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Why do we have crime?

When will it all stop? It's sad that there is so much crime in our society. It hurts so many people. Most people in the world just want to live happily and be good neighbours. Why do some people turn to crime? Money is a big reason. Many criminals pickpocket, steal, kidnap, or even kill people to get money. There are many terrible crimes in the world. Perhaps the worst is ethnic cleansing. This is a crime against humanity. Many people are killed because of their colour or religion. People who commit this crime rarely go to prison. Have you ever been a victim of crime? What do you think we need to do to reduce crime rates? Perhaps you should write to your government. Tell your leaders enough is enough.

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Why do we have crime?

When will it all stop? It’s sad that there is so much crime in our society. It hurts so many people. Most people in the world just want to live happily and be good neighbours. Why do some people turn to crime? Money is a big reason. Many criminals pickpocket, steal, kidnap, or even kill people to get money. There are many terrible crimes in the world. Perhaps the worst is ethnic cleansing. おそらく最悪は民族浄化です。 This is a crime against humanity. これは人道に対する罪です。 Many people are killed because of their colour or religion. People who commit this crime rarely go to prison. Have you ever been a victim of crime? 犯罪の被害者になったことはありますか? What do you think we need to do to reduce crime rates? Perhaps you should write to your government. おそらくあなたはあなたの政府に手紙を書くべきです。 Tell your leaders enough is enough. リーダーに十分だと伝えてください。