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Hooked, CH03 ACTION



The next step in The Hook is the action phase. The trigger, driven by internal or external cues, informs the user of what to do next; however, if the user does not take action, the trigger is useless. To initiate action, doing must be easier than thinking. Remember, a habit is a behavior done with little or no conscious thought. The more effort — either physical or mental — required to perform the desired action, the less likely it is to occur.

Action vs. Inaction

If action is paramount to habit-formation, how can a product designer influence users to act? Is there a formula for behavior? It turns out there is.

While there are many theories about what drives human behaviors, Dr. BJ Fogg, Director of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University, has developed a model that serves as a relatively simple way to understand what drives our actions.

Fogg posits that there are three ingredients required to initiate any and all behaviors: (1) the user must have sufficient motivation; (2) the user must have the ability to complete the desired action; and (3) a trigger must be present to activate the behavior.

The Fogg Behavior Model is represented in a formula, B = MAT, which represents that a given behavior will occur when motivation, ability, and a trigger are present at the same time and in sufficient degrees.

[lv] If any component of this formula is missing or inadequate, the user will not cross the “Action Line” and the behavior will not occur.

Let's walk through an example Fogg uses to explain his model. Imagine a time when your mobile phone rang but you didn't answer it. Why not?

Perhaps the phone was buried in a bag, making it difficult to reach. In this case your inability to easily answer the call inhibited the action. Your ability was limited.

Maybe you thought the caller was a telemarketer, someone you did not want to speak to. So, your lack of motivation influenced you to ignore the call.

Or, maybe the call was important and within arm's reach, but the ringer on your phone was silenced. Despite having both a strong motivation and easy access to answer the call, it was completely missed because you never heard it ring — in other words, no trigger was present.

In the previous chapter, we covered triggers, so now let's dive deeper into the other two components of the Fogg Behavior Model: motivation and ability. Motivation

While a trigger cues an action, motivation defines the level of desire to take that action. Dr. Edward Deci, Professor of Psychology at the University of Rochester and a leading researcher on Self-Determination Theory, defines motivation as, "the energy for action." [lvi]

While the nature of motivation is a widely contested topic in psychology, Fogg argues that three Core Motivators drive our desire to act.

Fogg states that all humans are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain, to seek hope and avoid fear, and finally, to seek social acceptance and avoid rejection. The two sides of the three Core Motivators can be thought of as levers to increase or decrease the likelihood of a person taking a particular action by increasing or decreasing their motivation.

Motivation Examples in Advertising

Perhaps no industry makes the elements of motivation more explicit than the advertising business. Advertisers regularly tap into people's motivations to influence their habits. By looking at ads with a critical eye, we can identify how they attempt to influence our actions.

For example, Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign leveraged a deeply inspiring message and image during a time of economic and political upheaval. An iconic poster designed by artist Shepard Fairey conveyed the idea of “hope,” not only with the word printed in bold letters along the bottom of the image, but also through Obama's steadfast gaze as he looked confidently toward the future. (Unfortunately, the image was at the center of a copyright battle between Fairey and the Associated Press, which claimed ownership of the original photograph used in the artwork, so I've chosen to not to include it here. If you can't recall the image, there is a link in the endnotes). [lvii]

Another example of motivation in advertising relates to the old saying, “sex sells.” Long an advertising standard, images of buff, scantily clad (and usually female) bodies are used to hawk everything from the latest Victoria's Secret lingerie to domain names through GoDaddy.com and fast food chains such as Carl's Jr. and Burger King (figure 4). These and countless others use the voyeuristic promise of pleasure to capture attention and motivate action.

Figure 4

Of course, this strategy only appeals to a particular demographic's association with sex as a salient motivator. While teenage boys — the common target for these ads — may find them inspiring, others may find them distasteful. What motivates some people will not motivate others, a fact that provides all the more reason to understand the needs of your particular target audience.

Sometimes the psychological motivator is not as obvious as those used by Obama supporters or fast food chains. The Budweiser ad in figure 5 illustrates how the beer company uses the motivator of social cohesion by displaying three “buds,” cheering for their national team. Although beer is not directly related to social acceptance, the ad reinforces the association that the brand goes together with good friends and good times.

Figure 5

On the flip-side, negative emotions such as fear can also be powerful motivators. The ad in figure 6 shows a disabled man with a shocking head scar. The ad is impactful, communicating the risks of not wearing a motorcycle helmet. The words, "I won't wear a helmet it makes me look stupid," along with the patient's mental age (post-motorcycle accident) of two-years old, send a chilling message. Figure 6

As described in the previous chapter on triggers, understanding why the user needs your product or service is critical. While internal triggers are the frequent itch experienced by users throughout their days, the right motivators create action by offering the promise of desirable outcomes (i.e., a satisfying scratch).

However, even with the right trigger enabled and motivation running high, product designers often find users still don't behave the way they want them to. What's missing in this equation? Usability, or rather, the ability of the user to take action easily.


In his book, Something Really New: Three Simple Steps to Creating Truly Innovative Products

[lviii] , author Denis J. Hauptly deconstructs the process of innovation into its most fundamental steps. First, Hauptly says, understand the reason people use a product or service. Next, lay out the steps the customer must take to get the job done. Finally, once the series of tasks from intention to outcome is understood, simply start removing steps until you reach the simplest possible process.

Consequently, any technology or product that significantly reduces the steps to complete a task will enjoy high adoption rates by the people it assists. For Hauptly, easier equals better.

But can the nature of innovation be explained so succinctly? Perhaps a brief detour into the technology of the recent past will illustrate the point.

A few decades ago, a dial-up Internet connection seemed magical. All users had to do was boot-up their computers, hit a few keys on their desktop keyboards, wait for their modems to screech and scream as they established connections, and then, perhaps 30 seconds to a minute later, they were online. Checking email or browsing the nascent World Wide Web was terribly slow (by today's standards), but offered unprecedented convenience compared to finding information any other way. The technology was remarkable and soon became a ritual for millions of people accessing this new marvel known as the Internet.

Of course, today few of us could stand the torture of using a 2400 baud modem after we've become accustomed to our always-on, high-speed Internet connections. Emails are now instantaneously pushed to the devices in our pockets. Our photos, music, videos, and files — not to mention the vastness of the open web — are accessible almost anywhere, anytime, on any connected device.

In line with Hauptly's assertion, as the steps required to get something done (in this case, to get online and use the Internet) were removed or improved upon, adoption increased. For example, consider the trend-line of the relationship between the percentage of people creating content online and the increasing ease of doing so, as shown in figure 7.

Figure 7

Web 1.0 was categorized by a few content providers like C|net (now called CNET) or the New York Times publishing to the masses, with only a tiny number of people creating what others read.

But in the late 1990s, blogging changed the web. Before blogging, amateur writers had to purchase their own domain, fiddle with DNS settings, find a web host, and set up a content-management system to present their writing. Suddenly, new companies like Blogger eliminated most of these steps by allowing users to simply register an account and start posting.

Evan Williams, who co-founded Blogger and later Twitter, echoes Hauptly's formula for innovation when he describes his own approach to building two massively successful companies. [lix] “Take a human desire, preferably one that has been around for a really long time… Identify that desire and use modern technology to take out steps.” Blogger made posting content online dramatically easier. The result? The percentage of users creating content online, as opposed to simply consuming it, increased.

Along came Facebook and other social media tools, refining earlier innovations such as Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds into tools for status update-hungry users.

Then, seven years after Blogger's birth, a new company described at first as a “micro-blogging” service sought to bring sharing to the masses — Twitter. For many, blogging was still too difficult and time-consuming. But anyone could type short, casual messages. “Tweeting” began to enter the national lexicon as Twitter gained wider adoption, climbing to 500 million registered users by 2012.

[lx] Critics first discounted Twitter's 140-character message limitation as gimmicky and restrictive. But little did they realize the constraint actually increased users' ability to create. A few keyboard taps and users were sharing. As of late 2013, 340 million tweets were sent every day.

More recently, companies such as Pinterest, Instagram and Vine have elevated online content creation to a new level of simplicity. Now, just a quick snap of a photo or re-pin of an interesting image shares information across multiple social networks. The pattern of innovation shows that making a given action easier to accomplish spurs each successive phase of the web, helping to turn the once-niche behavior of content publishing into a mainstream habit.

As recent history of the web demonstrates, the ease or difficulty of doing a particular action impacts the likelihood that a behavior will occur. To successfully simplify a product, we must remove obstacles that stand in the user's way. According to the Fogg Behavior Model, ability is the capacity to do a particular behavior.


Fogg describes six “elements of simplicity” — the factors that influence a task's difficulty. [lxi] These are:

- Time - How long it takes to complete an action.

- Money - The fiscal cost of taking an action.

- Physical Effort - The amount of labor involved in taking the action.

- Brain Cycles - The level of mental effort and focus required to take an action.

- Social Deviance - How accepted the behavior is by others.

- Non-Routine - According to Fogg, “How much the action matches or disrupts existing routines.”

To increase the likelihood of a behavior occurring, Fogg instructs designers to focus on simplicity as a function of the user's scarcest resource at that moment. In other words, identify what the user is missing. What is making it difficult for the user to accomplish the desired action?

Is the user short on time? Is the behavior too expensive? Is the user exhausted after a long day of work? Is the product too difficult to understand? Is the user in a social context where the behavior could be perceived as inappropriate? Is the behavior simply so far outside of the user's normal routine that its strangeness is off-putting? These factors will differ by person and context, so designers should ask, "What is the thing that is missing that would allow my users to proceed to the next step?" Designing with an eye toward simplifying the overall user experience reduces friction, removes obstacles, and helps push the user across Fogg's action line. The action phase of the Hook Model incorporates Fogg's six elements of simplicity by asking designers to consider how their technology can facilitate the simplest actions in anticipation of reward. The easier an action, the more likely the user is to do it and to continue the cycle through the next phase of the Hook Model.

Below are examples of simple online interfaces used by a number of successful companies to prompt users to move quickly into the Hook's next phase. Logging In with Facebook

Traditionally, registering for a new account with an app or website requires several steps. The user is prompted to enter an email address, create a password, and submit other information such as a name or phone number. This burden introduces significant friction, detracting users from signing-up. Mobile devices present the special challenge of smaller screens and slower typing speeds.

However, today it is nearly impossible to browse the web or use a mobile app without encountering a Facebook Login prompt (figure 8). Many companies have eliminated several steps in the registration process by enabling users to register with their sites by using their existing Facebook credentials.

Figure 8

While the Facebook login function is useful for time-starved people, it should be noted that for others, the tool doesn't necessarily ease registration. For example, users who are wary of how Facebook might share their personal information may not find the login button helpful because it may trigger new anxieties (and thus, brain cycles) about the social networking giant's trustworthiness. Again, the roadblocks confronting users vary by person and context. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so designers should seek to understand an array of possible user challenges.

Sharing with the Twitter Button

Twitter helps people share articles, videos, photos or any other content they find on the web. The company noticed that 25 percent of tweets contained a link and therefore sought to make the action of tweeting a website link as easy as possible.


To ease the way for link-sharers, Twitter created an embeddable Tweet button for third-party sites, allowing them to offer visitors a one-click way to tweet directly from their pages (figure 9). The external trigger opens a preset message, reducing the cognitive effort of composing the tweet and saving several steps to sharing.

Figure 9

Searching with Google

Google, the world's most popular search engine, was not the first to market. It competed against incumbents such as Yahoo!, Lycos, AltaVista, and Excite when it launched in the late 1990s. How did Google come to dominate the multi-billion dollar industry?

