I do my live stream?
我 开个 直播 怎么 就 不要脸 了
How am I shameless for live streaming?
我 以前 也 开 直播 啊
I did the same in the past as well.
今天 再 不播 的话
If I don't do my live stream today,
到时候 月底 直播 时间 不够 了
I won't have enough hours to hit the monthly live stream quota.
我 只能 给 你们 直播 睡觉 了
By then, I can only live stream when I'm sleeping.
跟 陆思诚 睡觉
(You mean sleeping with Lu Si Cheng?)
低俗 主播 我 报警 了
(You shameless live streamer. I'm going to call the cops.)
说 说 诚哥 呀
(Why don't you talk about Brother Cheng?)
说 他 什么 呀
(Brother Cheng?)
诚哥 确实 是 很 厉害 的 射手
Brother Cheng is an amazing AD indeed.
现在 世界排名 前 三 吧
I think he's one of the top three ADs in the world right now.
这位 射手 现在 大概 在 睡觉
I guess he must be sleeping right now.
毕竟 大 早上 当着 家长 的 面
Since he insisted on holding my hand
非要 拉 着 我 的 手 强迫 我 发誓
and swearing in front of his mother
以后 的 路 要 一起 走
that we would face everything together this morning...
不好意思 又 撒 狗 粮 了
Oops, seems like I'm displaying our love off again.
对不起 啊
挑衅 啊 你
(Are you trying to provoke us?)
撒狗 粮
(You're displaying your love?)
这狗 粮 撒 的 真是 够 了
(You better stop.)
诚哥 才 排前 三
(Brother Cheng only ranks top three?)
对 啊 前 三
Yeah, top three.
总 不能 说 第一 吧
I can't say he's the top AD,
毕竟 隔壁 还 住 着 一个
since among our neighbours
和 他 水平 差不多 的 射手
is an AD who's almost as good as him.
楼上 会 不会 抓 重点
(Does the previous girl even understand the main point?)
那 你们 什么 时候 分手 啊
(When will you guys break up then?)
Break up?
我 自己 凭 本事 找 的 男朋友
I found this boyfriend all by myself.
为什么 要 分手 啊
Why should I break up with him?
你 恋爱 了 也 变捞 了
(You became lousier ever since you fell in love with him.)
以前 很少 被 人 在线 上单 杀 的
(You have never died to a solo laner in the past.)
等 一个 ZGDX 爆炸
(I'll wait for Team ZGDX's demise.)
你 不 合适 玩青行 灯
(Aoandon is not the hero for you.)
我 也 觉得 我青行 灯 玩 得 不是 很 好
I do think that I'm not that good with Aoandon.
但是 我 看 韩国 人 都 玩 得 很 溜
But the Koreans are doing great with that Shikigami.
所以 才 要 练 啊
That's why I need to practice.
不然 到时候 世界 赛炸 了
If not, we'll be defeated during the National Championship.
多练 一个 式 神
If I practice a new hero,
就 少 浪费 一个 禁位
I have a new option.
这样 不好 吗
Isn't that great?
诚哥 呢 诚哥 起来 了 没
(Where's Brother Cheng? Is he awake?)
叫 他 来 开 直播 啊
(Ask him to do his live stream right now.)
我们 队长 应该 已经 起来 了
I think our leader has woken up.
我们 队长 我们
("Our leader"? "Our"?)
狗 粮味 虐狗 退订
(That's too much. I'll unsubscribe from your channel!)
诚哥 来 啦
(Brother Cheng is here!)
我 是 第几 射手
What's my rank as an AD?
你 不 幼稚
You think you aren't childish?
一杀 六死 五 助攻 的 青行 灯
Aoandon with one kill, six deaths and five assists.
你 敢 拿 上 比赛 我 就 打爆 你 的 头
If you dare to pick that hero during our matches, I'll smash your head in.
我 这 不是 在 练习 嘛
I'm practicing right now.
你 走开
Go away.
我见 阿太用 过 青行 灯
I observed Ah Tai when he was using Aoandon.
不是 你 这么 用 的
This is not the right way.
来 我 示范 一下
Come, let me demonstrate it for you.
你 一个 射手
You're an AD.
你 怎么 教 我 玩 中单 啊
Why are you teaching me how to play Mid?
你 让 我 试试 嘛
Just let me try.
你 别晃 我
Don't shake me.
现在 中路 兵线 进塔 了
先别 上 啊
You shouldn't go first.
