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The Moon is a very mysterious thing. It has fascinated us for thousands of years. It is mentioned everywhere in science and literature almost from the time humans started writing. And today, it still fills us with wonder. The most amazing thing about the Moon is that humans have been there. Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon's surface must be the greatest human achievement ever. Even though man has walked on the Moon, not everyone agrees on its colour. In Japan, and perhaps in other countries too, they think it's yellow. Of course, the Moon is white. One day, we'll probably have holidays on the Moon. I'd totally love that. Imagine staying in a Moon hotel and waking up in the morning to look at the Earth.


The Moon is a very mysterious thing. It has fascinated us for thousands of years. 何千年もの間、私たちを魅了してきました。 It is mentioned everywhere in science and literature almost from the time humans started writing. それはほとんど人間が執筆を始めた頃から科学や文学の至る所で言及されています。 And today, it still fills us with wonder. そして今日、それはまだ私たちを不思議で満たしています。 The most amazing thing about the Moon is that humans have been there. 月について最も驚くべきことは、人間がそこにいたことです。 Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon's surface must be the greatest human achievement ever. Even though man has walked on the Moon, not everyone agrees on its colour. 人が月の上を歩いたとしても、その色に誰もが同意するわけではありません。 In Japan, and perhaps in other countries too, they think it's yellow. Of course, the Moon is white. One day, we'll probably have holidays on the Moon. いつの日か、月に祝日が来るでしょう。 I'd totally love that. 私はそれが大好きです。 Imagine staying in a Moon hotel and waking up in the morning to look at the Earth.