For one, Google's PageRank algorithm proved to be a much more effective way to index the web. By ranking pages based on how frequently other sites linked to them, Google improved search relevancy. Compared with directory-based search tools such as Yahoo!, Google was a massive time-saver. But Google also beat out other search engines that had become polluted with irrelevant content and cluttered with advertising (figure 10). From its inception, Google's clean and simple homepage and search results pages were solely focused on streamlining the act of searching and getting relevant results (figure 11). Figure 10 - The Yahoo homepage circa 1998

Figure 11 - The Google homepage circa 1998

Simply put, Google reduced the amount of time and the cognitive effort required to find what the user was looking for. The company continues to relentlessly improve its search engine by finding new ways to remove whatever might be in the user's way — no matter how seemingly trivial. While its homepage remains remarkably pristine, Google now offers myriad tools to make searching easier and faster — including automatic spelling correction, predictive results based on partial queries, and search results that load even as the user is typing. Google's efforts are intended to make searching easier to keep users coming back. Taking Photos with the Apple iPhone

Many of life's most treasured moments come and go in an instant. We try and capture these memories in photos, but if our camera is out of reach or too cumbersome to catch the shot, we lose those moments forever. Apple recognized it could help iPhone owners take more photos by making picture-taking easier. The company made the camera app directly launchable from the locked screen, without requiring a password. Compared to the number of steps needed to access photo apps on other smartphones, the simple flick gesture of the native iPhone camera gives it a virtual monopoly as users' go-to solution whenever they need to snap a quick pic (figure 12). Figure 12

Scrolling with Pinterest

How can a website make browsing easier? One solution popularized by digital pinboard site, Pinterest, is the infinite scroll. In the past, getting from one web page to the next required clicking and waiting. However on sites such as Pinterest, whenever the user nears the bottom of a page, more results automatically load. Users never have to pause as they continue scrolling through pins or posts without end (figure 13).

Figure 13


The examples above show how simplicity increases the intended user behaviors.

Motivation or Ability — Which Should You Increase First?

After uncovering the triggers that prompt user actions and deciding which actions you want to turn into habits, you can increase motivation and ability to spark the likelihood of your users taking a desired behavior. But which should you invest in first, motivation or ability? Where is your time and money better spent?

The answer is always to start with ability.

Of course, all three parts of B=MAT must be present for a singular user action to occur; without a clear trigger and sufficient motivation, there will be no behavior. But for companies building technology solutions, the greatest return on investment will generally come from increasing a product's ease-of-use. The fact is, increasing motivation is expensive and time-consuming. Website visitors tend to ignore instructional text. Their attention is split on several tasks at once and they have little patience for explanations about why or how they should do something. Instead, influencing behavior by reducing the effort required to perform an action is more effective than increasing someone's desire to do it. Make your product so simple that users already know how to use it, and you've got a winner. The Evolution of Twitter's Homepage In 2009, the Twitter homepage was cluttered with text and dozens of links (figure 14). The page was confusing, especially for new users unfamiliar with the product. Twitter's value proposition of sharing what you were doing with friends and family failed to resonate with most users, who wondered, "why would I want to broadcast my activities?" The page design demanded a high level of attention and comprehension.

Figure 14 - The Twitter homepage in 2009

A year later, Twitter redesigned its homepage, touting itself as a service to “share and discover what's happening” (figure 15). Although the page became more focused on action, it was still visually onerous. Even more unfortunate, the task users were most likely to do — search — was not what Twitter really wanted them to do. Twitter management knew from early users that those who followed other people on the service were more likely to stay engaged and form a habit. But searching on Twitter was not helping that goal, so the company decided to make another switch.

Figure 15 - The Twitter homepage in 2010

During the company's period of hypergrowth, the Twitter homepage became radically more simple (figure 16). The product description is itself only 140 characters long and has evolved from the cognitively difficult request that users broadcast their information (as seen in 2009), to the less taxing “Find out what's happening, right now, with the people and organizations you care about.” Figure 16 - The Twitter homepage in 2012

The big bold image of people looking into some kind of light-emanating event, like a concert or a soccer match, metaphorically communicates the value of the service while piquing curiosity. Most strikingly, the page has two very clear calls-to-action: sign in or sign up. The company made the desired action as simple as possible, knowing that getting users to experience the service would yield better results than trying to convince them to use it while still on the homepage.

Of course, it is worth noting that Twitter was in a different place in 2012 than in 2009. People came to the site having heard more about the service as its popularity grew. Twitter's homepage evolution reveals how the company discovered its users' scarcest resource. In 2009, the Twitter homepage attempted to boost motivation. But by 2012, Twitter had discovered that no matter how much users knew about the service, driving them to open an account and start following people resulted in much higher engagement.

Recently, Twitter's homepage has been modified slightly to encourage downloading of the company's mobile apps (figure 17). The simplicity of the large sign-in or sign-up triggers on the 2012 version remain, but Twitter now knows that driving users to install the app on their phones leads to the highest rates of repeat engagement.

Figure 17 - The Twitter homepage in 2013

On Heuristics and Perception

So far, we have discussed Fogg's Core Motivators and the six elements of simplicity as levers for influencing the likelihood of a particular behavior occurring. These factors echo ideals of how people react when making rational decisions. For example, every Economics 101 student learns that as prices decrease, consumers purchase more — in Fogg's terms, an example of increasing ability by decreasing price. However, although the principle seems elementary, the law, like many other theories of human behavior, has exceptions. The field of behavioral economics, as studied by luminaries such as Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman, exposed exceptions to the rational model of human behavior. Even the notion that people always consume more if something costs less, for example, is a tendency, not an absolute.

There are many counterintuitive and surprising ways companies can boost users' motivation or increase their ability by understanding heuristics — the mental shortcuts we take to make decisions and form opinions. It is worth mentioning a few of these brain biases. Even though users are often unaware of these influences on their behavior, heuristics can predict their actions.

The Scarcity Effect

In 1975, researchers Worchel, Lee, and Adewole wanted to know how people would value cookies in two identical glass jars.

[lxiii] One jar held ten cookies while the other contained just two stragglers. Which cookies would people value more?

While the cookies and jars were identical, participants valued the ones in the near-empty jar more highly. The appearance of scarcity affected their perception of value.

There are many theories as to why this is the case. For one, scarcity may signal something about the product. If there are fewer of an item, the thinking goes, it might be because other people know something you don't. Namely, that the cookies in the almost-empty jar are the better choice. The jar with just two cookies left in it conveys valuable, albeit irrelevant, information since the cookies are identical. Yet, the perception of scarcity changed their perceived value.

In the second part of their experiment, the researchers wanted to know what would happen to the perception of the value of the cookies if they suddenly became scarce or abundant. Groups of study participants were given jars with either two cookies or ten. Then, the people in the group with ten cookies suddenly had eight taken away. Conversely, those with only two cookies had eight new cookies added to their jars. How would these changes affect the way participants valued the cookies?

Results remained consistent with the scarcity heuristic. The group left with only two cookies rated them to be more valuable, while those experiencing sudden abundance by going from two to ten, actually valued the cookies less. In fact, they valued the cookies even lower than people who had started with ten cookies to begin with. The study showed that a product can decrease in perceived value if it starts off as scarce and becomes abundant.

For an example of how perception of a limited supply can increase sales, look no further than Amazon.com. My recent search for a DVD revealed there were “only 14 left in stock” (figure 18), while a search for a book I've had my eye on says only three copies remain. Is the world's largest online retailer almost sold out of nearly everything I want to buy or are they using the scarcity heuristic to influence my buying behavior? Figure 18 - “Only 14 left in stock”?

The Framing Effect

Context also shapes perception. In a social experiment, world-class violinist Joshua Bell decided to play a free impromptu concert in a Washington, DC subway station.

[lxiv] Bell regularly sells out venues such as the Kennedy Center and Carnegie Hall for hundreds of dollars per ticket, but when placed in the context of the DC subway, his music fell upon deaf ears. Almost nobody knew they were walking past one of the most talented musicians in the world.

The mind takes shortcuts informed by our surroundings to make quick and sometimes erroneous judgments. When Bell performed his concert in the subway station, few stopped to listen. But when framed in the context of a concert hall, he can charge beaucoup bucks.

But the framing heuristic not only influences our behaviors — it literally changes how our brain perceives pleasure. For example, a 2007 study attempted to measure if price had any influence on the taste of wine.

[lxv] The researchers had study participants sample wine while in an fMRI machine.

As the machine scanned the blood flow in the various regions of their brains, the tasters were informed of the cost of each wine sampled. The sample started with a $5 wine and progressed to a $90 bottle. Interestingly, as the price of the wine increased, so did the participant's enjoyment of the wine. Not only did they say they enjoyed the wine more but their brain corroborated their feelings, showing higher spikes in the regions associated with pleasure. Little did the study participants realize, they were tasting the same wine each time. This study demonstrates how perception can form a personal reality based on how a product is framed, even when there is little relationship with objective quality.

The Anchoring Effect

Rarely can you walk into a clothing store without seeing signage for “30% off,” “buy-one-get-one free,” and other sales and deals. In reality, these items are often marketed to maximize profits for the business. Often, the same store will have similar but less expensive (yet non-discounted) products. I recently visited a store that offered a package of three Jockey brand undershirts at a buy-one-get-one-half-off discount for $29.50. After surveying other options, I noticed a package of five Fruit of the Loom brand undershirts selling for $34. After some quick math, I discovered that the shirts not on sale were actually cheaper per-shirt than the “discounted” brand's package. People often anchor to one piece of information when making a decision. I almost bought the shirts on sale assuming that the one feature differentiating the two brands — the fact that one was on sale and the other was not — was all I needed to consider.

The Endowed Progress Effect

Punch cards are often used by retailers to encourage repeat business. With each purchase, customers get closer to receiving a free product or service. These cards are typically awarded empty and in effect, customers start at zero percent complete. What would happen if retailers handed customers punch cards with punches already given? Would people be more likely to take action if they had already made some progress? An experiment sought to answer this very question.


Two groups of customers were given punch cards awarding a free car wash once the cards were fully punched. One group was given a blank punch card with 8 squares and the other given a punch card with 10 squares but with two free punches. Both groups still had to purchase 8 car washes to receive a free wash; however, the second group of customers — those that were given two free punches — had a staggering 82 percent higher completion rate. The study demonstrates the endowed progress effect, a phenomenon that increases motivation as people believe they are nearing a goal.

Sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook utilize this heuristic to encourage people to divulge more information about themselves when completing their online profiles. On LinkedIn, every user starts with some semblance of progress (figure 19). The next step is to “Improve Your Profile Strength” by supplying additional information. As users complete each step, the meter incrementally shows the user is advancing. Cleverly, LinkedIn's completion bar jumpstarts the perception of progress and does not include a numeric scale. For the new user, a proper LinkedIn profile does not seem so far away. But even the “advanced” user still has additional steps she can take to inch toward the final goal.

Figure 19


Most people remain unaware of how heuristics help us make split-second decisions multiple times per day. Psychologists believe there are hundreds of cognitive biases that influence our behaviors and the four discussed here are just a few examples.

[lxvii] For product designers building habit-forming technology, understanding and leveraging these methods for boosting motivation and ability can prove highly impactful.

Stephen Anderson, author of Seductive Interaction Design, created a tool called Mental Notes to help designers build better products through heuristics.

[lxviii] Each of the cards in his deck of 50 contains a brief description of a cognitive bias and is intended to spark product team conversations around how they might utilize the principle. For example, team members might ask themselves how they could utilize the endowed progress effect or the scarcity effect to increase the likelihood of a desired user behavior.

In this chapter, we discovered how to take users from trigger to action. We discussed how cognitive biases influence behavior and how by designing the simplest action in anticipation of a reward, product makers can advance users to the next phase of the Hook Model.

Now that users have passed through the first two phases, it is time to give them what they came for — the reward that scratches their itch. But what is it exactly that users want? What keeps us coming back time and again to habit-forming experiences and technologies? The answer to what we're all searching for is the topic of the next chapter. *

Remember and Share

- Action is the second step in The Hook.

- The action is the simplest behavior in anticipation of reward.

- As described by the Dr. BJ Fogg's Behavior Model: - For any behavior to occur, a trigger must be present at the same time as the user has sufficient ability and motivation to take action.

- To increase the desired behavior, ensure a clear trigger is present, then increase ability by making the action easier to do, and finally align with the right motivator.

- Every behavior is driven by one of three Core Motivators: seeking pleasure or avoiding pain, seeking hope and avoiding fear, seeking social acceptance while avoiding social rejection.

- Ability is influenced by the six factors of time, money, physical effort, brain cycles, social deviance, and non-routineness. Ability is dependent on users and their context at that moment.

- Heuristics are cognitive shortcuts we take to make quick decisions. Product designers can utilize many of the hundreds of heuristics to increase the likelihood of their desired action.


