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Inter-War Period (between WW 1 and II), The True Story of How WW2 Began | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1939 Part 3 of 3 I SEASON FINALE - YouTube (2)

The True Story of How WW2 Began | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1939 Part 3 of 3 I SEASON FINALE - YouTube (2)

conflict all over the world.

Stalin supports and aids Socialist and Communist revolutionaries in nations around the globe.

Fascist parties seek and get Hitler's and Mussolini's support, both ideologically

and practically.

In Spain the forces supplied on one side by Stalin, and the other by Hitler and Mussolini

escalate that conflict into a more violent, bloodier, deadlier, and longer conflict than

it would have been.

In this microcosm, the world looks on with horror as modern war is put on display in

all its foul glory.

Based on the apparently clear delimitations between left wing and right wing forces in

the proxy war that is the Spanish Civil War, it it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking

that a coming conflagration will be first and foremost ideological.

But it is the pragmatic alliance between Mao and Chiang, and Hitler's support of an enemy

of Japan, that are the true signs of the times.

First and foremost comes the goals of domination and expansion, and only second comes the ideological


This was clearer than ever a few days ago when Stalin and Hitler shocked the world by

entering into a non-aggression pact, and a secret alliance to carve up central and Eastern

Europe, despite their oft repeated, propagandized hatred for each other and their opposed ideologies.

Like with Mao and Chiang, there is no doubt that this is a temporary solution.

An unholy alliance, that must eventually collapse under a final showdown between the two parties.

Nonetheless, there it is - two of the world's mightiest war machineries can proceed with

territorial expansionism without fear of each other, at least for now.

But before that can happen, Stalin needs to settle some unfinished business in Eastern

Asia, and that he does today.

The Soviets and Mongolia are allied there in a de-facto, undeclared border war with

the Japanese Kwantung Army in occupied Manchuria, now Manchukuo.

The conflict has been brewing since 1932 and in the last four years it has steadily escalated

into outright war.

In July the Kwantung Army tries to break the stalemate by attacking across the River Kalkh,

Khalkin Gol in Mongolian.

Here they encounter the defenses led by the newly appointed Red Army commander Georgy


He has been holding back the Japanese for almost two months, requesting reinforcements

to strike back.

Now that Stalin has signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, the forces engaged there are a ball

and chain that he needs to free himself of to concentrate on Europe.

Zhukov gets his reinforcements and in the first application of Red Army Deep Operations,

Soviet Blitzkrieg, he achieves a decisive victory today on August 31, just in time for


Today is also the culmination of a massive buildup of German forces on the borders of

Poland, supported by Slovakian auxiliary divisions on the Southern end.

In the West, Wehrmacht reserves have taken up defensive positions on the French, Swiss,

and Benelux borders.

For weeks the German state-controlled press has been full of fake news about Polish mass

murder of ethnic Germans, border incursions, and violations of sovereignty.

The German people believe it is they who are under attack.

At 2000 hours in Hotel Haus Oberschlesien in the small town of Gleiwitz on the German-Polish

border, German SS-Sturmbannführer Alfred Naujocks gets a phone call.

The voice on the other end says only one thing: “Grandmother is dead.”

It is the codeword that sends Naujocks into the night to orchestrate the beginning of

World War Two.

He and his accomplices take over the Gleiwitz radio relay station and repeatedly broadcast

the following message in German and in Polish: „Achtung!


This is Gleiwitz.

The station is under Polish control […] The hour of freedom has arrived!“

For four minutes they then call for Polish militants to rise up against Germany and end

with “Long live Poland!“

And with these lies, these cynical words, the German war machinery is finally set in


Twenty one years after the tide turned on Germany in The Great War, the Germans will

have their revenge.

For the world it has been a roller coaster ride of boom and bust, love and hate, rebirth

and death.

The map of the world has been redrawn over and over again in attempts to placate desires

for national sovereignty, ethnic rights, and fair economic opportunity, to shift the forces

of mankind away from destruction toward development.

In 1918, much of humanity emerged out of the fog of global war into a dawn of new promises

for democracy, equal opportunity, technological development, prosperity, and freedom . By

now in 1939, that hope has faded under the pressure of the ideologies of chauvinism,

demagoguery, division, and death.

Two decades in a world of paranoia, conspiracy theories, self righteousness, and jingoism.

Twenty years when the rhetoric of hatred has fanned the flames of war.

