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I can't wait for retirement. I'm praying I can retire early. I like my job, but I like staying at home and doing my own thing more. Many people fear retirement. They worry about what they'll do. I'm not worried at all. I know I can fill my days forever. Retirement is a time to do all the things you never had time to do because you were working. I have over 1,000 books on my reading list. I have hundreds of things to learn on the computer and lots of new hobbies. Early retirement for me would be 50. Most people retire at 60 or 65. I think 50 would be perfect. You're still fit and healthy. You can still do lots of things. I wonder what it feels like to retire so young. To wake up every morning and never think about work.


I can't wait for retirement. I'm praying I can retire early. 早く引退できるように祈っています。 I like my job, but I like staying at home and doing my own thing more. Many people fear retirement. They worry about what they'll do. 彼らは自分たちが何をするか心配しています。 I'm not worried at all. I know I can fill my days forever. Retirement is a time to do all the things you never had time to do because you were working. 退職とは、あなたが働いていたために時間がなかったすべてのことをする時間です。 I have over 1,000 books on my reading list. 読書リストに1,000冊以上の本があります。 I have hundreds of things to learn on the computer and lots of new hobbies. Early retirement for me would be 50. Most people retire at 60 or 65. I think 50 would be perfect. You're still fit and healthy. You can still do lots of things. I wonder what it feels like to retire so young. 若くして引退するのはどんな感じだろうか。 To wake up every morning and never think about work.