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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, Hanna's Blog Posts - 1: Personal Conversation With The Linguist

Hanna's Blog Posts - 1: Personal Conversation With The Linguist

Have you heard about the man who can speak 16 languages? He grew up in Montreal, Canada. He spoke only English until the age of seventeen, but now he can speak 16 languages, and he is still studying new languages. His name is Steve Kaufmann.

This amazing man is not a professor of language or a natural born genius. He was just a business man who liked to learn languages. That made me want to know more about him, so I asked, we talked and I made up my mind. In this post, I'm going to write about what we shared.


When I study something, I always experience a moment when I want to quit. I want to overcome that so I asked Steve when you want to give up, you're in a slump, what do you do to get over that feeling? Steve talked about motivation. Motivation is very important because it pushes you to not give up. Even if you are having trouble in learning and performing, if you are interested in the language, in the culture, in the people, then those interests make you keep going. “Funny thing about the interest is that the more you get into a language, the more interesting it becomes, at least that's been my experience.” Steve explained.

Everyone has felt it before. When you do something that is interesting, then you can concentrate and be patient, but if it's not, you get tired easily. I learned the English alphabet when I was in grade school, and after that I always studied English for tests and exams, which is really boring. Yes, sometimes I'd studied hard to get a good grade and if I was successful, that could be my motivation. But I was not and that made me lose my confidence.

But I was kept exposed to English because I like pop songs and movies. In Steve's experience, the more he gets into a language, the more interesting it becomes. I totally agree with him. When I first hear pop songs, I just listen because I like the melody. And then I follow the lyrics because I like singing, and sometimes I search the lyrics to know what they mean. And when I can understand what the lyrics means without searching, my interest increases. It's the same with movies. At first, I only depend on subtitles, and sometimes I understand brief sentences or expressions. Then I learn naturally what kind of expressions that people use in certain situations. Also, it's very interesting when I see the different translation of the same sentence, or when expressions translate from English into Korean very lucidly.

Furthermore, when I meet foreigners who come from other countries or when I go to other countries, and talk with them, it is a good stimulus for me. I already knew that if I can speak English I can communicate with people all over the world, but it became my motivation when I realized it through experience.

That's how I am motivated to learn English, and had the courage to come to Vancouver, Canada!

16 languages

After I heard Steve's story, I wondered what made him learn so many languages. English, which is a common language in the world, is his mother tongue. He can speak Chinese, which is the most spoken language in the world. And if I were him, I would say, that's enough. However, he had the courage to learn other languages because he already had successful experience. He thinks when the brain achieves success in something it wants to do more of the same, not only in learning languages but also in life. Many people say, start with small things in order to finally achieve your bigger goals. If you experience achievement, that will became your foundation and it will push you. Success of learning French and Chinese gave Steve the courage of learning other languages.

Goal and impressive LingQ users

I also asked about Steve's goal in life and if there are any impressive LingQ users. He feels great when users say “Thank you, you changed my life. I got such a good job”. A user from Poland got a job at a German company, a user from the U.S.A who was studying Spanish and then ended up going to Chile and those users who thank us that makes it all worthwhile.

Words for people in their 20s

I always have a question for people who have already lived their 20s : “Do you have any words for people in their 20s?” Because I'm a person who is in her 20s and when I make a decision about something important in my life it's helpful to know about what they think. If Steve thinks back to when he was in 20s, he thinks people in their 20s should reach higher. We have lot of hesitation when we are younger because we are not sure, we don't feel confident. As you get older then there is a lesson in those moments of doubt that we should have gone for more but we didn't. So his advice for younger people is that “You can do more than you think” Thanks for reading and I hope this post is interesting and helps you.

Hanna's Blog Posts - 1: Personal Conversation With The Linguist مشاركات مدونة حنا - 1: محادثة شخصية مع اللغوي Hannas Blogbeiträge - 1: Persönliches Gespräch mit dem Linguisten Entradas del blog de Hanna - 1: Conversación personal con el lingüista Hanna's Blog Posts - 1 : Conversation personnelle avec la linguiste ハンナのブログ記事 - 1: 言語学者との個人的な会話 한나의 블로그 게시물 - 1: 언어학자와의 개인적인 대화 Hanna's Blog Posts - 1: Asmeninis pokalbis su lingvistu Posty na blogu Hanny - 1: Osobista rozmowa z lingwistą Publicações do blogue da Hanna - 1: Conversa pessoal com o linguista Записи в блоге Ханны - 1: Личная беседа с лингвистом Hanna'nın Blog Yazıları - 1: Dilbilimci ile Kişisel Sohbet Дописи в блозі Ганни - 1: Особиста розмова з лінгвістом 汉娜的博客文章 - 1:与语言学家的个人对话 漢娜的部落格文章 - 1:與語言學家的個人對話