就是 因为 你 不敢 上
It's precisely you don't dare to go in front
所以 对面 中单 清姬
that the Kiyohime
才 一直 骑着 你 打
is chasing after you.
他们 是不是 知道 我们 换人 了
Do they know this is a different player?
小心 小心
Be careful!
别吵 再 吵 不 帮 你 玩 了
[Dominating] Be quiet, or I'll stop teaching you.
好 了 你 走开
Alright, go away.
走开 走开 走开 走开
Go away. Go.
就 不
No way.
我 在 直播
I'm doing the live stream right now.
我 知道
I know that.
真的 秀
(They're showing off again.)
下周 打 阿尔法
(They'll face Team Alpha next week.)
是 骡子 是 马拉 出来 遛 遛
(We'll see if they're truly capable by then.)
坐等 螺旋 爆炸
(I'll wait for their demise.)
阿尔法 这种 老牌 强队 的 实力
We shouldn't underestimate them.
果然 是 不容 小觑 啊
竟然 让 之前 全国 联赛
They actually
一路顺风 顺水 的 ZGDX
stopped the winning streak
是 开局 失利
of the unbeatable Team ZGDX.
那 在 上场比赛 当中 呢
For the last match,
ZGDX 的 老 猫 和 老 K
Team ZGDX's Lao Mao and K
配合 得 相当 不 默契
didn't do a good job.
好像 是 第一次 配合 一样
It felt like they were playing together for the very first time.
上 一局 老猫 都 快 被 抓 爆 了
Even when their opponents kept ganking Lao Mao,
老 K 还 在 打野 视而不见
K was still fighting with the jungle creeps.
今天 ZGDX 的 上野 好像 有点 那种
Seems like the Top and Jungler of Team ZGDX
老死不相往来 的 意思
have trust issues with each other.
That's right.
不 知道 是不是 受 外界 因素 的 影响
I wonder if they were affected by the previous incident.
今天 状态 不错 稳住 好好 打
-We're in great condition today. -Let's do it.
一定 要 拿下
We must win the match.
比分 是 零比 一
The current score is 0:1.
ZGDX 这 一局 的 状态
It seems like Team ZGDX
好像 依然 很 疲软
still looks shaky in this match.
阿尔法 战队
Team Alpha
可是 有名 的 强队 质监局
is famous for knocking out strong teams.
ZGDX 到底 是 真的 强
We can see if Team ZGDX is truly strong
还是 只是 一路顺风 局打 到 现在
or if they were just lucky
比 完 这 一场
when this match
就 会 有 一个 直观 的 判定 结果
ZGDX 战队 以前 可能 还 行
Team ZGDX might be strong in the past,
现在 双 C 都 沉迷 恋爱 了
but now, both of their carries are in love with each other.
哪 还有 心思 打 比赛 啊
I'm sure they can't focus on their matches.
越塔 越塔
-Coming! -Go!
来 了 来 了 上 上
你 看 比赛 才刚 开始
Look, the match just started,
老猫 已经 死 了 两次 了
yet Lao Mao has died twice in a row.
连送 了 两个 人头 啊
He's feeding the enemy team two times in a row.
漂亮 打得 好
-Nice. -Great job.
对面 中单 跟 打野 一直 在 抓 老猫
Their Jungler and Mid have been ganking Lao Mao.
小胖 我们 下路 抓紧时间 发育
Fatty, we need to farm as much as possible on the bot lane.
好 的
他们 上路 很 好 抓
Their top lane is free food for us.
可以 可以 来来来
We can kill them. Come.
等 我 一下 等 我 一下 我 马上
Wait for me. I'll be there in a second.
这边 阿尔法 的 青行 灯和茨木
Aoandon and Ibaraki Doji from Team Alpha
好像 要 去 包住 这边 的 老猫
seem to be trying to gank Lao Mao again.
回塔 的 后路
They intercepted him behind the tower.
下路 二人组 也 是 拍马 赶到
The bot lane duo has reached the top lane as well.
老 K 还 在 下 半野 区
K is at the lower half of the map.
本来 是 要 过去 的
He wanted to go there initially.
但是 看到 对面 四个 人
But when he saw there were four people on the top lane
老猫 也 残血 了
掉头 刷野 了
he went back to the jungle.
完 喽 完 喽 老猫 又 死 喽
He's done for. Lao Mao is dead again.
这波 四 抓 一 啊
It's a 4 vs 1 situation.
孤立无援 上路 崩 了
No one is helping him out. The top lane is done for.
