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Easy Reading, 99. He Loved Her

99. He Loved Her

The man set the woman on fire.

She was a dancer in a night club. The man came to the night club once a month. He asked the woman for her phone number. She said no. "I don't even know you," she said. "Why would I give you my phone number?" He told her that he was in love with her. She told him that he was crazy. How could he be in love with her? He didn't even know her. He didn't know anything about her. He finished his drink and paid for it. He left the night club. He sat in his car in the parking lot. She was glad that he left. Later she went outside to smoke a cigarette. The man got out of his car. She did not see him or hear him. He poured gasoline on her and threw a match on her. She was on fire. She started screaming. She ran into the night club. The manager put the fire out with his jacket. But her face and hands were badly burnt. No one would ever ask for her phone number again.

99. He Loved Her 99. Er liebte sie 99. La amaba 99. Ele amava-a

The man set the woman on fire. 男は女に火をつけた。 남자는 여자를 불 태웠다. Bărbatul a dat foc femeii. 男人放火烧了女人。

She was a dancer in a night club. 彼女はナイトクラブのダンサーでした。 Era dansatoare într-un club de noapte. The man came to the night club once a month. 男は月に一度、ナイトクラブに来た。 He asked the woman for her phone number. 彼は女性に彼女の電話番号を尋ねました。 그는 여자에게 전화 번호를 물었다. She said no. 彼女はノーと言った。 "I don’t even know you," she said. 「私もあなたを知らない」と彼女は言った。 "나는 당신을 모른다"고 말했다. - Nici măcar nu te cunosc, spuse ea. "Why would I give you my phone number?" 「なぜ私の電話番号を教えてくれるの?」 “我为什么要给你我的电话号码?” He told her that he was in love with her. 彼は彼女に恋していると彼女に話しました。 She told him that he was crazy. 彼女は彼がおかしいと彼に言った。 How could he be in love with her? 彼はどうして彼女に恋をすることができたのでしょうか? 그는 어떻게 그녀와 사랑에 빠질 수 있었습니까? 他怎么可能爱上她? He didn’t even know her. 彼も彼女を知らなかった。 그는 심지어 그녀를 몰랐다. He didn’t know anything about her. 彼は彼女について何も知りませんでした。 He finished his drink and paid for it. 彼は飲み物を終えて、それを支払いました。 그는 음료를 마쳤고 돈을 지불했습니다. 他喝完了酒,付了钱。 He left the night club. 彼はナイトクラブを去った。 他离开了夜总会。 He sat in his car in the parking lot. 彼は車を駐車場に座っていた。 他坐在停车场的车里。 She was glad that he left. 彼女は彼が去ったことを嬉しかった。 她很高兴他离开了。 Later she went outside to smoke a cigarette. その後、彼女は外に出てタバコを吸いました。 后来她出去抽了根烟。 The man got out of his car. その男は車から降りた。 남자가 차에서 내 렸습니다. 那人从他的车里下来。 She did not see him or hear him. 彼女は彼に会わなかったし、彼のことも聞いていなかった。 她没有看到他,也没有听到他的声音。 He poured gasoline on her and threw a match on her. 彼は彼女にガソリンを注ぎ、彼女にマッチを投げました。 他把汽油倒在她身上,并向她扔了一根火柴。 She was on fire. 彼女は燃えていた。 그녀는 불타고 있었다. Era pe foc. 她着火了。 She started screaming. 彼女は叫び始めました。 그녀는 비명을 지르기 시작했다. 她开始尖叫。 She ran into the night club. 彼女はナイトクラブに出会った。 她跑进了夜总会。 The manager put the fire out with his jacket. マネージャーは彼のジャケットで火を消した。 관리자는 그의 재킷으로 불을 꺼 냈습니다. Managerul a stins focul cu jacheta. 经理用他的夹克把火扑灭了。 But her face and hands were badly burnt. しかし、彼女の顔と手はひどく火傷しました。 但她的脸和手被严重烧伤。 No one would ever ask for her phone number again. 誰も彼女の電話番号を再度尋ねることはありません。 아무도 그녀의 전화 번호를 다시 묻지 않을 것입니다. Nimeni nu i-ar mai cere vreodată numărul de telefon. 再也没有人要她的电话号码了。