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It's hard to believe that no one had computers a few years ago.

I wonder how people lived. There must have been a lot of paperwork. I can't imagine writing everything by hand. I also wonder how everything worked without computers. We need computers today for everything. Hospitals, airports, the police… nothing can work without computers. I'm sure I'd be ten times busier than now if I didn't have a computer. Imagine having to find a piece of paper and an envelope and then walking down the street to mail a letter! I love my computer. It makes everything in my life so convenient. Sure, it freezes and crashes sometimes. Sure I lose some data. But that's not often. Most of the time my computer is like my best friend.


It’s hard to believe that no one had computers a few years ago. 数年前に誰もコンピュータを持っていなかったとは信じがたいことです。

I wonder how people lived. どうやって人々が生きたのだろうか。 There must have been a lot of paperwork. たくさんの事務処理があったに違いありません。 I can’t imagine writing everything by hand. I also wonder how everything worked without computers. また、コンピューターなしですべてがどのように機能したのかと思います。 We need computers today for everything. Hospitals, airports, the police… nothing can work without computers. I’m sure I’d be ten times busier than now if I didn’t have a computer. Imagine having to find a piece of paper and an envelope and then walking down the street to mail a letter! 一枚の紙と封筒を見つけて、通りを歩いて手紙を郵送しなければならないことを想像してください! I love my computer. It makes everything in my life so convenient. Sure, it freezes and crashes sometimes. Sure I lose some data. But that’s not often. Most of the time my computer is like my best friend.