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Easy Reading, 175. The Citizenship Interview

175. The Citizenship Interview

Emma went downtown.

She had to take a test. It was a big test. It was her citizenship test. It was her test to become a U.S. citizen. The test had 100 questions. She had studied all 100 questions. She knew the answers to all 100 questions. She knew the colors of the flag. The flag is red, white, and blue. She knew how many stripes are on the flag. Thirteen stripes are on the flag. She knew how many stars are on the flag. Fifty stars are on the flag. She knew the capital of the United States. Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. She knew all the answers! She entered the federal building downtown. She waited for them to call her name. They called her name. She went into the interview room. The interviewer asked, "What is your social security number?

175. The Citizenship Interview 175. La entrevista de ciudadanía 175. 시민권 인터뷰 175. Собеседование на получение гражданства

Emma went downtown.

She had to take a test. It was a big test. It was her citizenship test. It was her test to become a U.S. citizen. The test had 100 questions. She had studied all 100 questions. 彼女は100の質問すべてを研究していました。 She knew the answers to all 100 questions. 彼女は100の質問すべてに対する答えを知っていました。 She knew the colors of the flag. 彼女は旗の色を知っていました。 The flag is red, white, and blue. フラグは赤、白、青です。 She knew how many stripes are on the flag. 彼女は旗に何本の縞があるかを知っていました。 Thirteen stripes are on the flag. 旗には13個のストライプがあります。 She knew how many stars are on the flag. 彼女は旗の上にいくつの星があるかを知っていました。 Fifty stars are on the flag. 50個の星が旗の上にあります。 She knew the capital of the United States. 彼女はアメリカの首都を知っていました。 Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States. は米国の首都です。 She knew all the answers! 彼女はすべての答えを知っていました! She entered the federal building downtown. 彼女はダウンタウンの連邦ビルに入りました。 She waited for them to call her name. 彼女は彼らが彼女の名前を呼ぶのを待った。 They called her name. She went into the interview room. The interviewer asked, "What is your social security number? インタビュアーは、「あなたの社会保障番号は?