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Easy Reading, 98. A Big Cat

98. A Big Cat

The mountains are beautiful.

But they can be dangerous. Yesterday a mountain lion attacked a woman. The woman was walking on a trail with her friend. The trail was in the mountains. Donna was walking in front of Linda. They were walking uphill on the mountain trail. The mountain lion jumped out of the bushes. It attacked Donna. Donna screamed. Linda hit the mountain lion with her backpack. The mountain lion grabbed the backpack with its mouth. It ran into the bushes with the backpack. Both women sat on the trail. They were crying. Donna's nose and ears were bleeding. About five minutes later, a man walked up. He asked them what happened. He had a cell phone. He dialed 911. But his cell phone did not work in the mountains. He said he would get help. He ran back down the trail. Donna was afraid to stay in the mountains. So was Linda. They got up and slowly walked down the trail. They held hands. They did not say a word. They kept looking around and behind them. They were so afraid. They jumped when they heard a strange sound. Was the mountain lion following them?

98. A Big Cat 98. Eine große Katze 98. Un gran gato 98. Um grande gato

The mountains are beautiful.

But they can be dangerous. しかし、それらは危険な場合があります。 Dar pot fi periculoase. Yesterday a mountain lion attacked a woman. 昨日、マウンテンライオンが女性を攻撃しました。 Ieri un leu de munte a atacat o femeie. The woman was walking on a trail with her friend. 女性は友達と一緒に道を歩いていた。 여자는 친구와 함께 길을 걷고 있었다. 那个女人正和她的朋友一起走在小路上。 The trail was in the mountains. トレイルは山の中にありました。 小径在山上。 Donna was walking in front of Linda. ドナはリンダの前を歩いていました。 唐娜走在琳达前面。 They were walking uphill on the mountain trail. 彼らは登山道の上り坂を歩いていました。 그들은 산길을 오르막길을 걷고 있었다. Mergeau în sus pe traseul montan. 他们沿着山路走上坡路。 The mountain lion jumped out of the bushes. マウンテンライオンが茂みから飛び出した。 산 사자가 덤불에서 뛰어 내 렸습니다. 美洲狮从灌木丛中跳了出来。 It attacked Donna. ドナを攻撃した。 它袭击了唐娜。 Donna screamed. ドナは叫んだ。 唐娜尖叫起来。 Linda hit the mountain lion with her backpack. リンダはバックパックでマウンテンライオンを攻撃しました。 琳达用她的背包击中了美洲狮。 The mountain lion grabbed the backpack with its mouth. マウンテンライオンはバックパックを口でつかみました。 美洲狮用嘴咬住背包。 It ran into the bushes with the backpack. バックパックを持って茂みにぶつかった。 它背着背包跑进了灌木丛。 Both women sat on the trail. 二人の女性はトレイルに座った。 두 여자 모두 길에 앉아있었습니다. 两个女人都坐在小路上。 They were crying. 彼らは泣いていた。 Plângeau. 他们在哭。 Donna’s nose and ears were bleeding. ドナの鼻と耳が出血していた。 唐娜的鼻子和耳朵都在流血。 About five minutes later, a man walked up. 約5分後、男性が登りました。 大约五分钟后,一个男人走了上来。 He asked them what happened. 彼は彼らに何が起こったのか尋ねた。 他问他们发生了什么事。 He had a cell phone. 彼は携帯電話を持っていた。 他有一部手机。 He dialed 911. 彼は911にダイヤルした。 他拨通了 911。 But his cell phone did not work in the mountains. しかし、彼の携帯電話は山で機能しませんでした。 但是他的手机在山里打不通。 He said he would get help. 彼は助けを得るだろうと言った。 그는 도움을받을 것이라고 말했다. A spus că va primi ajutor. 他说他会得到帮助。 He ran back down the trail. 彼はトレイルを逆走した。 그는 흔적을 따라 내려 갔다. A fugit înapoi pe potecă. 他沿着小路跑了回去。 Donna was afraid to stay in the mountains. ドナは山にとどまることを恐れた。 唐娜不敢留在山里。 So was Linda. リンダもそうだった。 La fel și Linda. 琳达也是。 They got up and slowly walked down the trail. 彼らは立ち上がり、ゆっくりとトレイルを歩いた。 S-au ridicat și au mers încet pe potecă. 他们起身,慢慢地沿着小路走下去。 They held hands. 彼らは手を取り合った。 그들은 손을 잡았습니다. Se țineau de mână. 他们牵着手。 They did not say a word. 彼らは一言も言わなかった。 Nu au spus niciun cuvânt. 他们没有说一句话。 They kept looking around and behind them. 彼らは周りを見回し、背後を見続けた。 Se tot uitau în jur și în spatele lor. 他们不停地环顾四周和身后。 They were so afraid. Le era atât de frică. 他们非常害怕。 They jumped when they heard a strange sound. 彼らは奇妙な音を聞いてジャンプした。 Au sărit când au auzit un sunet ciudat. 当他们听到奇怪的声音时,他们跳了起来。 Was the mountain lion following them? マウンテンライオンは彼らに続いていましたか? 산 사자가 그들을 따르고 있었습니까? Leul de munte îi urmărea?