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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Nov 22, 2017 - This is what students think about ‘fake news’ and the media

Nov 22, 2017 - This is what students think about ‘fake news’ and the media

Nov 22, 2017 - This is what students think about ‘fake news' and the media. Judy Woodruff:

Finally tonight, there is a national movement in schools to teach media literacy skills to teenagers who are growing up with access to more information than any previous generation.

In an era of marked by calls of fake news and declining trust in media, we turned to our Student Reporting Labs to learn more about out how young people experience news and how they think about journalism.

Courtney Smith:

You don't really know what you can believe, because there are so many sources saying so many different things. Camden Miller:

It's weakening trust between the media and the audience. Tristan Eddings:

I'm pretty sure that I have shared fake news, but I didn't realize it until someone corrected me. Julia Joy:

No one knows what to trust and what not to trust anymore.

Hector Machucha:

I shared a couple stories back in — during the presidential election that might not be as true as I originally believed they were.

Jennifer Anyaegbu:

We're having a problem of people actually believing it, and then going forward with that news to have riots and things like that. Mary Williams:

I believe that it's the new epidemic, because people don't understand how fast fake news spreads. Muna Ezbudiwe:

I remember there was a time everybody thought were in a gas crisis because of Hurricane Harvey, and everybody thought gas was running out.

So, it spread through our social media and everybody got in a panic.Addison Tusten:

I don't necessarily think fake news is a problem so much as misinformation. People often are keen to take whatever information they're given right off the bat, sometimes without kind of thinking about where it's coming from or what it implies.Angel Rivera: It is a person's first instinct to believe that what they see is true automatically. And people need to just double-check that, make sure they're getting the information from reliable sources.Ushni Gupta: Journalism definitely does matter.

It is the purest form of communication between people the politics and global issues.Henry Smith:

We live in a democracy, where the people make decisions about government.

To make those decisions, we need information.And without journalism, where are we going to get it from?Twitter?Trinity Aberin:

We need to incorporate a type of lesson plan to improve our digital literacy skills.

Zoe Greenwald:

We spend more time in the media than any generation ever has.

And with all of this information being circulated, we need to make sure that the information that's getting to the audience is factual and is correct.Judy Woodruff: So important that these young people learn these lessons.

PBS NewsHour education coverage is part of American Graduate: Let's Make it Happen, a public media initiative made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

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Nov 22, 2017 - This is what students think about ‘fake news’ and the media Nov 22, 2017 - Das denken Schüler über "Fake News" und die Medien Nov 22, 2017 - Esto es lo que piensan los estudiantes sobre las 'fake news' y los medios de comunicación Nov 22, 2017 - Voici ce que les étudiants pensent des "fake news" et des médias. 22 novembre 2017 - Ecco cosa pensano gli studenti delle 'fake news' e dei media 2017年11月22日 - 「フェイクニュース」とメディアについて学生たちはこう考えている 22 de novembro de 2017 - O que pensam os estudantes sobre as "notícias falsas" e os meios de comunicação social Nov 22, 2017 - Вот что думают студенты о "фальшивых новостях" и СМИ 22 Kasım 2017 - Öğrenciler 'yalan haber' ve medya hakkında böyle düşünüyor 22 листопада 2017 - Ось що думають студенти про "фейкові новини" та ЗМІ 2017 年 11 月 22 日 - 这是学生对“假新闻”和媒体的看法

Nov 22, 2017 - This is what students think about ‘fake news' and the media. 22 nov. 2017 - Voici ce que les élèves pensent des « fake news » et des médias. Judy Woodruff:

Finally tonight, there is a national movement in schools to teach media literacy skills to teenagers who are growing up with access to more information than any previous generation. ||||||||||||alfabetização midiática|||||||||||||||| Enfin ce soir, il y a un mouvement national dans les écoles pour enseigner les compétences médiatiques aux adolescents qui grandissent avec un accès à plus d'informations que n'importe quelle génération précédente.