Do This Now

Refer to the answers you came up with in the last “Do This Now” section to complete the following exercises:

- Walk through the path your users would take to use your product or service, beginning from the time they feel their internal trigger to the point where they receive their expected outcome. How many steps does it take before users obtain the reward they came for? How does this process compare with the simplicity of some of the examples described in this chapter? How does it compare with competing products and services?

- Which resources are limiting your users' ability to accomplish the tasks that will become habits? - Time

- Money

- Physical effort

- Brain cycles (too confusing)

- Social deviance (outside the norm)

- Non-routine (too new)

- Brainstorm three testable ways to make the intended tasks easier to complete.

- Consider how you might apply heuristics to make habit-forming actions more likely.

[End. 02:04:12]

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3\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. ACTION

The next step in The Hook is the action phase. |||||Hook phase||||phase one The trigger, driven by internal or external cues, informs the user of what to do next; however, if the user does not take action, the trigger is useless. |||||||dấu hiệu|||||||||||||||||||| |action prompt|||internal cues||外部|cues|notifies||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||informa||||||||||||||||||| |||||||sinais|||||||||||||||||||| 触发器是由内部或外部线索驱动,告知用户接下来该做什么;但是,如果用户不采取行动,触发器就没有用。 触发器由内部或外部线索驱动,告诉用户下一步该做什么;但是,如果用户不采取行动,触发器也就失去了作用。 To initiate action, doing must be easier than thinking. |khởi xướng||||||| |initiate action||||||| |行動を起こ||||||| 要启动行动,执行必须比思考更容易。 要启动行动,"做 "必须比 "想 "更容易。 Remember, a habit is a behavior done with little or no conscious thought. |||||||||||awareness| 记住,习惯是一种几乎不需要意识思考就能完成的行为。 The more effort — either physical or mental — required to perform the desired action, the less likely it is to occur. Plus l'effort — qu'il soit physique ou mental — nécessaire pour accomplir l'action désirée est important, moins il est probable qu'il se produise. 执行所需的努力越大(无论是身体上的还是心智上的),实现所期望的动作的可能性就越小。 执行预期行动所需的体力或脑力付出越多,发生的可能性就越小。

Action vs. Inaction Action contre inaction 行动 vs. 不作为

If action is paramount to habit-formation, how can a product designer influence users to act? |||quan trọng|||||||||||| |||most important|||||||||||| |||первинним|||||||||||| |||primordial|||||||||||| Si l'action est primordiale pour la formation d'habitudes, comment un designer de produit peut-il influencer les utilisateurs à agir ? 如果行动对习惯养成至关重要,产品设计师如何影响用户采取行动? 如果行动对习惯养成至关重要,那么产品设计师如何影响用户行动呢? Is there a formula for behavior? 行为有公式吗? It turns out there is. |becomes clear||| |verifica-se||| 事实证明是有的。

While there are many theories about what drives human behaviors, Dr. BJ Fogg, Director of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University, has developed a model that serves as a relatively simple way to understand what drives our actions. ||||||||||||||||Thuyết phục|||||||||||đóng vai trò||||||||||| |||||||impulsa||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 虽然有许多关于是什么驱使人类行为的理论,但斯坦福大学说服技术实验室主任BJ Fogg博士已经开发了一个模型,作为一个相对简单的理解我们行为驱动力的方法。 虽然关于人类行为的驱动因素有很多理论,但斯坦福大学说服技术实验室主任 BJ Fogg 博士开发了一个模型,作为一种相对简单的方法来了解我们行为的驱动因素。

Fogg posits that there are three ingredients required to initiate any and all behaviors: (1) the user must have sufficient motivation; (2) the user must have the ability to complete the desired action; and (3) a trigger must be present to activate the behavior. |cho rằng||||||||khởi xướng|||||||||đủ|||||||||||||||||||||| Fogg's Behavior Model|asserts|||||components|||||||||||||desire to act||||||||||||||||be present||||| |припускає|||||інгредієнти||||||||||||достатня|||||||||||||||||||||| Fogg|afirma||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 弗格认为启动任何行为都需要三个要素:(1)用户必须有足够的动机;(2)用户必须有完成所需动作的能力;(3)必须存在触发器来激活行为。 福格认为,任何行为的启动都需要三个要素:(1) 用户必须有足够的动机;(2) 用户必须有能力完成想要的动作;(3) 必须有触发器来激活行为。

The Fogg Behavior Model is represented in a formula, B = MAT, which represents that a given behavior will occur when motivation, ability, and a trigger are present at the same time and in sufficient degrees. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||đủ| Le|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||означення ||||||||||MAT(1)|||||||||||||||||||||||| 弗格行为模型用公式B = MAT来表示,这表示当动机、能力和触发器同时并具备足够程度时,某种行为会发生。 福格行为模式用一个公式来表示,即 B = MAT,它表示当动机、能力和触发因素同时存在并达到足够的程度时,特定行为就会发生。

[lv] If any component of this formula is missing or inadequate, the user will not cross the “Action Line” and the behavior will not occur. ||||||||||không đầy đủ|||||||||||||| leverage||||||||||inadequate|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||Ação(1)||||||| 如果此公式的任何组成部分缺失或不足,用户将不会越过“行动线”,行为也不会发生。 [lv]如果该公式中的任何部分缺失或不足,用户就不会越过 "行动线",行为也就不会发生。

Let's walk through an example Fogg uses to explain his model. ||через|||||||| Imagine a time when your mobile phone rang but you didn't answer it. |||||||зазвонив||||| |||||||tocou||||| Why not?

Perhaps the phone was buried in a bag, making it difficult to reach. |||was||||||||| ||||похований|||||||| ||||escondido|||||||| In this case your inability to easily answer the call inhibited the action. ||||||||||cản trở|| ||||||||||зупинила|| 在这种情况下,您不能轻松接听电话,导致了无法采取行动。 Your ability was limited. 您的能力受到了限制。

Maybe you thought the caller was a telemarketer, someone you did not want to speak to. |||||||nhân viên tiếp thị qua điện thoại|||||||| |||||||telemarketer|||||||| ||||телефонуючий||||||||||| 也许您以为打电话的人是推销员,是您不想和他说话的人。 So, your lack of motivation influenced you to ignore the call.

Or, maybe the call was important and within arm's reach, but the ringer on your phone was silenced. ||||||||||||sonnerie|||||silencieux ||||||||||||sound alert system||||| |||||||dentro|||||||||| 或者,也许电话很重要,近在咫尺,但你的手机铃声却被静音了。 Despite having both a strong motivation and easy access to answer the call, it was completely missed because you never heard it ring — in other words, no trigger was present. |||||||||||||||повністю|||||||||||||| 尽管具有强烈的动机和方便回应呼叫的条件,但由于你从未听到铃声响起,所以完全错过了 — 换句话说,没有触发器存在。 尽管有很强的动机,也很容易接听电话,但因为从未听到铃声,换句话说,没有触发器,所以完全错过了。

In the previous chapter, we covered triggers, so now let's dive deeper into the other two components of the Fogg Behavior Model: motivation and ability. |||||avons couvert|||||||||||composantes|||||||| 在前一章中,我们讨论了触发器,现在让我们深入了解 Fogg 行为模型的另外两个组成部分:动机和能力。 Motivation 动机

While a trigger cues an action, motivation defines the level of desire to take that action. |||kích thích|||||||||||| |||señales|||||||||||| |||indica|||||||||||| Dr. Edward Deci, Professor of Psychology at the University of Rochester and a leading researcher on Self-Determination Theory, defines motivation as, "the energy for action." |||||||||||||principal investigador|||o eu||||||||| 罗切斯特大学心理学教授爱德华•迪西博士是自主决定理论的领先研究者,他将动机定义为"行动的能量"。 罗切斯特大学心理学教授、自我决定理论的主要研究者爱德华-戴奇博士将动机定义为 "行动的能量"。 [lvi] List item indicator [lvi]

While the nature of motivation is a widely contested topic in psychology, Fogg argues that three Core Motivators drive our desire to act. |||||||largement|contestation|||||soutient||||||||| ||||||||debated or disputed|||||||||||||| |||||||amplamente||||||||||||||| ||||||||gây tranh cãi|||||||||||||| ||||||||спірне|||||||||||||| ||||||||discutido|||||||||||||| 尽管动机的本质在心理学中是一个广泛争论的话题,但弗格认为三个核心驱动因素驱动我们的行动欲望。 虽然动机的本质在心理学中是一个广受争议的话题,但福格认为,有三个核心动机驱动着我们的行动欲望。

Fogg states that all humans are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain, to seek hope and avoid fear, and finally, to seek social acceptance and avoid rejection. ||||||||||||||chercher||||||||||acceptation sociale|||rejet ||||||||||||||||||||нарешті||||прийняття||| |afirma|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 福格指出,所有人类都有寻求快乐和避免痛苦、寻求希望和避免恐惧,以及寻求社会接纳和避免排斥的动机。 The two sides of the three Core Motivators can be thought of as levers to increase or decrease the likelihood of a person taking a particular action by increasing or decreasing their motivation. |||||||||||||||||||probabilidad||||||||||||| |||||||||||||leviers||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||levers||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||probabilidade de ação||||||||||||| ||сторони|||||||||||важелі|||||||||||||||||||

Motivation Examples in Advertising |||Publicidad

Perhaps no industry makes the elements of motivation more explicit than the advertising business. ||||(визначений артикль)||||||||| quizás||||||||||||| 也许没有哪个行业比广告业更明确地揭示了激励元素。 Advertisers regularly tap into people's motivations to influence their habits. ||explotan||||||| ||exploram||||||| ||використовують||||||| Рекламодавці регулярно використовують мотивації людей, щоб вплинути на їхні звички. 广告商经常利用人们的动机来影响他们的习惯。 By looking at ads with a critical eye, we can identify how they attempt to influence our actions. |||||||||||||намагаються|||| |||||||||||||intentan|||| Дивлячись на рекламу з критичним поглядом, ми можемо виявити, як вона намагається вплинути на наші дії. 通过批判性地看待广告,我们可以识别它们如何试图影响我们的行为。

For example, Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign leveraged a deeply inspiring message and image during a time of economic and political upheaval. ||||||||||||||||||||khủng hoảng ||||||||||||||||||||tumulte ||||||||||||||||||||turmoil or instability ||||||використала||||||||||||||підйому ||||||aprovechó||||||||||||||agitación Наприклад, президентська кампанія Барака Обами 2008 року використала глибоко надихаюче повідомлення та образ у часи економічних і політичних зрушень. 例如,巴拉克-奥巴马在 2008 年的总统竞选活动中,在经济和政治动荡时期利用了极具启发性的信息和形象。 An iconic poster designed by artist Shepard Fairey conveyed the idea of “hope,” not only with the word printed in bold letters along the bottom of the image, but also through Obama's steadfast gaze as he looked confidently toward the future. |iconique|affiche|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||avec confiance||| |||||||Shepard Fairey|||||||||||||||||||||||||unwavering|||||||| |||||||Fairey|transmitiu|||||||||||||||||||||||||olhar firme||||||| |huyền thoại|||||||truyền tải||||||||||||||||||||||||kiên định|ánh mắt||||||| |іконний|||||||передавало||||||||||||||||||||||||непохитним|погляд||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||firme|||||con confianza||| 艺术家谢泼德·费雷设计的标志性海报传达了“希望”的理念,不仅是因为这个词以粗体字印在图像底部,还因为奥巴马自信地朝着未来看去的坚定凝视。 艺术家谢帕德-费瑞设计的一张标志性海报传达了 "希望 "的理念,不仅在画面底部印有醒目的 "希望 "二字,还通过奥巴马坚定的目光,充满信心地展望未来。 (Unfortunately, the image was at the center of a copyright battle between Fairey and the Associated Press, which claimed ownership of the original photograph used in the artwork, so I've chosen to not to include it here. thật không may||||||||||||||||||đã tuyên bố|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||droit d'auteur||||||||||la propriété||||||||œuvre d'art||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||претендувала|власність||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||alegou|direitos autorais||||||||||||optar por||||| (不幸的是,这幅图像在谢泼德和美联社之间的版权之争中心,美联社声称拥有艺术作品中使用的原始照片的所有权,因此我选择不在这里包含它。 If you can't recall the image, there is a link in the endnotes). |||nhớ|||||||||chú thích cuối ||||||||||||в кінцевих примітках |||lembrar-se de||||||||| 如果你不记得这幅图像,可以在尾注中找到一个链接。) [lvii] 57

