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Grammar! Why is English grammar so confusing? I studied grammar for many years at school and I still don't understand when to use a tense. Is it the simple present or the present perfect? What's the difference? My teacher tells me to keep visiting grammar websites and doing the practice activities. She told me to look for patterns, but I'm not really sure what she means. She also told me one of the best ways to learn grammar is to read for pleasure. She said that way I'll keep seeing good grammar and it will slowly come to me. I think the best way to learn grammar is to write and let my teacher point out my mistakes. Do you have any good tips on how to learn grammar?

Grammar Grammaire Gramática Dilbilgisi

Grammar! 文法! Why is English grammar so confusing? なぜ英語の文法はとても混乱するのですか? Почему грамматика английского языка так сбивает с толку? I studied grammar for many years at school and I still don't understand when to use a tense. 私は学校で長年文法を勉強しましたが、時制をいつ使うべきかまだわかりません。 Я много лет изучал грамматику в школе и до сих пор не понимаю, когда следует использовать время. Is it the simple present or the present perfect? シンプルなプレゼントですか、それとも完璧なプレゼントですか? Это простой подарок или настоящее совершенное? What's the difference? 違いは何ですか? My teacher tells me to keep visiting grammar websites and doing the practice activities. 私の先生は、文法のウェブサイトを訪問し、練習活動を続けるように私に言います。 She told me to look for patterns, but I'm not really sure what she means. 彼女は私にパターンを探すように言ったが、彼女が何を意味するのかよくわからない。 She also told me one of the best ways to learn grammar is to read for pleasure. 彼女はまた、文法を学ぶための最良の方法の一つは、喜びのために読むことだと私に言った。 She said that way I'll keep seeing good grammar and it will slowly come to me. قالت بهذه الطريقة سأستمر في رؤية قواعد جيدة وسيأتي لي ببطء. Sie sagte, so werde ich immer gute Grammatik sehen und es wird langsam zu mir kommen. 彼女はそう言ったので、私は良い文法を見続けるだろうし、それはゆっくりと私にやってくるだろう。 她说,这样我将不断看到良好的语法,它会慢慢传给我。 I think the best way to learn grammar is to write and let my teacher point out my mistakes. 文法を学ぶ最良の方法は、私の間違いを書いて先生に指摘させることだと思います。 Do you have any good tips on how to learn grammar? 文法を学ぶ上で良いヒントはありますか? 您对语法学习有什么好的建议吗?