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Gambling is a very dangerous thing. At least that's what I think. I don't think much good comes of it. People lose their money and then get angry. Sometimes people lose everything they have. The only people who win are the companies, casinos, etc. that organize gambling. I don't really understand why people would want to risk their money. Most of the time they lose it. The odds are always against you. Gambling causes so many social problems I'm surprised governments allow it. In some countries it is illegal to gamble. This is good. I never understand why people gamble again and again. They must get fed up with throwing their money away. I suppose they always think the next one will be the one they make a lot of money.


Gambling is a very dangerous thing. At least that's what I think. 少なくともそれは私が思うことです。 I don't think much good comes of it. 私はそれがあまり良いとは思わない。 People lose their money and then get angry. Sometimes people lose everything they have. The only people who win are the companies, casinos, etc. 勝つ唯一の人は、会社、カジノなどです。 that organize gambling. I don't really understand why people would want to risk their money. 私は人々がお金を危険にさらしたいと思う理由を本当に理解していません。 Most of the time they lose it. ほとんどの場合、彼らはそれを失います。 The odds are always against you. オッズは常にあなたに反しています。 Gambling causes so many social problems I'm surprised governments allow it. In some countries it is illegal to gamble. This is good. I never understand why people gamble again and again. They must get fed up with throwing their money away. 彼らはお金を捨てることにうんざりしなければなりません。 I suppose they always think the next one will be the one they make a lot of money.