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My favourite subject at school was history. I don't know why. I loved reading the stories about famous people and famous events. When I was little, history was just stories. As I got older, I realized history is the study of how we got here today. It's a long journey that describes all the wars, great people, inventions, disasters, etc that have brought us to this point in time. I now love any kind of history. It's fascinating to visit a new country and learn about its history. Watching the news today is like seeing history unfold. Lots of the things I learnt at school now make the news more interesting. History provides us with the perfect background information to a news story.


My favourite subject at school was history. Moje nejoblíbenější téma ve škole byla historie. 学校で私のお気に入りの科目は歴史でした。 Minha matéria favorita na escola era história. I don’t know why. 理由はわかりません。 Não sei porque. I loved reading the stories about famous people and famous events. 私は有名な人々と有名なイベントについての物語を読むのが好きでした。 Adorei ler as histórias sobre pessoas famosas e eventos famosos. When I was little, history was just stories. عندما كنت صغيراً ، كان التاريخ مجرد قصص. 私が小さい頃、歴史は物語でした。 Quando eu era pequena, a história eram apenas histórias. As I got older, I realized history is the study of how we got here today. Když jsem starší, uvědomil jsem si, že historie je studium toho, jak jsme se sem dostali dnes. 私が年をとるにつれて、歴史は私たちが今日ここに来た方法の研究であることに気づきました。 Quando fiquei mais velho, percebi que a história é o estudo de como chegamos aqui hoje. It’s a long journey that describes all the wars, great people, inventions, disasters, etc that have brought us to this point in time. Je to dlouhá cesta, která popisuje všechny války, skvělé lidi, vynálezy, katastrofy atd., Které nás do tohoto okamžiku přivedly. それは、この時点までに私たちを導いてきたすべての戦争、偉人、発明、災害などを説明する長い旅です。 É uma longa jornada que descreve todas as guerras, grandes pessoas, invenções, desastres etc. que nos levaram a esse ponto no tempo. I now love any kind of history. 私は今、どんな種類の歴史も好きです。 Agora eu amo qualquer tipo de história. It’s fascinating to visit a new country and learn about its history. 新しい国を訪れ、その歴史について学ぶのは魅力的です。 É fascinante visitar um novo país e aprender sobre sua história. Watching the news today is like seeing history unfold. Sledování dnešních zpráv je jako vidět historii. 今日のニュースを見ることは歴史が展開するのを見ることのようなものです。 Ver as notícias hoje é como ver a história se desenrolar. Lots of the things I learnt at school now make the news more interesting. 私が学校で学んだことの多くが今ニュースをより面白くしています。 Muitas das coisas que aprendi na escola agora tornam as notícias mais interessantes. History provides us with the perfect background information to a news story. Historie nám poskytuje perfektní podkladové informace k novinkám. 歴史は私たちにニュース記事の完全な背景情報を提供します。 A história nos fornece as informações de fundo perfeitas para uma notícia.