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I wonder if heaven exists. I guess if heaven is real, then hell must be real too. I think heaven must be a great place if it's better than Earth. It's difficult to believe that heaven is a place that looks like paradise. Pretty much every religion in the world believes that heaven is real. I don't think it's full of angels with wings though. I think there are lots of heavenly places on Earth. Anywhere in the countryside is heaven to me. Sitting on a beach with blue skies is also heaven. You can even be in heaven in the city. Walking into a cool, air-conditioned building from a hot, sweaty street is heaven. I also find heaven in food. A double chocolate fudge and nut ice cream with maple syrup and extra whipped cream is simply heaven.


I wonder if heaven exists. 天国は存在するのだろうか。 I guess if heaven is real, then hell must be real too. I think heaven must be a great place if it's better than Earth. 天国は地球よりも優れていれば素晴らしい場所だと思います。 It's difficult to believe that heaven is a place that looks like paradise. Pretty much every religion in the world believes that heaven is real. I don't think it's full of angels with wings though. I think there are lots of heavenly places on Earth. 地球上には天国がたくさんあると思います。 Anywhere in the countryside is heaven to me. Sitting on a beach with blue skies is also heaven. You can even be in heaven in the city. Walking into a cool, air-conditioned building from a hot, sweaty street is heaven. 暑くて汗をかく通りから冷暖房完備の建物に入るのは最高です。 I also find heaven in food. A double chocolate fudge and nut ice cream with maple syrup and extra whipped cream is simply heaven. ダブルチョコレートファッジとナッツアイスクリーム、メープルシロップと余分なホイップクリームは、まさに天国です。