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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), News Wrap: North Korea grabs attention with new missile test

News Wrap: North Korea grabs attention with new missile test

News Wrap: North Korea grabs attention with new missile test.

Judy Woodruff:

And in the day's other news, North Korea grabbed the world's attention again with its first missile test in 10 weeks. The Pentagon says it was likely an intercontinental ballistic missile.

It launched from north of Pyongyang, flew more than 600 miles, and splashed into the Japan Sea, what it calls its Economic Exclusion Zone.

President Trump commented on the launch as he met with Republican leaders, the defense secretary and other Cabinet officials.

President Donald Trump:

I will only tell you that we will take care of it.

We have General Mattis in the room with us, and we have had a long discussion on it.It is a situation that we will handle.Judy Woodruff:

The launch came a week after the president put North Korea back on a list of states that sponsor terrorism.

President Trump, back in this country, has won the first round in the fight over who serves as acting head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

A U.S.district judge today ruled against Leandra English.She is the bureau's deputy director.She had wanted to bar White House Budget Chief Mick Mulvaney from taking over.This ruling leaves Mulvaney in charge, pending appeals. A federal jury in Washington today acquitted the main suspect in the Benghazi, Libya, attacks of all murder charges.

Ahmed Abu Khattala was accused of organizing the 2012 attacks that led to the deaths of the U.S.ambassador and three other Americans.But he was convicted today of four lesser counts, and he could get 60 years in prison.

In Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta was sworn in for a second term as president after a protracted and sometimes violent struggle.

Kenyatta addressed an estimated crowd of more than 60,000 in Nairobi.He said the turmoil had stretched Kenya — quote — “almost to the breaking point,” but he urged the country to put divisions aside.President Uhuru Kenyatta:

I believe that those who voted for me chose the better vision.

This, however, doesn't invalidate the aspirations of those who didn't vote for me.I undertake today to be the custodian of the dreams of all.Judy Woodruff: Elsewhere in the city, though, opposition candidate Raila Odinga called the election illegitimate and rallied supporters.

Police fired rifles and tear gas to break up the gathering, and three people were killed.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson today rejected growing reports that he is hollowing out the State Department.

Democratic lawmakers, former department staffers and others have blamed Tillerson for an exodus of senior Foreign Service officers.

Today, in a Washington speech, Tillerson insisted the critics are doing a disservice to department employees.

Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson:

There is no hollowing out.

These numbers that people are throwing around are just false.They're wrong.I'm offended on their behalf when people say somehow we don't have a State Department that functions, because I can tell you, it's functioning very well from my perspective.Judy Woodruff: Tillerson said he believes the State Department can cut spending by 30 percent and staffing by 8 percent even as the Trump administration addresses various overseas conflicts.

Another woman is now accusing Congressman John Conyers of sexual harassment.

Deanna Maher ran a Michigan office for the Detroit Democrat from 1997 to 2005.She told The Detroit news that he made multiple unwanted advances on her.Conyers is already under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for earlier allegations.

Another congressional veteran, and a champion of immigration reform, says that he will not seek reelection.

Illinois Democrat Luis Gutierrez announced today that he will leave the U.S.House after 13 terms.He says he wants to focus on immigration issues and on rebuilding hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico.

And President Trump's nominee to chair the Federal Reserve signaled today that another interest rate hike is coming in December. Jerome Powell had his Senate confirmation hearing today, and he made clear the Fed will maintain its policy of gradual rate increases.Jerome Powell:

I think that the case for raising rates at our next meeting is coming together.

The very low settings of interest rates that were appropriate during the crisis and after to support economic activity are no longer appropriate.And that's why we're raising interest rates now on a gradual path.And I expect that that will continue.Judy Woodruff: Powell would succeed Janet Yellen as Fed chair if confirmed by the full Senate.

News Wrap: North Korea grabs attention with new missile test Noticias: Corea del Norte acapara la atención con una nueva prueba de misiles L'actualité en bref : La Corée du Nord attire l'attention avec un nouveau test de missile ニュース・ラップ北朝鮮、新たなミサイル実験で注目を集める Notícias em destaque: Coreia do Norte chama a atenção com novo teste de míssil Обертка новостей: Северная Корея привлекает внимание новым ракетным испытанием Haber Özeti: Kuzey Kore yeni füze denemesiyle dikkatleri üzerine çekti Останні новини: Північна Корея привертає увагу новим ракетним випробуванням 新闻报道:朝鲜新导弹试验引起关注 新聞報導:北韓新飛彈試射引起關注

News Wrap: North Korea grabs attention with new missile test.

