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I think fish are the most interesting creatures on the planet. They are absolutely fascinating. I love their different shapes, colours, social behaviour, everything. I can watch tropical fish in my aquarium for hours. Even the tiny little fish are so beautiful. When I go to the city aquarium, I can spend the whole morning or afternoon looking at the fish. I don't have a favourite fish. I must confess that after watching the movie ‘Finding Nemo' I do now like clownfish. As well as looking at fish, I also love eating them. Tuna is my favourite, especially raw tuna. When I visit Japan, the first thing I do is go to a sushi restaurant. Raw fish is so much tastier than cooked fish. And probably a lot healthier.


I think fish are the most interesting creatures on the planet. They are absolutely fascinating. I love their different shapes, colours, social behaviour, everything. I can watch tropical fish in my aquarium for hours. Even the tiny little fish are so beautiful. When I go to the city aquarium, I can spend the whole morning or afternoon looking at the fish. 市内の水族館に行くと、午前中も午後も魚を見ながら過ごすことができます。 I don't have a favourite fish. I must confess that after watching the movie ‘Finding Nemo' I do now like clownfish. As well as looking at fish, I also love eating them. Tuna is my favourite, especially raw tuna. When I visit Japan, the first thing I do is go to a sushi restaurant. Raw fish is so much tastier than cooked fish. And probably a lot healthier.