Another example of motivation in advertising relates to the old saying, “sex sells.” Long an advertising standard, images of buff, scantily clad (and usually female) bodies are used to hawk everything from the latest Victoria's Secret lingerie to domain names through GoDaddy.com and fast food chains such as Carl's Jr. |||||||||||||||||||musclées|à peine vêtu|vêtues légèrement||||||||promouvoir||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||muscular|minimally dressed|clad||||||||hawk|||||Victoria's Secret||intimate apparel||domain|||domain registrar company||||||||Carl's Jr.| ||||||refere-se|||||||||||||sarados||vestidas de forma mínima||||corpos atraentes||||vender||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||thiếu vải|mặc ít vải|và|||||||bán|||||||đồ lót|||||||||||||| ||||||стосується||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Вікторії||||||||||||ланцюги|||| |||||publicidad||||||||||||||musculosos|escasamente|vestidas||||||||vender||||||||||||||||||||| 广告中的另一个动机示例与“色情有市场”这句老话有关。长期以来,健壮、暴露(通常是女性)身体的图像被用来推销从最新的维多利亚的秘密内衣到通过GoDaddy.com推广域名以及卡尔斯朱尼尔(Carl's Jr.)和汉堡王等快餐连锁店的所有东西。 and Burger King (figure 4). e||| (图4)。 These and countless others use the voyeuristic promise of pleasure to capture attention and motivate action. ||||||thích xem trộm||||||||| ||innombrables||||||||||||| ||||||"spying for pleasure"||||||||| ||безліч||||||||||||| 这些以及无数其他广告利用欲望的承诺来吸引注意力并激发行动。

Figure 4

Of course, this strategy only appeals to a particular demographic's association with sex as a salient motivator. |||||||||dân số||||||nổi bật| |||||||||||||||saillant| |||||||||demographic||||||prominent or important| |||||приваблює||||||||||| While teenage boys — the common target for these ads — may find them inspiring, others may find them distasteful. |||||||||||||||||khó chịu |||||||||||||||||de mauvais goût |||||||||||||||||offensive |||||||||||||||||неприємними |||||||||||||||||desagradables What motivates some people will not motivate others, a fact that provides all the more reason to understand the needs of your particular target audience. |motive|||||||||||||||||||||||public cible

Sometimes the psychological motivator is not as obvious as those used by Obama supporters or fast food chains. |||||||||||||les partisans|||| ||психологічний||||||||||||||| The Budweiser ad in figure 5 illustrates how the beer company uses the motivator of social cohesion by displaying three “buds,” cheering for their national team. |||||||||||||||sự gắn kết||||bạn||||| |||||||||||||||||affichant||amis|acclamant|||| |beer brand||||||||||||||social unity||||friends||||| |||||||||||||||кохезії||||друзі|підтримуючи|||| ||||||||cerveja|||||||||exibindo||amigos|torcendo|||| 图5中的百威广告说明了这家啤酒公司如何利用社会凝聚力这一动机,展示了三个“朋友”为他们的国家队加油助威。 Although beer is not directly related to social acceptance, the ad reinforces the association that the brand goes together with good friends and good times. |||||||||||củng cố||mối liên hệ||||||||||| |||||liée||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||підкреслює||||||||||||| |||||||||||reforça||||||||||||| 尽管啤酒与社会认可并无直接关联,但广告强化了这个品牌与好朋友和美好时光联系在一起的关系。

Figure 5 图5

On the flip-side, negative emotions such as fear can also be powerful motivators. ||autre côté||||||||||| ||зворотному||||||||||| The ad in figure 6 shows a disabled man with a shocking head scar. ||||||homme handicapé||||||cicatrice ||||||інвалід||||шокуючий|| ||||||deficiente físico||||surpreendente||cicatriz na cabeça The ad is impactful, communicating the risks of not wearing a motorcycle helmet. |||percutante||||||porter||casque de moto|casque de moto |||впливовим|||||||||шолом The words, "I won't wear a helmet it makes me look stupid," along with the patient's mental age (post-motorcycle accident) of two-years old, send a chilling message. |||||||||||||||patient||||||||||||frissonnant| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||страшне| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||assustadora| “我不会戴头盔,这让我看起来很蠢”这句话,再加上患者(摩托车事故后)只有两岁的心智年龄,传递出了令人不安的信息。 Figure 6 图6

As described in the previous chapter on triggers, understanding why the user needs your product or service is critical. 如前一章节中关于触发器所描述的,理解用户为何需要你的产品或服务至关重要。 While internal triggers are the frequent itch experienced by users throughout their days, the right motivators create action by offering the promise of desirable outcomes (i.e., a satisfying scratch). ||||||cảm giác ngứa|||||||||||||||||||||||gãi ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||satisfaction (1)| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||satisfying relief ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||задовільний| ||||||coceira|vivida|||||||||||||||||||||| Хоча внутрішні тригери є частим свербінням, яке користувачі відчувають протягом дня, правильні мотиватори створюють дію, пропонуючи обіцянку бажаних результатів (тобто, задовольняючий подряпина).

However, even with the right trigger enabled and motivation running high, product designers often find users still don't behave the way they want them to. ||||||||||||||||||se comportent|||||| ||||||увімкнений||||||||||||поводяться|||||| Однак, навіть з увімкненим правильним тригером і високим рівнем мотивації, дизайнери продуктів часто виявляють, що користувачі все ж не поводяться так, як вони хочуть. What's missing in this equation? ||||phương trình(1) ||||équation (1) ||||рівняння(1) Що бракує в цій рівнянні? Usability, or rather, the ability of the user to take action easily. tính khả dụng||||||||||| ||más bien||||||||| ||ou seja|||||||||

Ability khả năng

In his book, Something Really New: Three Simple Steps to Creating Truly Innovative Products ||||||||||||innovants| 在他的书《真正新颖的东西:创建真正创新产品的三个简单步骤》中

[lviii] , author Denis J. Hauptly deconstructs the process of innovation into its most fundamental steps. ||Denis J Hauptly||Hauptly Denis J|décompose||||||||| Page 58||Denis J. Hauptly||Denis J. Hauptly|breaks down||||||||| |||||деконструює||||||||| [lviii],作者丹尼斯·J·豪普特利(Denis J. Hauptly)将创新过程拆解为其最基本的步骤。 First, Hauptly says, understand the reason people use a product or service. 首先,豪普特利说,要理解人们使用产品或服务的原因。 Next, lay out the steps the customer must take to get the job done. ||||||||||obtenir||| |викласти|||||||||||| 接下来,列出客户必须执行的步骤来完成工作。 Finally, once the series of tasks from intention to outcome is understood, simply start removing steps until you reach the simplest possible process. |||||tâches||||résultat|||||||||||la plus simple|| |||||||намір||||||||||||||| 最后,一旦从意图到结果的任务系列被理解,简单地开始删除步骤,直到达到最简单的流程。

Consequently, any technology or product that significantly reduces the steps to complete a task will enjoy high adoption rates by the people it assists. |||||||||||||||||sự áp dụng|||||| |||||||||||||||||adoption||||||aide отже||||||||||||||||||||||| 因此,任何可以显著减少完成任务步骤的技术或产品都将受到其帮助的人们的高采纳率。 For Hauptly, easier equals better. |||дорівнює| |||é igual a|

But can the nature of innovation be explained so succinctly? |||||||||ngắn gọn |||||||||de manière succincte |||||||||concisely |||||||||лаконічно |||||||||de manera sucinta Perhaps a brief detour into the technology of the recent past will illustrate the point. ||cuộc|lệch đường|||||||quá khứ||minh họa|| ||||||||||||illustrer|| |||diversion||||||||||| |||обхід|||||||||пояснить|| |||desvío||||||||||| 也许稍微了解一下最近过去的技术会更好地阐明这一点。

A few decades ago, a dial-up Internet connection seemed magical. |||||connexion commutée||||| |||||rotary connection method||||| |||||дозвонний|||||чарівним uma conexão|||||||||| 几十年前,拨号上网连接似乎很神奇。 All users had to do was boot-up their computers, hit a few keys on their desktop keyboards, wait for their modems to screech and scream as they established connections, and then, perhaps 30 seconds to a minute later, they were online. ||||||||||||||||claviers de bureau|||||||crier|||||||||||||une minute|||| ||||||start their computers|||||||||||||||||make noise||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||pressionar|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||rít|||||thiết lập|||||||||||| ||||||завантажити||||натиснути|||||||||||||||кричати||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||chirriar||||||||||||||||| 所有用户所需做的就是启动他们的计算机,在桌面键盘上按下几个键,等待他们的调制解调器发出尖叫声,建立连接,然后,也许在30秒到1分钟后,他们就能上网了。 Checking email or browsing the nascent World Wide Web was terribly slow (by today's standards), but offered unprecedented convenience compared to finding information any other way. |||||mới nổi||||||||||||chưa từng có|||||||| ||||||||||terriblement||||normes||||||||||| |||navigating||nascent||||||||||||unprecedented|||||||| |||||новому|||||||||||||зручність||||||| |||||naciente|||||||||||||||||||| The technology was remarkable and soon became a ritual for millions of people accessing this new marvel known as the Internet. ||||||||thói quen|||||||||||| |||||||||||||accédant à|||merveille|||| |||||||||||||які отримували доступ до||||||| |||notable|||||||||||||maravilla|conocida|||

Of course, today few of us could stand the torture of using a 2400 baud modem after we've become accustomed to our always-on, high-speed Internet connections. ||||||||||||||modem 2400 bauds||||habitués|||||||| |||||||||||||data transmission rate||||||||||||| de|||||||||||||||||||||sempre||||| |||||||||||||baud|||||quen|||||||| |||||||||катування||||бод|||||привикли|||||||| |||||||soportar||||||||||||||||||| Emails are now instantaneously pushed to the devices in our pockets. |||ngay lập tức||||||| |||instantanément|||||||nos poches ||||enviadas|||||| |||миттєво||||||| 现在,电子邮件可以即时推送到我们口袋里的设备上。 Our photos, music, videos, and files — not to mention the vastness of the open web — are accessible almost anywhere, anytime, on any connected device. ||||||||||sự bao la||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||accessibles|||à tout moment|||| ||||||||||безмежність||||||доступні||||||| 我们的照片、音乐、视频和文件,更不用说广阔的互联网,几乎可以在任何连接的设备上随时随地访问。

In line with Hauptly's assertion, as the steps required to get something done (in this case, to get online and use the Internet) were removed or improved upon, adoption increased. |||Hauptly|khẳng định||||||||||||||||||||||||sự chấp nhận| |||assertion de Hauptly|affirmation||||||||||||||||||||supprimées||||| |||Hauptly's claim|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||твердження||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||afirmación||||||||||||||||||||||mejoradas|sobre|| 与豪普特利的断言一致,随着完成某事所需的步骤(在这种情况下,上网和使用互联网)被消除或改进,采用率也在增加。 For example, consider the trend-line of the relationship between the percentage of people creating content online and the increasing ease of doing so, as shown in figure 7. ||||||||||la|||||||||||||||illustré|| |||||||||||percentage|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||facilidad||||||| |||||||||entre|||||||||||||||||| 例如,考虑一下人们在网上创作内容的比例与这种行为变得越来越容易之间的趋势线,如图7所示。

Figure 7 图7

Web 1.0 was categorized by a few content providers like C|net (now called CNET) or the New York Times publishing to the masses, with only a tiny number of people creating what others read. ||catégorisée|||||||C(1)||||CNET||||York||publier|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||Technology news website|||||||||masses||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||маси||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||as massas||||||||||| Web 1.0的特点是像C|net(现在称为CNET)或纽约时报这样的少数内容提供商向广大群众发布内容,只有少数人创作其他人阅读的内容。

