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I really like walking around gardens. Every garden is different. Even two gardens that are next to each other are different. I loved the garden our family had when I was small. I also loved starting my own garden when I bought my house. The best gardens in the world are in England. English country gardens are famous all over the world. The gardeners are like artists. It's amazing how they make everything so perfect and so colourful. I can sit in or walk through an English garden all day. I also like Japanese gardens. They also have a very special feel about them. Everything is so perfect and you feel really peaceful. I'd like to spend my life visiting different gardens.


I really like walking around gardens. Every garden is different. Even two gardens that are next to each other are different. 隣り合う2つの庭でさえ違います。 I loved the garden our family had when I was small. 私は小さい頃、家族が持っていた庭が大好きでした。 I also loved starting my own garden when I bought my house. 私は自分の家を買ったときに自分の庭を始めるのも大好きでした。 The best gardens in the world are in England. English country gardens are famous all over the world. The gardeners are like artists. It’s amazing how they make everything so perfect and so colourful. I can sit in or walk through an English garden all day. 私は一日中座ったり、英国式庭園を歩いたりすることができます。 I also like Japanese gardens. They also have a very special feel about them. 彼らはまた、彼らについて非常に特別な感覚を持っています。 Everything is so perfect and you feel really peaceful. すべてが完璧で、本当に平和な気分になります。 I’d like to spend my life visiting different gardens.