In an era of marked by calls of fake news and declining trust in media, we turned to our Student Reporting Labs to learn more about out how young people experience news and how they think about journalism. À une époque marquée par les appels aux fausses nouvelles et la baisse de la confiance dans les médias, nous nous sommes tournés vers nos laboratoires de reportage étudiants pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont les jeunes vivent l'actualité et comment ils pensent le journalisme.

Courtney Smith:

You don't really know what you can believe, because there are so many sources saying so many different things. Camden Miller:

It's weakening trust between the media and the audience. Cela affaiblit la confiance entre les médias et le public. Tristan Eddings:

I'm pretty sure that I have shared fake news, but I didn't realize it until someone corrected me. Je suis presque sûr d'avoir partagé de fausses nouvelles, mais je ne m'en suis pas rendu compte jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un me corrige. Julia Joy:

No one knows what to trust and what not to trust anymore.

Hector Machucha:

I shared a couple stories back in — during the presidential election that might not be as true as I originally believed they were. J'ai partagé quelques histoires en arrière - pendant l'élection présidentielle qui pourraient ne pas être aussi vraies que je le croyais à l'origine.

Jennifer Anyaegbu:

We're having a problem of people actually believing it, and then going forward with that news to have riots and things like that. ||||||||||||||||||protestos|||| Nous avons un problème avec les gens qui y croient réellement, puis qui vont de l'avant avec cette nouvelle pour avoir des émeutes et des choses comme ça. Mary Williams:

I believe that it's the new epidemic, because people don't understand how fast fake news spreads. Muna Ezbudiwe:

I remember there was a time everybody thought were in a gas crisis because of Hurricane Harvey, and everybody thought gas was running out. Je me souviens qu'il fut un temps où tout le monde pensait qu'il y avait une crise du gaz à cause de l'ouragan Harvey, et tout le monde pensait que le gaz s'épuisait.

So, it spread through our social media and everybody got in a panic.Addison Tusten: La nouvelle s'est donc répandue sur nos réseaux sociaux et tout le monde s'est affolé.Addison Tusten :

I don't necessarily think fake news is a problem so much as misinformation. ||||||||||||desinformação Je ne pense pas nécessairement que les fausses nouvelles soient un problème autant que la désinformation. People often are keen to take whatever information they're given right off the bat, sometimes without kind of thinking about where it's coming from or what it implies.Angel Rivera: |||||||||||||de imediato|||||||||||||||| Les gens sont souvent désireux de prendre d'emblée toutes les informations qu'on leur donne, parfois sans se demander d'où elles viennent ou ce qu'elles impliquent.Angel Rivera : It is a person's first instinct to believe that what they see is true automatically. And people need to just double-check that, make sure they're getting the information from reliable sources.Ushni Gupta: |||||||||||||||fontes confiáveis||| Et les gens doivent simplement revérifier cela, s'assurer qu'ils obtiennent les informations de sources fiables. Ushni Gupta : Journalism definitely does matter. Le journalisme compte assurément.

It is the purest form of communication between people the politics and global issues.Henry Smith: C'est la forme la plus pure de communication entre les gens, la politique et les problèmes mondiaux.Henry Smith :

We live in a democracy, where the people make decisions about government.

To make those decisions, we need information.And without journalism, where are we going to get it from?Twitter?Trinity Aberin:

We need to incorporate a type of lesson plan to improve our digital literacy skills. Nous devons intégrer un type de plan de cours pour améliorer nos compétences en littératie numérique.

Zoe Greenwald:

We spend more time in the media than any generation ever has.

And with all of this information being circulated, we need to make sure that the information that's getting to the audience is factual and is correct.Judy Woodruff: Et avec toutes ces informations qui circulent, nous devons nous assurer que les informations qui parviennent au public sont factuelles et correctes.Judy Woodruff : So important that these young people learn these lessons.

PBS NewsHour education coverage is part of American Graduate: Let's Make it Happen, a public media initiative made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. La couverture éducative de PBS NewsHour fait partie de American Graduate: Let's Make it Happen, une initiative de médias publics rendue possible par la Corporation for Public Broadcasting.