But in the late 1990s, blogging changed the web. |||final||o blogging||| 但是在20世纪90年代末,博客改变了互联网。 Before blogging, amateur writers had to purchase their own domain, fiddle with DNS settings, find a web host, and set up a content-management system to present their writing. ||||||||||nghịch|||||||||||||||||| ||écrivains amateurs||||||||||DNS|||||||||||||||| ||amateur||||||||fiddle||DNS|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||brincar|||||||||||||||||| ||аматор||||||||порадитися||DNS|||||||||||||||| 在博客出现之前,业余作家必须购买自己的域名,调整DNS设置,找到网络主机,并设置内容管理系统来展示他们的作品。 Suddenly, new companies like Blogger eliminated most of these steps by allowing users to simply register an account and start posting. Soudainement|||||||||||||||s'inscrire|||||publier раптом|||||елімінували||||||||||||||| 突然间,像Blogger这样的新公司通过允许用户简单注册帐号并开始发布来删除了大部分这些步骤。

Evan Williams, who co-founded Blogger and later Twitter, echoes Hauptly's formula for innovation when he describes his own approach to building two massively successful companies. |||||||||||||||||||||||massivement|| |||||||||відгукується||||||||||||||масштабно|| 埃文·威廉姆斯是博客作者和后来的Twitter的联合创始人,当他描述自己构建两家极其成功公司的方法时,他重复了豪特利的创新公式。 [lix] “Take a human desire, preferably one that has been around for a really long time… Identify that desire and use modern technology to take out steps.” Blogger made posting content online dramatically easier. |||||de préférence|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Simplify with technology||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||бажано|||||||||||||||||||вжити||||||||| |||||preferiblemente|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| “满足人类的欲望,最好是那种存在了很长时间的欲望……找到那个欲望,然后利用现代技术消除步骤。” Blogger让在线发布内容变得极为简单。 The result? 结果呢? The percentage of users creating content online, as opposed to simply consuming it, increased. ||||||||на відміну|||||

Along came Facebook and other social media tools, refining earlier innovations such as Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds into tools for status update-hungry users. ||||||||cải tiến||||||||||||Syndication||||||||| ||||||||améliorant|||||système de bulletin|Tableau d'affichage||systèmes de tableaux d'affichage||||Syndication (1)|Syndication vraiment simple|||||||| ||||||||||||||||Bulletin Board Systems||||Content distribution method|RSS: Web feed format|||||||| ||||||||удосконалюючи||||||||||||||||||||| junto||||||||||||||||||||||||||||faminta| 随着Facebook和其他社交媒体工具的出现,早期的创新如公告板系统(BBS)和真正简单的聚合(RSS)提供了给渴望了解状态更新的用户的工具。

Then, seven years after Blogger's birth, a new company described at first as a “micro-blogging” service sought to bring sharing to the masses — Twitter. |||||||||||||||||đã tìm cách||||||| ||||Blogger||||||||||microblogging|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||buscó||||||| |||||||||||||||||procurou||||||| 然后,在Blogger诞生七年之后,一家最初被描述为“微型博客”服务的新公司试图将分享带给大众——Twitter。 For many, blogging was still too difficult and time-consuming. 对许多人来说,博客仍然太困难和耗时。 But anyone could type short, casual messages. |||||informelles| |qualquer um||||| “Tweeting” began to enter the national lexicon as Twitter gained wider adoption, climbing to 500 million registered users by 2012. ||||||từ vựng||||||||||| Tweeter||||||||||||atteignant||||| ||||||lexicon||||||||||| ||||||||Twitter||||||||| ||||||лексикон|||отримав|||достигнувши||||користувачів| “推特”开始进入全国词汇,随着推特用户数量的增加,到2012年达到5亿注册用户。

[lx] Critics first discounted Twitter's 140-character message limitation as gimmicky and restrictive. ||||Twitter|||||||restrictif character limit|||dismissed||||||novelty-driven|| lx|||||||||gimmicky|| |Các nhà phê bình||đánh giá thấp||||||mánh lới||hạn chế |Критики||вважали||||||дешевий||обмежувальним |||desestimaron||||||artificioso||restrictiva [lx]评论家最初认为推特的140个字符限制是一种噱头和限制性的。 But little did they realize the constraint actually increased users' ability to create. ||||||sự hạn chế|||||| ||||||contrainte|||||| ||||||limitation|||||| ||||||обмеження|||||| ||||||restricción|||||| 但他们并没有意识到这种限制实际上提高了用户的创造能力。 A few keyboard taps and users were sharing. |||touchements|||| |||toques|||| 几下键盘敲击,用户们就开始分享了。 As of late 2013, 340 million tweets were sent every day. ||dernièrement||tweets|||| ||||твіти|||| 截至2013年末,每天发送3.4亿条推文。

More recently, companies such as Pinterest, Instagram and Vine have elevated online content creation to a new level of simplicity. ||||||||||nâng cao||||||||| ||||||||Vine|||||||||||simplicité ||||||||video-sharing app||||||||||| ||||||||||підняли||||||||| 近年来,像Pinterest、Instagram和Vine这样的公司将在线内容创作提升到了一个新的简单水平。 Now, just a quick snap of a photo or re-pin of an interesting image shares information across multiple social networks. ||||instantané|||||||||||||||| ||||snapshot|||||||||||||||| ||||знімок|||||||||||||||| 现在,只需快速拍照或转发一张有趣的图片就可以在多个社交网络上共享信息。 The pattern of innovation shows that making a given action easier to accomplish spurs each successive phase of the web, helping to turn the once-niche behavior of content publishing into a mainstream habit. |||||||||||||||||||||||||niche||||publication de contenu|||habitude courante| |||||||||||||encourages||following each other||||||||||niche|||||||common practice| ||||||||||||realizar||||||||||||||||||||mainstream| |||||||||||||thúc đẩy||||||||||||ngách|||||||| ||||||||||||виконати|спонукає||||||||||||ніша|||||||основний| |||||||||||||impulsa|||||||||||||||||||| 创新的模式表明,让某个动作更容易实现会促使网络的每个后续阶段,有助于将内容发布这一曾经是小众行为变成主流习惯。

As recent history of the web demonstrates, the ease or difficulty of doing a particular action impacts the likelihood that a behavior will occur. ||||||||||||||||||probabilidade||||| 正如网络的最近历史所证明的那样,完成某项特定动作的易或难程度会影响行为发生的可能性。 To successfully simplify a product, we must remove obstacles that stand in the user's way. ||||||||obstacles|||||| 要成功简化一个产品,我们必须消除阻碍用户的障碍。 According to the Fogg Behavior Model, ability is the capacity to do a particular behavior. |||||||||capacité||||| |||Fogg||||||||||| 根据福格行为模型,能力是执行特定行为的能力。

*** *

Fogg describes six “elements of simplicity” — the factors that influence a task's difficulty. |||||||||||la tâche| Fogg描述了简单性的六个“要素” — 影响任务困难度的因素。 [lxi] These are: lxi(1)|| 61 in Latin|| [lxi] 这些要素包括:

- Time - How long it takes to complete an action. - 时间 - 完成某项操作需要多长时间。

- Money - The fiscal cost of taking an action. ||tài chính||||| ||coût fiscal||||| ||fiscal||||| ||фіскова||||| - 金钱 - 采取行动的财政成本。

- Physical Effort - The amount of labor involved in taking the action. |||||công sức||||| |||||праці||||| |||a quantidade||||||| - 身体努力 - 参与行动所需的劳动量。

- Brain Cycles - The level of mental effort and focus required to take an action. - 大脑循环 - 采取行动所需的心理努力和关注水平。

- Social Deviance - How accepted the behavior is by others. |sự lệch chuẩn||||||| |Déviance||||||| |Norm-breaking behavior||||||| |девіація||||||| |desviación||||||| - 社会偏差 - 行为被他人接受程度。

- Non-Routine - According to Fogg, “How much the action matches or disrupts existing routines.” |||||||||||phá vỡ|| |||||||||||perturbe|| не|||||||||відповідає||порушує|| não||||||||||||| - 非日常 - 根据福格(Fogg)的说法,“行动与现有日常规则的匹配程度或打破程度。”

To increase the likelihood of a behavior occurring, Fogg instructs designers to focus on simplicity as a function of the user's scarcest resource at that moment. ||||||||||||||||||||||ressource la plus rare||| |||||||||||||||||||||most limited|||| |||probabilidade|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||hướng dẫn||||||||||||hiếm nhất|||| |||||||||||||||||||||найбільш обмеженого|||| |||probabilidad||||||||||||||||||más escaso|||| 为了增加行为发生的可能性,福格建议设计师们专注于简单性,作为用户当时最稀缺的资源。 In other words, identify what the user is missing. What is making it difficult for the user to accomplish the desired action? |||||||||realizar|||

Is the user short on time? est||||| |||short|| |||pouco|| 用户时间是否不够? Is the behavior too expensive? 行为是否太昂贵? Is the user exhausted after a long day of work? |||épuisé|||||| |||втомлений|||||| 用户在长时间工作后是否筋疲力尽? Is the product too difficult to understand? Is the user in a social context where the behavior could be perceived as inappropriate? ||||||||||||||inappropriée 用户是否处于社交环境中,行为可能被视为不当? Is the behavior simply so far outside of the user's normal routine that its strangeness is off-putting? |||||||||||||||||gây khó chịu ||||||||||||||étrangeté||| ||||||||||||||незвичність||відштовхуюче| |o||||||||||||||||desagradável 行为是否只是远远超出用户正常流程以至于其奇异性令人反感? These factors will differ by person and context, so designers should ask, "What is the thing that is missing that would allow my users to proceed to the next step?" |||khác|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||qui||||||passer à|||| 这些因素会因人而异,也会因环境而异,因此设计者应该问:“是什么缺失导致我的用户无法进入下一步?” Designing with an eye toward simplifying the overall user experience reduces friction, removes obstacles, and helps push the user across Fogg's action line. |||||||||||ma sát||||||||||| ||||||||||||supprime||||||||la ligne d'action de Fogg|| |||||||||||friction||||||||||| |||||||||||тертя||||||||||| |||olho||||||||||||||||||| 设计时要着眼于简化整体用户体验,减少阻力、消除障碍,帮助推动用户跨越福格的行动线。 The action phase of the Hook Model incorporates Fogg's six elements of simplicity by asking designers to consider how their technology can facilitate the simplest actions in anticipation of reward. ||||||||||||||||||||||thúc đẩy|||||sự mong đợi|| La|||||||intègre||||||||||||||peut|faciliter les||||||| |||||||включає|||||||||||||||полегшити||||||| 钩子模型的行动阶段结合了福格的简单性六要素,要求设计师考虑他们的技术如何可以促进最简单的行为以期待奖励。 The easier an action, the more likely the user is to do it and to continue the cycle through the next phase of the Hook Model. ||||||probable||||||||||||||||||| 行为越简单,用户越有可能去做,并在接下来的钩子模型下一个阶段继续循环。

Below are examples of simple online interfaces used by a number of successful companies to prompt users to move quickly into the Hook's next phase. |||||||||||||||thúc đẩy||||||||| ||||||interfaces en ligne||par|||||||||||||||| ||||||user interfaces|||||||||||||||||| Abaixo|||||||||||||||||||||||| Logging In with Facebook

Traditionally, registering for a new account with an app or website requires several steps. Traditionnellement|s'inscrire|||||||||||| The user is prompted to enter an email address, create a password, and submit other information such as a name or phone number. |||||||||||créer un mot de passe||||||||||| |||просять||||||||||надіслати||||||||| This burden introduces significant friction, detracting users from signing-up. |gánh nặng||||làm giảm sự hấp dẫn|||| |||||dissuadant les|||s'inscrire| |||||discouraging|||| |||||відволікаючи|||| |carga||||afastando|||| Mobile devices present the special challenge of smaller screens and slower typing speeds. |||||||plus petites|||||

However, today it is nearly impossible to browse the web or use a mobile app without encountering a Facebook Login prompt (figure 8). ||||||||||||||||encontrarse||||| ||||||||||||||||rencontrer|||connexion Facebook|| |||є|||||||||||||зустрічати||||| no entanto||||||||||||||||encontrar||||solicitação| Many companies have eliminated several steps in the registration process by enabling users to register with their sites by using their existing Facebook credentials. |||||||||||||||||||||||identifiants Facebook |||||||||||||||||||||||login information |||||||||||дозволяючи||||||||||||обліковими даними