Judy Woodruff:

And in the day's other news, North Korea grabbed the world's attention again with its first missile test in 10 weeks. Et dans les autres nouvelles du jour, la Corée du Nord a de nouveau attiré l'attention du monde avec son premier test de missile en 10 semaines. The Pentagon says it was likely an intercontinental ballistic missile.

It launched from north of Pyongyang, flew more than 600 miles, and splashed into the Japan Sea, what it calls its Economic Exclusion Zone. Il a été lancé du nord de Pyongyang, a parcouru plus de 600 milles et s'est jeté dans la mer du Japon, ce qu'il appelle sa zone d'exclusion économique.

President Trump commented on the launch as he met with Republican leaders, the defense secretary and other Cabinet officials.

President Donald Trump:

I will only tell you that we will take care of it. Je vous dirai seulement que nous nous en occuperons.

We have General Mattis in the room with us, and we have had a long discussion on it.It is a situation that we will handle.Judy Woodruff: |||General Mattis|||||||||||||||||||||||| Nous avons le général Mattis dans la salle avec nous, et nous avons eu une longue discussion à ce sujet. C'est une situation que nous allons gérer. Judy Woodruff :

The launch came a week after the president put North Korea back on a list of states that sponsor terrorism. Le lancement est intervenu une semaine après que le président a remis la Corée du Nord sur une liste d'États qui parrainent le terrorisme.

President Trump, back in this country, has won the first round in the fight over who serves as acting head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Le président Trump, de retour dans ce pays, a remporté le premier tour dans la lutte pour savoir qui dirige par intérim le Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

A U.S.district judge today ruled against Leandra English.She is the bureau's deputy director.She had wanted to bar White House Budget Chief Mick Mulvaney from taking over.This ruling leaves Mulvaney in charge, pending appeals. ||||||||Leandra English||||||||||||||||||Mick Mulvaney||||||||||| Un juge de district américain a statué aujourd'hui contre Leandra English. Elle est la directrice adjointe du bureau. Elle avait voulu interdire au chef du budget de la Maison Blanche, Mick Mulvaney, de prendre le relais. A federal jury in Washington today acquitted the main suspect in the Benghazi, Libya, attacks of all murder charges. ||||||found not guilty||||||Libya city|||||| Un jury fédéral à Washington a acquitté aujourd'hui le principal suspect des attentats de Benghazi, en Libye, de toutes les accusations de meurtre.

Ahmed Abu Khattala was accused of organizing the 2012 attacks that led to the deaths of the U.S.ambassador and three other Americans.But he was convicted today of four lesser counts, and he could get 60 years in prison. ||Abu Khattala|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ahmed Abu Khattala a été accusé d'avoir organisé les attentats de 2012 qui ont entraîné la mort de l'ambassadeur des États-Unis et de trois autres Américains. Mais il a été reconnu coupable aujourd'hui de quatre chefs d'accusation moindres, et il risque 60 ans de prison.

In Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta was sworn in for a second term as president after a protracted and sometimes violent struggle. ||Uhuru Kenyatta|person's last name||||||||||||lengthy|||| Au Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta a prêté serment pour un second mandat de président après une lutte prolongée et parfois violente.

Kenyatta addressed an estimated crowd of more than 60,000 in Nairobi.He said the turmoil had stretched Kenya — quote — “almost to the breaking point,” but he urged the country to put divisions aside.President Uhuru Kenyatta: Kenyatta s'est adressé à une foule estimée à plus de 60.000 personnes à Nairobi.

I believe that those who voted for me chose the better vision.

This, however, doesn't invalidate the aspirations of those who didn't vote for me.I undertake today to be the custodian of the dreams of all.Judy Woodruff: Cela n'invalide cependant pas les aspirations de ceux qui n'ont pas voté pour moi.Je m'engage aujourd'hui à être la dépositaire des rêves de tous.Judy Woodruff : Elsewhere in the city, though, opposition candidate Raila Odinga called the election illegitimate and rallied supporters. |||||||Raila Odinga|Raila Odinga||||||gathered together|

Police fired rifles and tear gas to break up the gathering, and three people were killed. ||firearms||||||||||||| La police a tiré des fusils et des gaz lacrymogènes pour disperser le rassemblement, et trois personnes ont été tuées.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson today rejected growing reports that he is hollowing out the State Department. ||||Rex Tillerson||||||||weakening|||| Le secrétaire d'État Rex Tillerson a rejeté aujourd'hui les informations de plus en plus nombreuses selon lesquelles il évincerait le département d'État.