四个 人 打麻将 呢 我 队友 呢
Where are my teammates? Are they playing mahjong?
这老 K 来 了 一半 跑 了
K ran back before he reached there.
他 这时候 进场
If he joins the fight,
无非 也 是 再 送 一个 人头
he'll only feed them.
没什么 意义
It's meaningless.
快点 打 吧 这 把 废 了
Hurry up. I'm useless in this match.
拖 一拖 还 能 打
We can fight if we drag this out.
老猫 你 先 发育
Lao Mao, you should farm first.
不要 跟 他们 刚
Don't fight with them.
可以 来 我 这 吃 兵线
You can take my creeps.
我 去 野区 看看 有 什么 吃 的
I'll check out the jungle.
把 兵线 让给 他
You're letting him take the creeps
然后 你 又 吃 我 野怪
while you take my jungle creeps?
好人 你 都 做 便宜 你 都 占
You're being a Samaritan while stealing my resources.
诚哥 吃 你 两个 野怪 怎么 了
你 从 开局 刷到 现在 还 没刷够 呢
You've been farming in the jungle all day long. Isn't it enough?
你 怪 我 不 突袭
You blamed me for not ganking.
对面 来 四个 人 我 去 帮 你 也 没有 用
But there are four of them. It's useless even if I went there.
来 两个 人 的 时候
I couldn't help you out when two of them are ganking you.
我 在 下路 你 也 看见 了 过不来
I was at the bot lane. You saw that for yourself.
人家 野怪 麒麟 都 不要 了
They're abandoning their jungle creeps
就是 要 搞 你
in order to gank you.
我 有 什么 办法
What can I do about that?
而且 你 的 经济
And you've recovered your economy
已经 在 别的 路补 回来 了 吧
through taking the creeps of other lanes, haven't you?
不 相信 比赛 完 了 之后
If you don't believe me, we can
看 实时 经济 图 啊
take a look at the graph after the match.
都 闭嘴
Both of you, shut up.
是不是 想 直接 挂机 让 对面 中 推 啊
Do you guys want to go AFK and let them win the match?
小团 一波
Let's initiate a skirmish.
来 了
童谣 突然 从 草里 跳 出来
Smiling came out from the bush
打 了 一波 对方 中单
and she's damaging their Jungler!
控控控 开开 开 上 上
-Stun her! -Go!
回城 中路 往回 撤 我们 扛
Mid, retreat. We'll tank the damage for you.
这场 比赛 打 到 现在 啊
ZGDX 前期 上 单被 抓 了 太 多次
Team ZGDX's Top has been feeding the enemy team too much.
估计 这 是 在 另 找 突破口 啊
I guess they're trying to find a breakthrough point.
但是 你 看 老 K
But look at K.
还 在 下 半野 区刷野 啊
He's still farming jungle creeps at the bottom area of the map.
你 看 老 猫 来 了
Look, Lao Mao is back.
他 估计 是 想
I guess he wants
在 有 陆思诚 的 情况 下
to seek revenge
去 借机 报仇
while Chessman is around.
我们 中路 的 中路 的 来 了 来 了
-Look at the mid lane. -Coming.
中路 我们 是不是 要 撤
Do we retreat from the mid lane?
这 一塔放 了
Let them take the tower.
撤撤 撤 放 了 放 了
他们 要 撤 了
They're going to retreat.
老猫 拦住 射手
Lao Mao, intercept their AD.
这波塔 我们 必须 要 推
We must take down this tower.
别开 了 别开 了 保 射手
Stop fighting. Protect our AD.
与此同时 童谣 闪现 进场
At the same time, Smiling uses Flash to blink into the battlefield.
一个 技能 带走 了 对面 射手
She has taken down their AD.
撤撤 撤
这波 啊 你 看 以前 啊
Look at this fight. In the past,
老 K 和 老猫 总是 捆绑 着 出现 的
Lao Mao and K were always stuck together.
但 今天 没有 老 K
But today, even without K,
老猫 打得 依旧 非常 凶猛
Lao Mao is still as ferocious as always.
稳 一点 稳 一点
Hold it in. Hold it in.
Calm down.
我 有 技能
Even both of them couldn't protect Dodomeki.
两个 人 都 没能 保住 百目 鬼
全 靠着 老猫 一个 人肉 扛
It's all thanks to Lao Mao tanking all of the damage.
不过 刚才 童谣
Smiling did avenge him.
