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Climate change

Climate change

Climate change is one of the most worrying things for our planet.

Many politicians and scientists say it is the biggest danger we face. I read almost every day that climate change is changing the Earth forever. Many species of animal, fish, insect, frog, etc. are dying. The ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctica are melting. Our weather is changing so places are getting warmer, or colder, or are having more and stronger hurricanes. We all need to do our bit so that climate change does not destroy us. It's important to cut down on things that produce greenhouse gasses. These warm the planet and change the climate. Doing simple things like turning off lights and recycling paper all help.

Climate change

Climate change is one of the most worrying things for our planet. 気候変動は、私たちの惑星にとって最も心配なことの一つです。

Many politicians and scientists say it is the biggest danger we face. 多くの政治家や科学者は、それが私たちが直面する最大の危険だと言います。 I read almost every day that climate change is changing the Earth forever. 私はほぼ毎日、気候変動が地球を永遠に変えていることを読みました。 Many species of animal, fish, insect, frog, etc. are dying. The ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctica are melting. 北極と南極の氷冠は溶けています。 Our weather is changing so places are getting warmer, or colder, or are having more and stronger hurricanes. We all need to do our bit so that climate change does not destroy us. 気候変動が私たちを破壊しないように、私たち全員が少しだけ努力する必要があります。 It’s important to cut down on things that produce greenhouse gasses. These warm the planet and change the climate. Doing simple things like turning off lights and recycling paper all help.