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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, How to Get Infographic Ideas to Spring Forth

How to Get Infographic Ideas to Spring Forth

Great blog posts rock. So do top-notch videos, eBooks, and a healthy list of other content types. What about infographics? They don't just rock; they roll. You see, when you knock one out of the park with other forms of content you're apt to earn links, generate a heap of social media shares, and perhaps inspire an interesting commentary stream. But something unique happens with a killer infographic …

It gets reposted. A lot. On all kinds of sites. And your brand goes with it, rolling across the social web like tumbleweed. Of course, it's gratifying, but it's also great for extending the reach of your brand and its message. 3 great places for infographic ideas I wrote this post to help you brainstorm ideas for effective infographics. Here are some smart starting points:

Great big list of infographic ideas –The infographic I created near the end of this post features 25 concepts and themes that might work for your next infographic. It's not going to give you your topic, but you're bound to find a style to shake ideas loose. Other infographics – It shouldn't surprise you to learn that many of the 25 ideas I visualized for you came from a deep dive into, yes, infographics. I went surfing on sites like Visual.ly and Pinterest where I knew I'd find them. I did some image searches. I recommend you do the same. Look at the infographics ranking high in your niche. Obviously, tuning into your market's blogs gives you writing ideas. The same goes for infographics. SlideShare – Some SlideShare content will be infographics, but SlideShare's sweet spot is slide presentations. And the millions of concepts you'll discover are bound to make creative sparks fly. Infographics were the inspiration for some of the decks. Now flip that equation. Dig up buried treasures If you've been creating content for a while, you may be sitting on a treasure trove of winning infographics ideas. Examine your most popular posts. Look at your page views and share numbers. Chances are some of your popular blog posts can be remade as infographics. List posts are particularly good candidates.

Mine your site. Does your site feature an FAQ? Perhaps you dedicate pages to detailing effective processes. Case studies could work. Have you published any research? How might you present that content in the ultra-friendly show-and-tell style of an infographic?

Open your outbox. The emails you and your colleagues send in response to customers' questions may be a perfect source for infographics ideas. Revisit presentations. There's a good chance the slide decks your sales team uses would make for strong infographics. If you haven't considered the content from your webinars, it's likely to work, too. Conduct brainstorm sessions I want to also encourage you to try some brainstorming sessions. Try techniques such as the following:

Word storm – Choose a meaningful word in your niche, then list words that come to mind. Various categories are likely to surface. Mind mapping – Start with one central idea, then attach related ideas to it. Allow the peripheral ideas to spawn new ones. Visual association – Start with a visual and do the word-storm and mind-mapping exercises. What if – Challenge your thinking with “what if” questions to invoke different points of view around a problem or creative challenge. Ask questions – Write the questions you have about your topic and answer them quickly – without overthinking. Your answers are going to inspire new questions. If you're going to brainstorm as a group, apply some ground rules. Give participants a heads-up. Lay out the objectives, in this case, to generate ideas for infographics. Ask each individual to get their ideas together in advance of the group session. Group brainstorms can inhibit some and the extroverts tend to take charge. When the group does come together, focus on quantity over quality. Encourage a free flow of ideas and discourage immediate evaluation of them. Judgment is a brainstorm spoiler. Make it fun and positive. Beer might be useful. Record every idea. Synthesize the ideas When you dig into my infographic below for style ideas, try some of the processes I suggest. You should have a healthy assortment of potential concepts to play with. Mix and match. Explore visual styles. Play around with titles. Collect ideas from infographics that earned your attention.

You'll want to strive for something that feels fresh and original, but I don't recommend you get too hung up on it. Useful trumps original. Even if you decide to develop an infographic around an idea similar to something you've seen before, I believe you can give your infographic a fresh spin and realize the enormous benefits that can come from publishing valuable content in the form of a new infographic.

How to Get Infographic Ideas to Spring Forth |||Visual guide|||| Wie man Infografik-Ideen zum Sprudeln bringt Cómo hacer brotar ideas infográficas Comment faire jaillir des idées d'infographies Come far germogliare le idee per le infografiche インフォグラフィックのアイデアを生み出す方法 인포그래픽 아이디어를 얻는 방법 Kaip gauti infografikos idėjų pavasarį Jak sprawić, by pomysły na infografiki nabrały rozpędu? Como fazer com que as ideias para infográficos surjam Как заставить идеи инфографики зарождаться İnfografik Fikirlerinin Ortaya Çıkması Nasıl Sağlanır? Як отримати ідеї для інфографіки, що приносять плоди 如何让信息图表创意涌现 如何讓資訊圖表創意湧現

Great blog posts rock. Excellent||articles| Grandes publicações no blogue são o máximo. 伟大的博客文章摇滚。 So do top-notch videos, eBooks, and a healthy list of other content types. |||high-quality|||||||||| 一流的视频、电子书和一系列其他内容类型也是如此。 What about infographics? ||Visual data representation They don't just rock; they roll. The people||||| You see, when you knock one out of the park with other forms of content you're apt to earn links, generate a heap of social media shares, and perhaps inspire an interesting commentary stream. ||||||||||||||||||||create||||||||||||| 你看,当你用其他形式的内容击败一个人时,你很容易获得链接,产生大量社交媒体分享,并可能激发有趣的评论流。 But something unique happens with a killer infographic … ||||||high-impact| 但杀手信息图却发生了一些独特的事情……

