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The whole world is fascinated by UFOs. Do they exist or don't they? I bet you know someone who says they have seen a UFO. Probably someone a little crazy. If you think about it, UFOs are real. There are many things flying around in space and scientists don't know what they are. That means they are unidentified flying objects, UFOs. Now, it's a different matter about UFOs being space ships full of little green men. I'm not sure that's true. I'm sure if aliens in space ships traveled all the way to Earth, they would pop in and say hello. I'm also sure that if there were UFOs flying around our galaxy, NASA telescopes could spot them. One day, our space ships will be UFOs and we'll be the aliens.


The whole world is fascinated by UFOs. 全世界がUFOに魅了されています。 Do they exist or don't they? それらは存在しますか、それとも存在しませんか? I bet you know someone who says they have seen a UFO. 私はあなたが彼らがUFOを見たと言う誰かを知っているに違いない。 Probably someone a little crazy. おそらく少し頭がおかしい人。 If you think about it, UFOs are real. あなたがそれについて考えるならば、UFOは本物です。 There are many things flying around in space and scientists don't know what they are. 宇宙にはたくさんのものが飛び交っていて、科学者たちはそれらが何であるかを知りません。 That means they are unidentified flying objects, UFOs. それはそれらが未確認飛行物体、UFOであることを意味します。 Now, it's a different matter about UFOs being space ships full of little green men. さて、UFOが小さな緑の男でいっぱいの宇宙船であるということは別の問題です。 I'm not sure that's true. それが本当かどうかはわかりません。 I'm sure if aliens in space ships traveled all the way to Earth, they would pop in and say hello. 宇宙船に乗ったエイリアンが地球まで旅をしたとしたら、彼らは立ち寄って挨拶するでしょう。 I'm also sure that if there were UFOs flying around our galaxy, NASA telescopes could spot them. また、私たちの銀河の周りを飛んでいるUFOがあれば、NASAの望遠鏡がそれらを見つけることができると確信しています。 One day, our space ships will be UFOs and we'll be the aliens. いつの日か、私たちの宇宙船はUFOになり、私たちはエイリアンになります。