算是 帮 他 报 了 一次 仇
经济 赶上来 一些 了
We're catching up on our economy.
我们 各自 带线 发育
Let's farm in our own lanes.
一会儿 再团 一波 大蛇
Later, we'll go for the Orochi.
注意 他们 人 都 在 带线
Be careful. All of them are on their lanes.
保一波 保一波 清线 清线
-Protect the tower. -Clear the creep waves.
小球 你 有没有 发现 啊
Little Ball, did you discover this?
如果说 刚刚 那波 团战
If that team fight
是因为 老 K 在 下路 偷塔 引起 的
happened because K was stealing the bot tower,
那 现在 大家 分开 发育 之后
now that they're farming in their own lanes,
老 K 和 老 猫 这 对 好 基友
Lao Mao and K
还是 各 走 各 的 路 喔
are still on their separate ways.
ZGDX 的 双 C 好像 是 谈恋爱 了
Although the two carries of Team ZGDX are in a relationship,
但是 今天 上野 有点 闹情绪 啊
seems like their Top and Jungler are having a fit today.
老猫 你 拖住 鸦 天狗
Lao Mao, go and stall Karasu Tengu.
我们 打大蛇
We'll take down the Orochi.
好 的
果然 啊 ZGDX 这边 四个 人
Indeed, the four members of Team ZGDX
是 到 了 中路 的 河道
have approached the mid river.
如果说 老猫 在 下路 能够 顺利 地
If Lao Mao can stall
拖住 对方 的 鸦 天狗
Karasu Tengu,
这条 大蛇 肯定 是 稳拿 了 啊
they'll be able to take down the Orochi.
That's right.
拖 一下 打团 等 我 打团 等 我
Stall them. Wait for me to join the team fight.
鸦 天狗 摆脱 了 老 猫 的 纠缠
Karasu Tengu has escaped from Lao Mao.
神行 到 了 中路 支援
He has teleported to teleport to the mid lane.
集合 了 集合 了
老猫 现在 怎么 还 在 下塔 呀
Why is Lao Mao still at the tower on the bot lane?
可是 鸦 天狗 是 补完 状态 过来 的
But Karasu Tengu healed up before he went there.
难道 ZGDX 要 四 打 五 吗
Don't tell me Team ZGDX is going to fight them 4 vs 5.
打一波 打 一波
Let's fight.
你们 注意 他们 来 了 啊
Be careful. They're coming.
老猫 快点 过来 开团
Lao Mao, come and initiate the team fight.
老 K 你 找 位置 等 老猫
K, find a good spot and wait for Lao Mao.
老猫 还 在 下路
Lao Mao is still at the bot lane.
ZGDX 局势 已经 开蛇 了
Team ZGDX is attacking the Orochi right now.
阿尔法 战队 五人 赶来
The entire Team Alpha is here.
打打 打打 打
Let's fight!
可以 打 可以 打
将 面对 四打 五 的 局面
This is a 4 vs 5 situation.
ZGDX 阵容 已经 被 打散 了
Team ZGDX is separated.
人头 收 了
可以 可以
Beware of their Jungler.
小心 打野 小心 打野
陆思诚 现在 的 位置
Although Chessman
现在 虽然 还 比较 安全
is in a safe position,
但是 他 的 队友 已经 扛不住 了
his teammates can't tank the damage.
小胖 倒下 了
Fatty has fallen.
阿尔法 的 支援 太快
Team Alpha was too quick in backing up their team.
我 一个 辅助 根本 扛不住
I can't tank them all when I'm a Support.
老猫 还 在 下路 单带
Lao Mao is still at the bot lane.
鸦 天狗 一个 跳 劈击 飞 ZGDX 三人
Karasu Tengu struck three people with his blow.
现在 双 C 已经 被 击杀 了
Now, both carries are dead.
大蛇 肯定 是 要 丢 了
[Seal, Double Kill] They will lose the Orochi.
老猫 还 在 带线
Lao Mao is still trying to push.
老 K 只能 在 草里
[One against a thousand] K could only stay in the bush
看着 蛇 被 拿掉
while they were taking down the Orochi.
把 大蛇 打 了 赶紧 打 了
Take down the Orochi. Quickly.
小心 对面 小袖 和 鬼 使
鬼 使 可能 会神行
Mujou may use Shift.
阿尔法 已经 要 开始 打大蛇 了
Team Alpha is attacking the Orochi.
开始 打大蛇 了
They're attacking it right now.