And now, that fire will be the only guiding light for humanity as the world descends into

the darkness of the Second World War.

I am Thanos

The True Story of How WW2 Began | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1939 Part 3 of 3 I SEASON FINALE - YouTube (2) Die wahre Geschichte, wie der 2. Weltkrieg begann | ZWISCHEN 2 KRIEGEN I 1939 Teil 3 von 3 I SEASON FINALE - YouTube (2) The True Story of How WW2 Began | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1939 Part 3 of 3 I SEASON FINALE - YouTube (2) La verdadera historia de cómo empezó la 2ª Guerra Mundial | ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1939 Parte 3 de 3 I SEASON FINALE - YouTube (2) La véritable histoire du début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale | ENTRE 2 GUERRES I 1939 Partie 3 de 3 I FIN DE SAISON - YouTube (2) La vera storia di come è iniziata la Seconda Guerra Mondiale | TRA 2 GUERRE I 1939 Parte 3 di 3 I FINALE DI STAGIONE - YouTube (2) 第2次世界大戦勃発の真相|BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1939 Part 3 of 3 I SEASON FINALE - YouTube (2) 제2차 세계대전이 어떻게 시작되었는지에 대한 실화 | 2차 세계대전 1939년 시즌 피날레의 3부 - YouTube (2) Tikroji istorija apie tai, kaip prasidėjo Antrasis pasaulinis karas | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1939 Part 3 of 3 I SEZON FINALE - YouTube (2) A verdadeira história de como começou a 2ª Guerra Mundial | ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1939 Parte 3 de 3 I SEASON FINALE - YouTube (2) Правдивая история о том, как началась Вторая мировая война | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1939 Part 3 of 3 I SEASON FINALE - YouTube (2) İkinci Dünya Savaşının Nasıl Başladığının Gerçek Hikayesi | 2 SAVAŞ ARASINDA I 1939 Bölüm 3 / 3 I SEZON FİNALİ - YouTube (2) Правдива історія про те, як почалася Друга світова війна | МІЖ ДВОМА ВІЙНАМИ I 1939 Частина 3 з 3 I СЕЗОНУ ФІНАЛ - YouTube (2) 第二次世界大战如何开始的真实故事 | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1939 第 3 部分,共 3 季结局 - YouTube (2) 第二次世界大戰如何開始的真實故事 | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1939 第 3 部分,共 3 季結局 - YouTube (2)

conflict all over the world.

Stalin supports and aids Socialist and Communist revolutionaries in nations around the globe.

Fascist parties seek and get Hitler's and Mussolini's support, both ideologically те поддерживают их морально и материально.

and practically.

In Spain the forces supplied on one side by Stalin, and the other by Hitler and Mussolini

escalate that conflict into a more violent, bloodier, deadlier, and longer conflict than

it would have been.

In this microcosm, the world looks on with horror as modern war is put on display in

all its foul glory.

Based on the apparently clear delimitations between left wing and right wing forces in

the proxy war that is the Spanish Civil War, it it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking |guerra subsidiaria||||||||||||||||| легко подпасть под заблуждение,

that a coming conflagration will be first and foremost ideological.

But it is the pragmatic alliance between Mao and Chiang, and Hitler's support of an enemy

of Japan, that are the true signs of the times. говорят об истинных намерениях стран в те вермена.

First and foremost comes the goals of domination and expansion, and only second comes the ideological В первую очередь преследуются цели доминирования и расширения, и лишь во вторую - идеологическая война.

war. Это стало яснее ясного, когда пару дней назад Сталин с Гитлером шокировали весь мир,

This was clearer than ever a few days ago when Stalin and Hitler shocked the world by

entering into a non-aggression pact, and a secret alliance to carve up central and Eastern

Europe, despite their oft repeated, propagandized hatred for each other and their opposed ideologies. несмотря на нескрываемую и пропагандируемую ненависть и вражду друг с другом.

Like with Mao and Chiang, there is no doubt that this is a temporary solution. Как и в случае с Мао и Чаном, нет сомнений, что потепление отношений продлится недолго.

An unholy alliance, that must eventually collapse under a final showdown between the two parties.

Nonetheless, there it is - two of the world's mightiest war machineries can proceed with

territorial expansionism without fear of each other, at least for now. по крайней мере сейчас.

But before that can happen, Stalin needs to settle some unfinished business in Eastern Но пока этого не произошло, Сталину нужно уладить одно неоконченное дело в восточной Азии,

Asia, and that he does today. и он приступает сегодня же.

