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I love holidays. They are the best thing in the world. The only problem is they are always too short. Even summer holidays at school aren't long enough. I recently had an eight-week holiday and it flew by. It seems as though time goes quickly when we are on holiday, and slowly when we are at school or work. I always really look forward to holidays – even one-day holidays are great. I live in a country that has many national holidays, so there's always a break around the corner. I feel sorry for some workers who only get two or three weeks holiday a year. They can't do anything or go anywhere. I love holidays even if I don't go away. Staying at home is just as good as going on holiday somewhere. Sometimes going on holiday is stressful.

Holidays Holidays

I love holidays. They are the best thing in the world. 彼らは世界で最高のものです。 The only problem is they are always too short. Even summer holidays at school aren’t long enough. 学校での夏休みでも十分ではありません。 I recently had an eight-week holiday and it flew by. 私は最近、8週間の休暇を過ごしました。 It seems as though time goes quickly when we are on holiday, and slowly when we are at school or work. I always really look forward to holidays – even one-day holidays are great. I live in a country that has many national holidays, so there’s always a break around the corner. 私は国民の祝日が多い国に住んでいるので、いつも角を曲がったところに休憩があります。 I feel sorry for some workers who only get two or three weeks holiday a year. 年に2、3週間しか休暇をとらない労働者がいることを残念に思います。 They can’t do anything or go anywhere. I love holidays even if I don’t go away. 離れなくても休日が大好きです。 Staying at home is just as good as going on holiday somewhere. 家にいるのはどこかで休暇をとるのと同じくらい良いです。 Sometimes going on holiday is stressful. 休日に行くことはストレスが多い場合があります。