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I don't understand hip-hop.

I think it's an age thing. Hip-hop came along just as I stopped buying music and going to clubs. I really don't understand it. Most of my friends aren't into it either. My sons are. They love it. They're into the fashion and the music. They never seem to stop dancing to it. When I went to America, I took them to an exhibition on hip-hop. It's an important part of America's culture now. It's also a unique aspect of America's cultural history. Many people thought hip-hop was a passing fashion; that something would replace it. The truth is quite different. Hip-hop has almost become mainstream. You know when that happens because everyone else in the world tries to copy it. Hip-hop is huge all over the world.


I don’t understand hip-hop. ヒップホップがわかりません。

I think it’s an age thing. 年齢の問題だと思います。 Hip-hop came along just as I stopped buying music and going to clubs. 音楽を買ってクラブに行くのをやめた直後に、ヒップホップがやって来ました。 I really don’t understand it. 本当にわかりません。 Most of my friends aren’t into it either. 私の友人のほとんどもそれに興味がありません。 My sons are. 私の息子はそうです。 They love it. 彼らはそれが大好きです。 They’re into the fashion and the music. 彼らはファッションと音楽に夢中です。 They never seem to stop dancing to it. 彼らはそれに合わせて踊ることをやめないようです。 When I went to America, I took them to an exhibition on hip-hop. アメリカに行ったとき、私は彼らをヒップホップの展示会に連れて行きました。 It’s an important part of America’s culture now. それは今アメリカの文化の重要な部分です。 It’s also a unique aspect of America’s cultural history. それはまた、アメリカの文化史のユニークな側面でもあります。 Many people thought hip-hop was a passing fashion; that something would replace it. 多くの人が、ヒップホップは流行りだと思っていました。何かがそれを置き換えるでしょう。 The truth is quite different. 真実はまったく異なります。 Hip-hop has almost become mainstream. ヒップホップはほとんど主流になっています。 You know when that happens because everyone else in the world tries to copy it. 世界中の誰もがそれをコピーしようとするので、いつそれが起こるか知っています。 Hip-hop is huge all over the world. ヒップホップは世界中で巨大です。