The Soviets and Mongolia are allied there in a de-facto, undeclared border war with Советы и монгольцы союзничают в необъявленной войне против Квантунской армии японцев

the Japanese Kwantung Army in occupied Manchuria, now Manchukuo. ||||||Manchuria ocupada|| на границе оккупированной Манчьжурии, тогда Маньчжоу-Го.

The conflict has been brewing since 1932 and in the last four years it has steadily escalated

into outright war.

In July the Kwantung Army tries to break the stalemate by attacking across the River Kalkh,

Khalkin Gol in Mongolian.

Here they encounter the defenses led by the newly appointed Red Army commander Georgy ||||||||recién nombrado|||||

Zhukov. Он держит оборону от японцев уже два месяца и просит подкрепления для контратаки

He has been holding back the Japanese for almost two months, requesting reinforcements

to strike back.

Now that Stalin has signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, the forces engaged there are a ball

and chain that he needs to free himself of to concentrate on Europe.

Zhukov gets his reinforcements and in the first application of Red Army Deep Operations,

Soviet Blitzkrieg, he achieves a decisive victory today on August 31, just in time for как раз когда нужно Сталину.


Today is also the culmination of a massive buildup of German forces on the borders of

Poland, supported by Slovakian auxiliary divisions on the Southern end. поддерживаемых с юга словацкими вспомогательными дивизиями.

In the West, Wehrmacht reserves have taken up defensive positions on the French, Swiss, На западе Вермхат занимает оборонительные позиции вдоль границ с Францией, Швейцарией

and Benelux borders. и странами Бенилюкса.

For weeks the German state-controlled press has been full of fake news about Polish mass

murder of ethnic Germans, border incursions, and violations of sovereignty.

The German people believe it is they who are under attack.

At 2000 hours in Hotel Haus Oberschlesien in the small town of Gleiwitz on the German-Polish В 8 часов вечера в отеле Хаус Обершлизен в городке Глайвице, стоящем на немецко-польской границе,

border, German SS-Sturmbannführer Alfred Naujocks gets a phone call. в номере штурмбаннфюрера СС Альфреда Науйокса раздаётся звонок.

The voice on the other end says only one thing: “Grandmother is dead.” Голос на другом конце линии говорит одну фразу:"Бабушка умерла".

It is the codeword that sends Naujocks into the night to orchestrate the beginning of Это кодовая фраза, посылающая Науйокса в ночь организовать начало Второй Мировой войны.

World War Two.

He and his accomplices take over the Gleiwitz radio relay station and repeatedly broadcast

the following message in German and in Polish: „Achtung! "Achtung!

Achtung! Achtung!

This is Gleiwitz. Это Глайвиц. Радиостанция теперь под контролем поляков. Час свободы настал!"

The station is under Polish control […] The hour of freedom has arrived!“

For four minutes they then call for Polish militants to rise up against Germany and end

with “Long live Poland!“

And with these lies, these cynical words, the German war machinery is finally set in

motion. 21 год спустя поражения Германии в Великой войне немцы наконец смогут отомстить.

Twenty one years after the tide turned on Germany in The Great War, the Germans will

have their revenge.

For the world it has been a roller coaster ride of boom and bust, love and hate, rebirth

and death.

The map of the world has been redrawn over and over again in attempts to placate desires

for national sovereignty, ethnic rights, and fair economic opportunity, to shift the forces

of mankind away from destruction toward development.

In 1918, much of humanity emerged out of the fog of global war into a dawn of new promises

for democracy, equal opportunity, technological development, prosperity, and freedom . By технологическому прогрессу, процветанию и свободе.

now in 1939, that hope has faded under the pressure of the ideologies of chauvinism, К 1939 г. эти надежды улетучились под напором идеологического шовинизма

demagoguery, division, and death. демагогии, разделённости и смерти.

Two decades in a world of paranoia, conspiracy theories, self righteousness, and jingoism. Два десятилетия паранойи, теорий заговора, лицемерия и ура-патриотизма.

Twenty years when the rhetoric of hatred has fanned the flames of war. Двадцать лет риторика ненависти подливала масло в огонь войны,

And now, that fire will be the only guiding light for humanity as the world descends into и теперь этот огонь будет единственным светом, направляющим человечество,

the darkness of the Second World War.

I am Thanos