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Immigration wasn't really a problem a long time ago. Many countries welcomed immigrants because they needed workers. The USA, Australia and Canada encouraged millions of people to come and live in their countries. Today, however, immigration is becoming a problem. Many countries are trying to control immigration. At election time, it is a major issue. Immigration today is big business. More and more people from poor countries want to live in rich countries. It is easier to travel nowadays because of cheap transport and more open borders. People risk their lives to get the chance of starting a new life in a rich country. This can cause anger in the countries immigrants go to. It is an issue that will be with us forever, I think.


Immigration wasn't really a problem a long time ago. 移民は昔は本当に問題ではありませんでした。 Many countries welcomed immigrants because they needed workers. The USA, Australia and Canada encouraged millions of people to come and live in their countries. Today, however, immigration is becoming a problem. Many countries are trying to control immigration. At election time, it is a major issue. 選挙時には、それは大きな問題です。 Immigration today is big business. More and more people from poor countries want to live in rich countries. It is easier to travel nowadays because of cheap transport and more open borders. 安価な輸送とより多くの国境が開かれているため、最近の旅行は簡単です。 People risk their lives to get the chance of starting a new life in a rich country. 人々は自分の命を危険にさらし、豊かな国で新しい生活を始めるチャンスを得ます。 This can cause anger in the countries immigrants go to. It is an issue that will be with us forever, I think. それは私たちと永遠に続く問題だと思います。