Figure 8

While the Facebook login function is useful for time-starved people, it should be noted that for others, the tool doesn't necessarily ease registration. ||||||||||||||||||||||dễ dàng hơn| Bien que||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||обмеженими в часі|||||||||||||| ||||||||pessoas|apressadas|||||||||||||| For example, users who are wary of how Facebook might share their personal information may not find the login button helpful because it may trigger new anxieties (and thus, brain cycles) about the social networking giant's trustworthiness. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||géant des réseaux sociaux|fiabilité |||||cautious about||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||giant's| |||||cautelosos|||||||||||||||||||||||assim|||||||| |||||cảnh giác||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||тривог|||||||||гіганта|надійність |||||用心深い||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||cautelosos|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||confiabilidad Again, the roadblocks confronting users vary by person and context. ||rào cản|gặp phải|||||| ||obstacles||||||| ||obstacles||||||| ||перешкоди|які стикаються|||||| There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so designers should seek to understand an array of possible user challenges. |||||||||||||||une variété||||défis des utilisateurs |||||||||||||||range|||| |||||||||||||||ряд (1)||||

Sharing with the Twitter Button

Twitter helps people share articles, videos, photos or any other content they find on the web. The company noticed that 25 percent of tweets contained a link and therefore sought to make the action of tweeting a website link as easy as possible. ||||||||||||đã tìm cách||||||||||||| |||||||contiennent|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||por lo tanto|buscó||||||||||||| |||||||||||portanto|procurou|||||||||||||

[lxii] soixante-deux un 62

To ease the way for link-sharers, Twitter created an embeddable Tweet button for third-party sites, allowing them to offer visitors a one-click way to tweet directly from their pages (figure 9). |||||||||||||||||||||visiteurs||||||tweet||||| ||||||||||able to embed|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||リンク共有者||||埋め込み可能な|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||вбудовуваний|||||||||||||||||||||| The external trigger opens a preset message, reducing the cognitive effort of composing the tweet and saving several steps to sharing. |||||tin nhắn đã được định sẵn|||||||soạn|||||||| ||||||||||||composer le|||||||| |||||predefined|||||||writing the tweet|||||||| |外部の||||事前設定の|||||||作成する|||||||| |||||попередньо налаштоване|повідомлення||||||складання|||||||| 外部トリガーがあらかじめ設定されたメッセージを開くため、ツイートを作成する認知的労力が軽減され、共有までのいくつかのステップを省くことができる。

Figure 9

Searching with Google

Google, the world's most popular search engine, was not the first to market. Google|||||||||||| It competed against incumbents such as Yahoo!, Lycos, AltaVista, and Excite when it launched in the late 1990s. |||các công ty đương nhiệm|||||||||||||| |||les entreprises en place|||Yahoo|Lycos|AltaVista||Excite||||||| |||established competitors||||search engine company|search engine||||||||| |競争した||既存企業|||||||||||||| |||гравцями|||||||||||||пізніх| How did Google come to dominate the multi-billion dollar industry?

For one, Google's PageRank algorithm proved to be a much more effective way to index the web. |||PageRank(1)|||||||||||indexer|| |||web ranking system|||||||||||organize|| |один||||||||||||||| По-перше, алгоритм PageRank від Google виявився набагато ефективнішим способом індексації вебу. By ranking pages based on how frequently other sites linked to them, Google improved search relevancy. |||||||||||||||liên quan |||||||||||||||pertinence de recherche |||||||||||||||search result quality |ранжуванню||||||||||||||релевантність Розташування сторінок на основі того, як часто інші сайти посилалися на них, покращило релевантність пошуку в Google. Compared with directory-based search tools such as Yahoo!, Google was a massive time-saver. ||||||||||||||économiseur de temps ||organized listing system|||||||||||| |||||||||||||economizador| У порівнянні з пошуковими інструментами на основі каталогів, такими як Yahoo!, Google заощаджував величезну кількість часу. But Google also beat out other search engines that had become polluted with irrelevant content and cluttered with advertising (figure 10). |||||||||||||không liên quan|||lộn xộn||| |||||||moteurs de recherche||||polluées|||||encombré||| ||||||||||||||||cluttered||| |||||||||||забрудненими|||||завантаженими||| |||superou||||||||||||e|||| しかし、グーグルは、無関係なコンテンツで汚染され、広告で乱雑になった他の検索エンジンをも打ち負かした(図10)。 Але Google також обійшов інші пошукові системи, які стали забрудненими нерелевантним контентом і заповнені рекламою (малюнок 10). From its inception, Google's clean and simple homepage and search results pages were solely focused on streamlining the act of searching and getting relevant results (figure 11). ||khởi đầu|||||||||||chỉ|||đơn giản hóa||||||||| |||||||page d'accueil|||||||||simplification de||||||||| ||beginning||||||||||||||making efficient||||||||| |||||||||||||exclusivamente|||||||||||| |||||||головна сторінка|||||||||||||||||| З самого початку чиста та проста домашня сторінка Google і сторінки результатів пошуку були зосереджені виключно на спрощенні процесу пошуку та отриманні релевантних результатів (малюнок 11). Figure 10 - The Yahoo homepage circa 1998 ||||khoảng ||||environ ||||приблизно Малюнок 10 - Домашня сторінка Yahoo приблизно 1998 року

Figure 11 - The Google homepage circa 1998

Simply put, Google reduced the amount of time and the cognitive effort required to find what the user was looking for. |||||||||||||||||користувач||| The company continues to relentlessly improve its search engine by finding new ways to remove whatever might be in the user's way — no matter how seemingly trivial. ||||không ngừng||||||||||||||||||||||tầm thường ||||sans relâche||||||||||||||||||||||trivial |||||||||||||||||||||||||aparentemente| ||||incesantemente|||||||||||||||||||||aparentemente| ||||невпинно||||||||||||||||||||||тривіальним While its homepage remains remarkably pristine, Google now offers myriad tools to make searching easier and faster — including automatic spelling correction, predictive results based on partial queries, and search results that load even as the user is typing. ||||remarquablement|||||une myriade de||||||||||correction orthographique||prédictives|||||requêtes partielles||||||||||| |||||pristine||||a myriad of|||||||||||||||||search terms||||||||||| ||página inicial|||||||uma infinidade de|||||||||||||||||consultas||||||||||| |||||nguyên sơ||||vô số|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||залишається|досить|досі чистою||||безліч||||||||||||прогнозовані||||часткових|запитів|||||завантаження|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||部分的な|||||||||||| ||||notablemente|||||incontables|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| そのホームページは驚くほど原始的なままだが、グーグルは現在、自動スペル修正、部分的なクエリに基づく予測結果、ユーザーが入力中でも読み込まれる検索結果など、検索をより簡単かつ迅速にする無数のツールを提供している。 Google's efforts are intended to make searching easier to keep users coming back. |efforts de Google||||||||||| Google|||||||||||| グーグルの取り組みは、検索をより簡単にし、ユーザーをリピーターにすることを意図している。 Taking Photos with the Apple iPhone |||||iPhone(1)

Many of life's most treasured moments come and go in an instant. ||||précieuses||||||| ||||дорожчих||||||| We try and capture these memories in photos, but if our camera is out of reach or too cumbersome to catch the shot, we lose those moments forever. ||||||||||||||||||cồng kềnh||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||encombrant||||||||| |||||||||||||||reach|||too unwieldy||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||незручна||||знімок||||| Apple recognized it could help iPhone owners take more photos by making picture-taking easier. |reconnaît||||||||||||| |||||||||||||tirar| The company made the camera app directly launchable from the locked screen, without requiring a password. ||||||||||écran verrouillé||||| |||||||доступним для запуску|||||||| |||||||lançável|||||||| Compared to the number of steps needed to access photo apps on other smartphones, the simple flick gesture of the native iPhone camera gives it a virtual monopoly as users' go-to solution whenever they need to snap a quick pic (figure 12). |||||||||||||||||geste de glissement|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||monopoly|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||movimento||||||||||||||solução||||||||||foto| ||||||||||||||||vuốt|cử chỉ|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||смахування|||||||||||||||||||||знімок|||фото| ||||||||||||||||deslizamiento||||||||||||||||||||||||| Figure 12

Scrolling with Pinterest Rolando||

How can a website make browsing easier? ||||робити|| One solution popularized by digital pinboard site, Pinterest, is the infinite scroll. ||popularisée||||||||| |||||pinboard|||||| |||||||||||прокручування |||||||||||rolagem In the past, getting from one web page to the next required clicking and waiting. |||||||página||||||| However on sites such as Pinterest, whenever the user nears the bottom of a page, more results automatically load. |||||||||s'approche de||||||||| |||||||||підходить||||||||| Users never have to pause as they continue scrolling through pins or posts without end (figure 13). ||||||||||épingle||||| |||||while|||||||||| ||||||||||пінів|||||

Figure 13


The examples above show how simplicity increases the intended user behaviors. ||||||||pretendidos|| ||вище||||||||

Motivation or Ability — Which Should You Increase First?

After uncovering the triggers that prompt user actions and deciding which actions you want to turn into habits, you can increase motivation and ability to spark the likelihood of your users taking a desired behavior. |||||||||||||||||||||||||kích thích||khả năng||||||| |||||||||вирішуючи||||||||||||||||запалити||||||||| Depois|||||||||||||||||||||||||aumentar||probabilidade||||||| But which should you invest in first, motivation or ability? Where is your time and money better spent?

The answer is always to start with ability. |||||||здатності

Of course, all three parts of B=MAT must be present for a singular user action to occur; without a clear trigger and sufficient motivation, there will be no behavior. |||||||||||||utilisateur unique|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||достатня|||||| But for companies building technology solutions, the greatest return on investment will generally come from increasing a product's ease-of-use. |||||||||sobre||||||||||| The fact is, increasing motivation is expensive and time-consuming. ||||||||tempo| Website visitors tend to ignore instructional text. |||||hướng dẫn| |||||texte d'instruction| |||||інструкційний| Their attention is split on several tasks at once and they have little patience for explanations about why or how they should do something. ||||||tâches|||||||||explications|||||||| |||розділена|||||||||мало|терпіння||пояснення|||||||| Leur attention est partagée entre plusieurs tâches à la fois et ils ont peu de patience pour les explications sur le pourquoi et le comment d'une action. Instead, influencing behavior by reducing the effort required to perform an action is more effective than increasing someone's desire to do it. Au lieu de|influencer|||||||||||||||||||| Make your product so simple that users already know how to use it, and you've got a winner. |||||||||||||||||gagnant The Evolution of Twitter's Homepage |еволюція||| In 2009, the Twitter homepage was cluttered with text and dozens of links (figure 14). |||||desordenada||||||| The page was confusing, especially for new users unfamiliar with the product. |||confusante|||||||| |||заплутаною|||||||| Twitter's value proposition of sharing what you were doing with friends and family failed to resonate with most users, who wondered, "why would I want to broadcast my activities?" ||đề xuất|||||||||||||có sức hấp dẫn||||||||||||| ||proposition||||||||||||||||||se demandaient|||||||| |||||||||||||||resonate||||||||||||| ||пропозиція|||||||||||не вдалася||резонувати|||||задалися питанням|||||||| The page design demanded a high level of attention and comprehension. |||đòi hỏi|||||||hiểu biết |||demandait|||||||compréhension |||вимагала|||||||розуміння

Figure 14 - The Twitter homepage in 2009

A year later, Twitter redesigned its homepage, touting itself as a service to “share and discover what's happening” (figure 15). |||||||se vantant||||||||||| |||||||promoting itself as||||||||||| |||||||apresentando||||||||||| ||||thiết kế lại|||quảng cáo||||||||||| |||||||називаючи||||||||||| |||||||promocionándose||||||||||| Although the page became more focused on action, it was still visually onerous. ||||||||||||nặng nề |||||||||||visuellement|lourd ||||||||||||burdensome to view |||||||||||візуально|обтяжливим Embora|||||||||||| Even more unfortunate, the task users were most likely to do — search — was not what Twitter really wanted them to do. ||malheureux|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||queria||| ||нещасливе|||||||||||||||||| Twitter management knew from early users that those who followed other people on the service were more likely to stay engaged and form a habit. But searching on Twitter was not helping that goal, so the company decided to make another switch.