It gets reposted. |is frequently reposted| 它被重新发布。 A lot. On all kinds of sites. And your brand goes with it, rolling across the social web like tumbleweed. ||||||||||||drifting aimlessly online Of course, it's gratifying, but it's also great for extending the reach of your brand and its message. |||satisfying|||||||||||||| 3 great places for infographic ideas I wrote this post to help you brainstorm ideas for effective infographics. Here are some smart starting points:

Great big list of infographic ideas –The infographic I created near the end of this post features 25 concepts and themes that might work for your next infographic. |||||||||||||containing||||||||||||| 很棒的信息图表创意列表——我在本文末尾创建的信息图表包含 25 个可能适用于您的下一个信息图表的概念和主题。 It's not going to give you your topic, but you're bound to find a style to shake ideas loose. 它不会给你你的主题,但你一定会找到一种风格来摆脱想法。 Other infographics – It shouldn't surprise you to learn that many of the 25 ideas I visualized for you came from a deep dive into, yes, infographics. 其他信息图表 – 当您得知我为您设想的 25 个想法中的许多想法都来自对信息图表的深入研究时,您应该不会感到惊讶。 I went surfing on sites like Visual.ly and Pinterest where I knew I'd find them. 我在 Visual.ly 和 Pinterest 等网站上冲浪,我知道我可以找到它们。 I did some image searches. I recommend you do the same. Look at the infographics ranking high in your niche. 查看在您的利基市场中排名靠前的信息图表。 Obviously, tuning into your market's blogs gives you writing ideas. The same goes for infographics. SlideShare – Some SlideShare content will be infographics, but SlideShare's sweet spot is slide presentations. SlideShare – 一些 SlideShare 内容是信息图表,但 SlideShare 的最佳点是幻灯片演示。 And the millions of concepts you'll discover are bound to make creative sparks fly. Infographics were the inspiration for some of the decks. 信息图表是一些套牌的灵感来源。 Now flip that equation. Dig up buried treasures If you've been creating content for a while, you may be sitting on a treasure trove of winning infographics ideas. 挖掘埋藏的宝藏如果您已经创建内容一段时间了,那么您可能正坐在一个赢得信息图表创意的宝库上。 Examine your most popular posts. Look at your page views and share numbers. Chances are some of your popular blog posts can be remade as infographics. List posts are particularly good candidates. 列表帖子是特别好的候选人。

Mine your site. Does your site feature an FAQ? Perhaps you dedicate pages to detailing effective processes. 也许您会专门用几页来详细说明有效的流程。 Case studies could work. Have you published any research? How might you present that content in the ultra-friendly show-and-tell style of an infographic?

Open your outbox. The emails you and your colleagues send in response to customers' questions may be a perfect source for infographics ideas. Revisit presentations. Перегляньте презентації. There's a good chance the slide decks your sales team uses would make for strong infographics. If you haven't considered the content from your webinars, it's likely to work, too. Conduct brainstorm sessions I want to also encourage you to try some brainstorming sessions. Try techniques such as the following:

Word storm – Choose a meaningful word in your niche, then list words that come to mind. Various categories are likely to surface. 各种类别可能会浮出水面。 Mind mapping – Start with one central idea, then attach related ideas to it. Allow the peripheral ideas to spawn new ones. Visual association – Start with a visual and do the word-storm and mind-mapping exercises. What if – Challenge your thinking with “what if” questions to invoke different points of view around a problem or creative challenge. Ask questions – Write the questions you have about your topic and answer them quickly – without overthinking. Your answers are going to inspire new questions. If you're going to brainstorm as a group, apply some ground rules. Give participants a heads-up. Lay out the objectives, in this case, to generate ideas for infographics. Ask each individual to get their ideas together in advance of the group session. Group brainstorms can inhibit some and the extroverts tend to take charge. When the group does come together, focus on quantity over quality. Encourage a free flow of ideas and discourage immediate evaluation of them. Judgment is a brainstorm spoiler. Make it fun and positive. Beer might be useful. Record every idea. Synthesize the ideas When you dig into my infographic below for style ideas, try some of the processes I suggest. 综合想法当您深入研究下面的信息图以获取风格想法时,请尝试我建议的一些流程。 You should have a healthy assortment of potential concepts to play with. Mix and match. Explore visual styles. Play around with titles. Collect ideas from infographics that earned your attention.

You'll want to strive for something that feels fresh and original, but I don't recommend you get too hung up on it. 你会想要努力追求新鲜和原创的东西,但我不建议你太沉迷于此。 Useful trumps original. Even if you decide to develop an infographic around an idea similar to something you've seen before, I believe you can give your infographic a fresh spin and realize the enormous benefits that can come from publishing valuable content in the form of a new infographic. 即使您决定围绕与您以前见过的类似的想法开发信息图表,我相信您也可以给您的信息图表带来新的旋转,并认识到以新信息图表的形式发布有价值的内容所带来的巨大好处。