Have you heard about the man who can speak 16 languages? هل سمعت عن الرجل الذي يتحدث 16 لغة؟ He grew up in Montreal, Canada. نشأ في مونتريال ، كندا. He spoke only English until the age of seventeen, but now he can speak 16 languages, and he is still studying new languages. كان يتحدث الإنجليزية فقط حتى سن السابعة عشر ، لكنه الآن يتحدث 16 لغة ، ولا يزال يدرس لغات جديدة. His name is Steve Kaufmann. اسمه ستيف كوفمان.

This amazing man is not a professor of language or a natural born genius. هذا الرجل المذهل ليس أستاذا للغة أو عبقريا بالفطرة. He was just a business man who liked to learn languages. كان مجرد رجل أعمال يحب تعلم اللغات. That made me want to know more about him, so I asked, we talked and I made up my mind. جعلني ذلك أرغب في معرفة المزيد عنه ، لذلك سألته ، وتحدثنا واتخذت قراري. To sprawiło, że chciałem dowiedzieć się o nim więcej, więc zapytałem, rozmawialiśmy i podjąłem decyzję. In this post, I’m going to write about what we shared. في هذا المنشور ، سأكتب عما شاركناه.

Motivation تحفيز

When I study something, I always experience a moment when I want to quit. عندما أدرس شيئًا ما ، أجد دائمًا لحظة أرغب فيها في الإقلاع عن التدخين. I want to overcome that so I asked Steve when you want to give up, you’re in a slump, what do you do to get over that feeling? أريد أن أتغلب على ذلك ، لذا سألت ستيف عندما تريد الاستسلام ، وأنت في ركود ، ماذا تفعل للتغلب على هذا الشعور؟ Steve talked about motivation. تحدث ستيف عن الدافع. Motivation is very important because it pushes you to not give up. الدافع مهم جدًا لأنه يدفعك إلى عدم الاستسلام. Even if you are having trouble in learning and performing, if you are interested in the language, in the culture, in the people, then those interests make you keep going. حتى لو كنت تواجه مشكلة في التعلم والأداء ، إذا كنت مهتمًا باللغة والثقافة والناس ، فإن هذه الاهتمامات تجعلك تستمر. “Funny thing about the interest is that the more you get into a language, the more interesting it becomes, at least that’s been my experience.” Steve explained. "الشيء المضحك في الاهتمام هو أنه كلما تعلمت لغة ، أصبحت أكثر إثارة للاهتمام ، على الأقل هذه كانت تجربتي." وأوضح ستيف.

Everyone has felt it before. لقد شعر بها الجميع من قبل. When you do something that is interesting, then you can concentrate and be patient, but if it’s not, you get tired easily. عندما تفعل شيئًا مثيرًا للاهتمام ، يمكنك حينئذٍ التركيز والتحلي بالصبر ، ولكن إذا لم يكن الأمر كذلك ، فإنك تتعب بسهولة. I learned the English alphabet when I was in grade school, and after that I always studied English for tests and exams, which is really boring. تعلمت الأبجدية الإنجليزية عندما كنت في المدرسة الابتدائية ، وبعد ذلك كنت دائمًا أدرس اللغة الإنجليزية للاختبارات والامتحانات ، وهو أمر ممل حقًا. Yes, sometimes I’d studied hard to get a good grade and if I was successful, that could be my motivation. نعم ، في بعض الأحيان كنت أدرس بجد للحصول على درجة جيدة ، وإذا كنت ناجحًا ، فقد يكون هذا هو حافزي. But I was not and that made me lose my confidence. لكنني لم أكن كذلك وهذا جعلني أفقد ثقتي.