Figure 15 - The Twitter homepage in 2010

During the company's period of hypergrowth, the Twitter homepage became radically more simple (figure 16). ||||||||||về cơ bản||| ||||||||||radicalement||| ||||||||||радикально||| The product description is itself only 140 characters long and has evolved from the cognitively difficult request that users broadcast their information (as seen in 2009), to the less taxing “Find out what's happening, right now, with the people and organizations you care about.” ||||||||||évolué|||cognitivement||||||||||||||taxant|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||o que||||||||||| ||||||||||еволювала||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 产品描述本身只有140个字符,并已经从认知上困难的要求,要求用户广播他们的信息(如2009年所见),变成了不那么费力的“立即了解你关心的人和组织正在发生什么事”。 Figure 16 - The Twitter homepage in 2012 图16 - 2012年Twitter首页

The big bold image of people looking into some kind of light-emanating event, like a concert or a soccer match, metaphorically communicates the value of the service while piquing curiosity. ||||||||||||phát ra|||||||||hình tượng||||||||kích thích| ||||||||||||émanant||||concert|||match de football||||||||||éveillant| ||||||looking||||||giving off light||||||||||||||||while|Arousing| ||||||||||||випромінюючого||||концерт|||футбольний||метафорично||||||||підвищуючи|цікавість ||||||||||||que emana|||||||||||||||||| 大胆的人们眺望灯光射出的事件,如音乐会或足球比赛的形象,隐喻地传达了服务的价值,同时引起了好奇心。 Most strikingly, the page has two very clear calls-to-action: sign in or sign up. |đáng chú ý|||||||||||||| |de manière frappante|||||||||||||| |Most notably|||||||||||||| |вражаюче|||||||||||||| Mais||||||||||||||| The company made the desired action as simple as possible, knowing that getting users to experience the service would yield better results than trying to convince them to use it while still on the homepage. |||||||||||||||||||đem lại||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||convaincre||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||дасть||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||produciría||||||||||||||| 公司尽可能简化了所需的操作,明白让用户体验该服务会比试图在主页上说服他们使用它获得更好的结果。

Of course, it is worth noting that Twitter was in a different place in 2012 than in 2009. Bien entendu, il convient de noter que Twitter n'était pas dans la même situation en 2012 qu'en 2009. 当然,值得注意的是,2012年的Twitter与2009年的Twitter处于不同的位置。 People came to the site having heard more about the service as its popularity grew. |||||||||||||popularité| ||||||||||||||зросла 随着其知名度的增加,人们听说了更多关于该服务的事情而来到该网站。 Twitter's homepage evolution reveals how the company discovered its users' scarcest resource. |||révèle|||||||| ||||||||||mais escasso| |||показує|||||||| Twitter 的首页演变揭示了该公司是如何发现其用户最稀缺资源的。 In 2009, the Twitter homepage attempted to boost motivation. |la|||||| ||||intentó||| 2009年,Twitter 的首页尝试提高动力。 But by 2012, Twitter had discovered that no matter how much users knew about the service, driving them to open an account and start following people resulted in much higher engagement. mais||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 但到了2012年,Twitter 发现,无论用户对该服务了解多少,鼓励他们注册账户并开始关注其他人会导致更高的参与度。

Recently, Twitter's homepage has been modified slightly to encourage downloading of the company's mobile apps (figure 17). |||||modifiée||||le téléchargement|||||| ||||||трохи||||||||| 最近,Twitter 的主页略有修改,鼓励用户下载该公司的移动应用程序(见图 17)。 The simplicity of the large sign-in or sign-up triggers on the 2012 version remain, but Twitter now knows that driving users to install the app on their phones leads to the highest rates of repeat engagement. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||highest|||| 2012 版本上的大型登录或注册触发器的简洁性保留了下来,但 Twitter 现在知道,引导用户在他们的手机上安装应用程序会导致最高比例的重复参与。

Figure 17 - The Twitter homepage in 2013 图17 - 2013 年的 Twitter 主页

On Heuristics and Perception |tính toán heuristics|| |heuristiques||perception |Heuristics|| |евристики||сприйняття sobre||| 关于启发和感知

So far, we have discussed Fogg's Core Motivators and the six elements of simplicity as levers for influencing the likelihood of a particular behavior occurring. |||||||||||||||palancas||||||||| ||||||Ядро|||||||||||||||||| até|||||||||||||||||||||||| 到目前为止,我们已经讨论了福格的核心动机因素和简单性的六个要素,作为影响特定行为发生几率的杠杆。 These factors echo ideals of how people react when making rational decisions. ||||||||||hợp lý| ||résonnent|idées|||||||| |||ideals|||||||| ||відображають||||||||| ||reflejan|ideales|||||||| 这些因素反映了人们在做出理性决策时的理想反应。 For example, every Economics 101 student learns that as prices decrease, consumers purchase more — in Fogg's terms, an example of increasing ability by decreasing price. |||||||||diminuem|||||||||||||| 例如,每位经济学101的学生都会学到,随着价格的降低,消费者购买的数量会增加,用弗格的话来说,这是价格降低导致购买能力增加的一个例子。 However, although the principle seems elementary, the law, like many other theories of human behavior, has exceptions. |||||cơ bản||||||||||| |||||élémentaire||||||||||| |||||elementary||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||виключення 然而,尽管这个原则看起来很基本,但像许多其他人类行为理论一样,这条定律也有例外。 The field of behavioral economics, as studied by luminaries such as Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman, exposed exceptions to the rational model of human behavior. |||||||||||Nobel|Prix||Daniel|Kahneman||||||||| ||||||||prominent experts|||||winner||||||the||||| |||||||||||||||Kahneman||||||||| ||||||||những người nổi tiếng||||||||||||hợp lý|||| ||||||||вчені|||||||||||||||| |||comportamental||||||||||||||||||||| 行为经济学领域的研究,比如诺贝尔奖获得者丹尼尔·卡内曼所研究的,揭示了对人类行为理性模型的例外情况。 Even the notion that people always consume more if something costs less, for example, is a tendency, not an absolute. ||khái niệm||||||||||||||xu hướng||| ||||||||||||||||tendance||| |||||||||||||||||||абсолютне 甚至认为人们总是会在东西的成本降低时消费更多这种观念也仅仅是一个倾向,而不是绝对的。

There are many counterintuitive and surprising ways companies can boost users' motivation or increase their ability by understanding heuristics — the mental shortcuts we take to make decisions and form opinions. |||ngược lại với trực giác|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||contre-intuitives||surprenantes|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||counterintuitive|||||||||||||||mental shortcuts||||||||||| |||||||||aumentar|||||||||||||||||||| |||неінтуїтивних||||||||||||||||||швидкі рішення|||||||| 企业可以通过了解启发式原理(我们用来做决定和形成意见的心理快捷方式)而采取许多反直觉且令人惊讶的方式来提高用户的动机或增加他们的能力。 It is worth mentioning a few of these brain biases. |||||||||sesgos |||||||||biais |||||||||biases |||||||||os vieses |||зазначити|||||| 值得一提的是一些这些大脑偏见。 Even though users are often unaware of these influences on their behavior, heuristics can predict their actions. ||||||||||||||prédire|| |||||inconscientes||||||||||| 尽管用户经常不知道这些对他们行为的影响,但启发式可以预测他们的行为。

The Scarcity Effect |hiệu ứng khan hiếm| |rareté| |ефект дефіциту| 稀缺效应

In 1975, researchers Worchel, Lee, and Adewole wanted to know how people would value cookies in two identical glass jars. ||Worchel|Lee||Adewole||||||||||||verres| ||a researcher's name|||a researcher|||||||||||||jars 1975年,研究人员Worchel、Lee和Adewole想要知道人们如何评价放在两个相同玻璃罐子里的饼干。

[lxiii] One jar held ten cookies while the other contained just two stragglers. ||||||||||||kẻ lạc hậu lxiii(1)||||||||||||rescapés 63||||||||||||remaining cookies ||||||||||||rezagados |||містила|||||||||запізнілі [lxiii] 一个罐子里装了十个饼干,另一个只装了两个落单者。 Which cookies would people value more? 人们更看重哪一批饼干呢?

While the cookies and jars were identical, participants valued the ones in the near-empty jar more highly. ||||||||||||||presque vide||| |||||||||||||quase|||| 虽然饼干和罐子都是一样的,但参与者更看重那个几乎空了的罐子里的饼干。 The appearance of scarcity affected their perception of value. 稀缺的外观影响了他们对价值的认识。

There are many theories as to why this is the case. 有许多理论解释为什么会出现这种情况。 For one, scarcity may signal something about the product. 首先,稀缺可能会传递关于产品的某些信息。 If there are fewer of an item, the thinking goes, it might be because other people know something you don't. |||moins|||||||||||||||| Namely, that the cookies in the almost-empty jar are the better choice. а саме|||||||||||| es decir|||||||||||| 也就是说,几乎空罐里的饼干是更好的选择。 The jar with just two cookies left in it conveys valuable, albeit irrelevant, information since the cookies are identical. |||||||||||bien que||||||| |||||||||||although seemingly irrelevant||||||| |||||||||transmite||embora|||||biscoitos|| |||||||||mang lại||mặc dù||||||| |||||||||передає|цінну|хоча||||||| |||||||||transmite||aunque||||||| 只剩下两块饼干的罐子传达了有价值的信息,尽管是无关紧要的信息,因为这两块饼干是一样的。 Yet, the perception of scarcity changed their perceived value. 然而,稀缺性的感知改变了它们的价值。

In the second part of their experiment, the researchers wanted to know what would happen to the perception of the value of the cookies if they suddenly became scarce or abundant. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||khó kiếm||dồi dào ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||abondantes ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||рідкісними||були б в достатку 在实验的第二部分,研究人员想知道如果饼干突然变得稀缺或丰富,人们对其价值的感知会发生什么变化。 Groups of study participants were given jars with either two cookies or ten. Des groupes|||||||||||| 研究参与者分为两组,一组得到两块饼干,另一组得到十块饼干。 Then, the people in the group with ten cookies suddenly had eight taken away. ||||||||||||levados| 然后,拥有十块饼干的一组成员突然被拿走了八块。 Conversely, those with only two cookies had eight new cookies added to their jars. por el contrario||||||||||||| 反之,那些只有两块饼干的人的罐子里被加了八块新饼干。 How would these changes affect the way participants valued the cookies? 这些变化会如何影响参与者对饼干的价值?

Results remained consistent with the scarcity heuristic. ||||||heuristique ||||||mental shortcut ||||||евристикою |permanecieron||||| Результати залишалися послідовними з гедоністичною ілюзією. 结果与稀缺启发式一致。 The group left with only two cookies rated them to be more valuable, while those experiencing sudden abundance by going from two to ten, actually valued the cookies less. ||||||||||||||||soudain|abondance||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||abundance||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||раптового|||||||||||| |||||||valoraron||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||na verdade|||| Група, що залишилася з лише двома печивами, оцінила їх як більш цінні, тоді як ті, хто пережив раптову достатність, перейшовши від двох до десяти, насправді оцінили печива нижче. 研究小组发现,只剩下两块饼干的人会觉得它们更有价值,而那些突然从两块增加到十块的人实际上会觉得饼干更不值钱。 In fact, they valued the cookies even lower than people who had started with ten cookies to begin with. Фактично, вони оцінили печива навіть нижче, ніж люди, які почали з десяти печив спочатку. 事实上,他们对这些饼干的价值甚至比一开始就有十块饼干的人还低。 The study showed that a product can decrease in perceived value if it starts off as scarce and becomes abundant. ||||||||||||||começa||||| |||||||||||||починає|||||| 研究表明,如果一个产品一开始稀缺后来变得丰富起来,会导致人们认为它的价值降低。

For an example of how perception of a limited supply can increase sales, look no further than Amazon.com. |||||||||||||||mais||| |||||||||||||||más||| |||||||||постачання||||||||| 要了解有限供应感知如何能够增加销售,请看亚马逊网站的案例。 My recent search for a DVD revealed there were “only 14 left in stock” (figure 18), while a search for a book I've had my eye on says only three copies remain. |||||DVD|||||||||||||||||||||||exemplaires| |||||DVD||||||||||||||||маю|||||||| 我最近搜索DVD时发现只剩下“仅剩14件”(见图18),而在搜索我一直关注的一本书时,显示仅剩下三本。 Is the world's largest online retailer almost sold out of nearly everything I want to buy or are they using the scarcity heuristic to influence my buying behavior? |||plus grand|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||покупки| 世界上最大的在线零售商是几乎售罄了我想购买的一切,还是他们在利用稀缺启发式来影响我的购买行为? Figure 18 - “Only 14 left in stock”?

