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I have too many clothes.

I have many clothes I've only worn once. Sometimes I even find something at the back of a drawer that I never even wore. I bought it, put it away, and then forgot about it. I'm sure I don't need so many clothes. I don't think anyone really needs 11 pairs of jeans and 32 sweaters. I won't tell you how many pairs of shoes I've got. That's way too embarrassing. The simple truth is I love clothes and I love shopping. Maybe I have a problem. I'm sure I'd be a lot richer if I didn't buy so many clothes. I like brands, so the clothes I buy are quite expensive. One day I'm going to have a big clearout. I'll take all the clothes I no longer wear and give them to charity.


I have too many clothes.

I have many clothes I’ve only worn once. 一度だけ着た服がたくさんあります。 Sometimes I even find something at the back of a drawer that I never even wore. 引き出しの後ろに、私が着たことがないものを見つけることさえあります。 I bought it, put it away, and then forgot about it. I’m sure I don’t need so many clothes. I don’t think anyone really needs 11 pairs of jeans and 32 sweaters. I won’t tell you how many pairs of shoes I’ve got. That’s way too embarrassing. それはあまりにも恥ずかしいです。 The simple truth is I love clothes and I love shopping. 簡単な真実は、私は服が好きで、買い物が大好きだということです。 Maybe I have a problem. I’m sure I’d be a lot richer if I didn’t buy so many clothes. I like brands, so the clothes I buy are quite expensive. One day I’m going to have a big clearout. ある日、私は大きな空き地を持つことになります。 I’ll take all the clothes I no longer wear and give them to charity.