Democratic lawmakers, former department staffers and others have blamed Tillerson for an exodus of senior Foreign Service officers. ||||department employees||||||||mass departure||||| Les législateurs démocrates, les anciens membres du personnel du ministère et d'autres ont accusé Tillerson d'un exode d'officiers supérieurs du service extérieur.

Today, in a Washington speech, Tillerson insisted the critics are doing a disservice to department employees. Aujourd'hui, dans un discours à Washington, Tillerson a insisté sur le fait que les critiques rendaient un mauvais service aux employés du ministère.

Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson:

There is no hollowing out. Il n'y a pas d'évidement.

These numbers that people are throwing around are just false.They're wrong.I'm offended on their behalf when people say somehow we don't have a State Department that functions, because I can tell you, it's functioning very well from my perspective.Judy Woodruff: Ces chiffres que les gens lancent sont tout simplement faux. Ils ont tort. Je suis offensé en leur nom lorsque les gens disent que nous n'avons pas de département d'État qui fonctionne, car je peux vous dire qu'il fonctionne très bien depuis mon perspective. Judy Woodruff : Tillerson said he believes the State Department can cut spending by 30 percent and staffing by 8 percent even as the Trump administration addresses various overseas conflicts. |||||||||||||number of employees||||||||||| Tillerson a déclaré qu'il pensait que le département d'État pouvait réduire les dépenses de 30% et les effectifs de 8%, même si l'administration Trump s'occupait de divers conflits à l'étranger.

Another woman is now accusing Congressman John Conyers of sexual harassment. |||||||John Conyers|||

Deanna Maher ran a Michigan office for the Detroit Democrat from 1997 to 2005.She told The Detroit news that he made multiple unwanted advances on her.Conyers is already under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for earlier allegations. Deanna Maher|<Deanna Maher>||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||accusations of misconduct Deanna Maher a dirigé un bureau du Michigan pour le Démocrate de Detroit de 1997 à 2005. Elle a déclaré aux nouvelles de Detroit qu'il lui avait fait de multiples avances non désirées. Conyers fait déjà l'objet d'une enquête par le comité d'éthique de la Chambre pour des allégations antérieures.

Another congressional veteran, and a champion of immigration reform, says that he will not seek reelection.

Illinois Democrat Luis Gutierrez announced today that he will leave the U.S.House after 13 terms.He says he wants to focus on immigration issues and on rebuilding hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico. ||Luis Gutierrez|Luis Gutierrez||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

And President Trump's nominee to chair the Federal Reserve signaled today that another interest rate hike is coming in December. Et le candidat du président Trump à la présidence de la Réserve fédérale a signalé aujourd'hui qu'une autre hausse des taux d'intérêt est à venir en décembre. Jerome Powell had his Senate confirmation hearing today, and he made clear the Fed will maintain its policy of gradual rate increases.Jerome Powell: Jerome Powell a eu son audience de confirmation au Sénat aujourd'hui, et il a clairement indiqué que la Fed maintiendrait sa politique d'augmentations progressives des taux. Jerome Powell :

I think that the case for raising rates at our next meeting is coming together. Je pense que les arguments en faveur d'une hausse des taux lors de notre prochaine réunion se concrétisent.

The very low settings of interest rates that were appropriate during the crisis and after to support economic activity are no longer appropriate.And that's why we're raising interest rates now on a gradual path.And I expect that that will continue.Judy Woodruff: Les taux d'intérêt très bas qui étaient appropriés pendant la crise et après pour soutenir l'activité économique ne sont plus appropriés. Et c'est pourquoi nous augmentons maintenant les taux d'intérêt de manière graduelle. Et je m'attends à ce que cela continue. Judy Woodruff : Powell would succeed Janet Yellen as Fed chair if confirmed by the full Senate. |||Janet Yellen|former Fed chair||||||||| Powell succéderait à Janet Yellen à la présidence de la Fed s'il était confirmé par l'ensemble du Sénat.