But I was kept exposed to English because I like pop songs and movies. لكنني كنت أتعرض للغة الإنجليزية لأنني أحب أغاني البوب والأفلام. In Steve’s experience, the more he gets into a language, the more interesting it becomes. في تجربة ستيف ، كلما دخل إلى لغة أكثر ، أصبحت أكثر إثارة للاهتمام. I totally agree with him. وأنا أتفق تماما معه. When I first hear pop songs, I just listen because I like the melody. عندما أسمع أغاني البوب لأول مرة ، أستمع فقط لأنني أحب اللحن. And then I follow the lyrics because I like singing, and sometimes I search the lyrics to know what they mean. ثم أتابع الكلمات لأني أحب الغناء ، وأحيانًا أبحث في الكلمات لأعرف ما تعنيه. And when I can understand what the lyrics means without searching, my interest increases. وعندما أفهم ما تعنيه الكلمات دون البحث ، يزداد اهتمامي. It’s the same with movies. إنه نفس الشيء مع الأفلام. At first, I only depend on subtitles, and sometimes I understand brief sentences or expressions. في البداية ، أعتمد فقط على الترجمة ، وأحيانًا أفهم الجمل أو التعبيرات المختصرة. Then I learn naturally what kind of expressions that people use in certain situations. ثم أتعلم بشكل طبيعي نوع التعبيرات التي يستخدمها الناس في مواقف معينة. Also, it’s very interesting when I see the different translation of the same sentence, or when expressions translate from English into Korean very lucidly. أيضًا ، إنه أمر مثير للاهتمام عندما أرى الترجمة المختلفة لنفس الجملة ، أو عندما تترجم التعبيرات من الإنجليزية إلى الكورية بشكل واضح للغاية.

Furthermore, when I meet foreigners who come from other countries or when I go to other countries, and talk with them, it is a good stimulus for me. علاوة على ذلك ، عندما ألتقي بأجانب يأتون من بلدان أخرى أو عندما أذهب إلى بلدان أخرى وأتحدث معهم ، فإن ذلك يمثل حافزًا جيدًا بالنسبة لي. I already knew that if I can speak English I can communicate with people all over the world, but it became my motivation when I realized it through experience. كنت أعرف بالفعل أنه إذا كان بإمكاني التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية ، فيمكنني التواصل مع الناس في جميع أنحاء العالم ، لكن ذلك أصبح حافزي عندما أدركت ذلك من خلال التجربة.

That’s how I am motivated to learn English, and had the courage to come to Vancouver, Canada! هذا هو السبب في أنني متحمس لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية ، وكان لدي الشجاعة للمجيء إلى فانكوفر ، كندا!

16 languages

After I heard Steve’s story, I wondered what made him learn so many languages. بعد أن سمعت قصة ستيف ، تساءلت ما الذي جعله يتعلم الكثير من اللغات. English, which is a common language in the world, is his mother tongue. اللغة الإنجليزية ، وهي لغة مشتركة في العالم ، هي لغته الأم. He can speak Chinese, which is the most spoken language in the world. يمكنه التحدث باللغة الصينية ، وهي اللغة الأكثر استخدامًا في العالم. And if I were him, I would say, that’s enough. ولو كنت مكانه ، لقلت ، هذا يكفي. However, he had the courage to learn other languages because he already had successful experience. ومع ذلك ، كان لديه الشجاعة لتعلم لغات أخرى لأنه كان لديه بالفعل تجربة ناجحة. He thinks when the brain achieves success in something it wants to do more of the same, not only in learning languages but also in life. إنه يعتقد أنه عندما يحقق الدماغ نجاحًا في شيء ما ، فإنه يريد أن يفعل المزيد من الشيء نفسه ، ليس فقط في تعلم اللغات ولكن أيضًا في الحياة. Many people say, start with small things in order to finally achieve your bigger goals. يقول الكثير من الناس ، ابدأ بأشياء صغيرة من أجل تحقيق أهدافك الأكبر في النهاية. If you experience achievement, that will became your foundation and it will push you. إذا واجهت الإنجاز ، فسيصبح ذلك أساسك وسوف يدفعك. Success of learning French and Chinese gave Steve the courage of learning other languages. منح النجاح في تعلم الفرنسية والصينية ستيف الشجاعة لتعلم لغات أخرى.

Goal and impressive LingQ users مستخدمو LingQ الهادفون والمثيرون للإعجاب

I also asked about Steve’s goal in life and if there are any impressive LingQ users. سألت أيضًا عن هدف ستيف في الحياة وما إذا كان هناك أي مستخدمين رائعين لـ LingQ. He feels great when users say “Thank you, you changed my life. I got such a good job”. A user from Poland got a job at a German company, a user from the U.S.A who was studying Spanish and then ended up going to Chile and those users who thank us that makes it all worthwhile.

Words for people in their 20s

I always have a question for people who have already lived their 20s : “Do you have any words for people in their 20s?” Because I’m a person who is in her 20s and when I make a decision about something important in my life it’s helpful to know about what they think. If Steve thinks back to when he was in 20s, he thinks people in their 20s should reach higher. We have lot of hesitation when we are younger because we are not sure, we don’t feel confident. As you get older then there is a lesson in those moments of doubt that we should have gone for more but we didn’t. So his advice for younger people is that “You can do more than you think” Thanks for reading and I hope this post is interesting and helps you.