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Chickens are so important to many of us because they are a major part of our diet.

Every country has so many chicken dishes, and eggs are one of the most common foods around. Chickens are also cute. Well, chickens aren't, but chicks are - cute, fluffy chicks that make everyone go ‘aaahh'. It's strange though that the word ‘chicken' is used in so many English idioms. When I was at high school, you couldn't ‘chicken out' – to not do something because of being scared. Things are different today - I'm no spring chicken (that means I'm no longer young) so no one calls me a chicken any more. I work now - as a teacher. I get chicken feed (low wages) but I like my job. I plan to retire before I'm 50, but I'm not going to count my chickens before they're hatched. This means I won't quit working until I have enough money.


Chickens are so important to many of us because they are a major part of our diet. 鶏は私たちの食事の大部分を占めているため、私たちの多くにとって鶏はとても重要です。

Every country has so many chicken dishes, and eggs are one of the most common foods around. どの国にもたくさんの鶏肉料理があり、卵は最も一般的な食べ物の1つです。 Chickens are also cute. Well, chickens aren’t, but chicks are - cute, fluffy chicks that make everyone go ‘aaahh'. さて、ニワトリはそうではありませんが、ひよこはそうです-誰もが「ああああ」行くかわいい、ふわふわひよこ。 It’s strange though that the word ‘chicken' is used in so many English idioms. When I was at high school, you couldn’t ‘chicken out' – to not do something because of being scared. 私が高校にいたとき、あなたは「ニワトリを出す」ことができませんでした。 Things are different today - I’m no spring chicken (that means I’m no longer young) so no one calls me a chicken any more. I work now - as a teacher. I get chicken feed (low wages) but I like my job. 私は鶏の餌(低賃金)を受け取りますが、仕事が好きです。 I plan to retire before I’m 50, but I’m not going to count my chickens before they’re hatched. 私は50歳になる前に引退する予定ですが、chicken化する前に鶏を数えるつもりはありません。 This means I won’t quit working until I have enough money.