The Framing Effect |encadrement| |enmarcado| 框架效应

Context also shapes perception. |||сприйняття 语境也塑造了感知。 In a social experiment, world-class violinist Joshua Bell decided to play a free impromptu concert in a Washington, DC subway station. ||||||nghệ sĩ violin||||||||hòa nhạc bất ngờ||||||| |||||||Joshua|Bell||||||improvisé||||Washington|DC|métro|station ||||||violinist||||||||impromptu||||Washington||| ||||||скрипаль||||||||||||||| ||||mundo||||||||||||||||| 在一个社会实验中,世界级小提琴家乔舒亚·贝尔决定在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的地铁站举行一场免费即兴音乐会。

[lxiv] Bell regularly sells out venues such as the Kennedy Center and Carnegie Hall for hundreds of dollars per ticket, but when placed in the context of the DC subway, his music fell upon deaf ears. |||||salles||||Kennedy|||Carnegie||||||||||||||||||||||sourd| 64|||||venues|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||regularmente||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||caiu||surda| |||||nhà hát|||||||Carnegie||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||майданчики|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||глухе|вуха ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sordas| 【lxiv】贝尔经常在肯尼迪艺术中心和卡内基音乐厅等场馆的门票售价高达数百美元,但当他在华盛顿地铁中演奏时,他的音乐却落在了聋人的耳朵里。 Almost nobody knew they were walking past one of the most talented musicians in the world. ||||||||||||musiciens||| ||||||||||||музикантів||| 几乎没有人知道他们走过了世界上最有才华的音乐家之一。

The mind takes shortcuts informed by our surroundings to make quick and sometimes erroneous judgments. |||||||||||||erronés| |||||||||||||erroneous| |||короткі шляхи||||||||||помилкові| 头脑快速通常错误地根据周围环境进行简化判断。 When Bell performed his concert in the subway station, few stopped to listen. ||||||||||||écouter ||||concert|||||||| ||fez|||||||||| But when framed in the context of a concert hall, he can charge beaucoup bucks. |||||||||||||beaucoup|dollars |||||||||||||a lot of| ||||||||||||cobrar|muitos|grana |||||||||||||nhiều| ||в рамках|||||||||||багато|доларів |||||||||||||mucho| Але коли його помістити в контекст концертного залу, він може заробити багато грошей. 但是当放在音乐厅的背景下时,他可以要价不菲。

But the framing heuristic not only influences our behaviors — it literally changes how our brain perceives pleasure. ||||||||||littéralement|||||perçoit| Але евристика кадрування не лише впливає на нашу поведінку — вона буквально змінює те, як наш мозок сприймає задоволення. 但是框架启发不仅影响我们的行为 - 它实际上改变了我们大脑对快乐的感知。 For example, a 2007 study attempted to measure if price had any influence on the taste of wine. ||||||||||||||||vin ||||intentó|||||||||||| Наприклад, дослідження 2007 року намагалося виміряти, чи має ціна будь-який вплив на смак вина. 举例来说,2007年的一项研究试图衡量价格是否对葡萄酒的口味有任何影响。

[lxv] The researchers had study participants sample wine while in an fMRI machine. ||||||goûter|||||IRMf| 65|||||||||||| [lxv] 研究人员让研究参与者在fMRI机器中品尝葡萄酒。

As the machine scanned the blood flow in the various regions of their brains, the tasters were informed of the cost of each wine sampled. |||||||||||||||dégustateurs|||||||||échantillonné 当机器扫描他们的大脑不同区域的血流时,品酒师被告知每款葡萄酒的价格。 The sample started with a $5 wine and progressed to a $90 bottle. |||||||est passé||| 样本从一瓶5美元的葡萄酒开始,逐渐升级到一瓶90美元的酒。 Interestingly, as the price of the wine increased, so did the participant's enjoyment of the wine. il est intéressant de noter|||||||||||participant|||| цікаво||||||||||||задоволення||| 有趣的是,随着葡萄酒价格的增加,参与者对葡萄酒的喜爱程度也增加了。 Not only did they say they enjoyed the wine more but their brain corroborated their feelings, showing higher spikes in the regions associated with pleasure. |||||||||||||xác nhận||||||||||| non|||||||||||||a confirmé|||montrant|||||||| |||||||||||||confirmed||||||||||| |||||||||||||підтверджувало||||||||||| 他们不仅说他们更喜欢这种葡萄酒,而且他们的大脑也证实了他们的感受,显示出与快乐相关的区域有更高的活跃度。 Little did the study participants realize, they were tasting the same wine each time. ||||||ils||goûtaient||||| мало|||||||||||||разом Учасники дослідження навіть не здогадувалися, що кожного разу вони смакували те саме вино. 研究参与者没意识到,他们每次尝试的都是同一种葡萄酒。 This study demonstrates how perception can form a personal reality based on how a product is framed, even when there is little relationship with objective quality. ||||||||||||||||||||||||khách quan| Це дослідження демонструє, як сприйняття може сформувати особисту реальність на основі того, як продукт подається, навіть коли є мало зв'язку з об'єктивною якістю. 这项研究展示了认知如何可以形成一个基于产品所呈现的个人现实,即使与客观质量几乎没有关系。

The Anchoring Effect |Hiệu ứng neo| |ancrage| |Anchoring| |якорний| |Anclaje| Ефект якоря 锚定效应

Rarely can you walk into a clothing store without seeing signage for “30% off,” “buy-one-get-one free,” and other sales and deals. ||||||magasin de vêtements|||||||||||||||| rarely|||walk|||||||promotional signs|||||||||||| ||||||||||вивіски|||||||безкоштовно||||| raramente||||||||||carteles|||||||||||| Рідко можна зайти в магазин одягу, не побачивши вивіску з написом «30% знижки», «купи один - отримай один безкоштовно» та інших акцій і пропозицій. 很少有人可以走进服装店而不看到“七折优惠”、“买一送一”和其他促销活动的标志。 In reality, these items are often marketed to maximize profits for the business. ||||||commercialisés|||||| ||||||comercializados|||||| ||||||продаються|||||| Насправді ці товари часто рекламуються з метою максимізації прибутків для бізнесу. 事实上,这些商品通常被营销以最大化企业利润。 Often, the same store will have similar but less expensive (yet non-discounted) products. Часто в тому ж магазині можна знайти подібні, але дешевші (хоча й не на знижках) продукти. 通常,同一家商店会有类似但价格更便宜(但没有折扣)的产品。 I recently visited a store that offered a package of three Jockey brand undershirts at a buy-one-get-one-half-off discount for $29.50. |||||||||||Jockey||t-shirts|||||||||remise| |||||||||||Jockey||basic white tees|||||||||| |||||||||||||футболки|||||||||| |||||||||||Jockey|||||||ganhe||||| 我最近访问了一家商店,他们提供了一组三件Jockey品牌内衣,买一送一半价优惠,售价为29.50美元。 After surveying other options, I noticed a package of five Fruit of the Loom brand undershirts selling for $34. |||||||||||||Loom|||| |огляду|||||||||||||||| |estudiando|||||||||||||||| After some quick math, I discovered that the shirts not on sale were actually cheaper per-shirt than the “discounted” brand's package. ||||||||||||||||||||de la marque| People often anchor to one piece of information when making a decision. ||gắn bó||||||||| ||s'ancrent||||||||| ||прив'язуються||||||коли||| I almost bought the shirts on sale assuming that the one feature differentiating the two brands — the fact that one was on sale and the other was not — was all I needed to consider. ||||||||||||phân biệt||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||en supposant|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||característica|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||característica|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||припускаючи||||особливість|яка відрізняє||||||||||||||||||||| 我几乎买了打折出售的衬衫,以为区分两个品牌的唯一特点就是一个打折,另一个没有,这就是我需要考虑的全部内容。

The Endowed Progress Effect |doté|| |Provided with resources|| |dotado|| |tài năng|| |Обдарований|| |dotada|| 资助进展效应

Punch cards are often used by retailers to encourage repeat business. ||||||minoristas||fomentar|| Les||||||commerçants|||| Punch|||||||||| Cartões|||||||||| Пунш|||||||||| Картки з відтисками часто використовуються роздрібними продавцями для заохочення повторних покупок. 捆绑卡经常被零售商用来鼓励复购。 With each purchase, customers get closer to receiving a free product or service. З кожною покупкою клієнти наближаються до отримання безкоштовного продукту або послуги. These cards are typically awarded empty and in effect, customers start at zero percent complete. |||thường||||||||||| ||||||||||||zéro|| ||||atribuídas|||||||||| ||||надаються|||||||||| ||||otorgadas|||||||||| Ці картки зазвичай вручаються пустими, і, по суті, клієнти починають з нульового відсотка завершеності. 这些卡通常是空白的,并且实际上,客户从零开始。 What would happen if retailers handed customers punch cards with punches already given? |||||trao||||||| |||||||tampons|||tampons|| ||||retailers|||||||| |||||вручали|||||пункти|| Що б сталося, якби роздрібні продавці надавали клієнтам картки для пробивання з уже пробитими отворами? 如果零售商把已经打好孔的冲卡递给顾客会发生什么? Would people be more likely to take action if they had already made some progress? Чи будуть люди більш схильні діяти, якщо вони вже досягли певного прогресу? 如果他们已经取得一些进展,人们会更有可能采取行动吗? An experiment sought to answer this very question. ||đã tìm kiếm||||| ||procurou||||| ||buscó||||| ||||||саме| Експеримент мав на меті відповісти саме на це питання. 一个实验试图回答这个问题。

[lxvi] lxvi(1) 66 [lxvi]

Two groups of customers were given punch cards awarding a free car wash once the cards were fully punched. ||||||đóng|||||||||||| ||||||||||||lavage||||||tamponnées ||||||||||||||||||carimbadas ||||||||які надавали||||||||||пробиті ||||||tarjetas||||||||||||perforadas Дві групи клієнтів отримали картки для пробивання, які надавали безкоштовну автомобільну мийку після того, як картки були повністю пробиті. 两组顾客分别获得了打孔卡,一旦卡片打满孔就可以获得一次免费洗车。 One group was given a blank punch card with 8 squares and the other given a punch card with 10 squares but with two free punches. ||||||||||||||||||cases||||| |||||||||квадратів|||||||||||||| |||||uma|cartão||||||||||||||||| Одна група отримала порожню картку для пробивання з 8 квадратами, а інша отримала картку для пробивання з 10 квадратами, але з двома безкоштовними пробиттями. Both groups still had to purchase 8 car washes to receive a free wash; however, the second group of customers — those that were given two free punches — had a staggering 82 percent higher completion rate. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||đáng kinh ngạc|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||taux d'achèvement| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||surpreendente|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||asombroso|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||дано||||||вражаючі|||завершення| Обидві групи все ще повинні були купити 8 автомобільних мийок, щоб отримати безкоштовну мийку; однак друга група клієнтів — ті, хто отримав два безкоштовних пробиття — мали приголомшливий рівень завершення на 82 відсотки вищий. The study demonstrates the endowed progress effect, a phenomenon that increases motivation as people believe they are nearing a goal. ||||ban cho||||||||||||||| ||||||||phénomène|||||||||proche|| ||||||||явище|||||||||наближаються|| ||||dotado|||||||||||||acercándose|| Дослідження демонструє ефект наданого прогресу, явище, яке підвищує мотивацію, оскільки люди вважають, що наближаються до мети. 该研究展示了捐赠进度效应,这是一种增加动机的现象,因为人们相信他们正在接近一个目标。

Sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook utilize this heuristic to encourage people to divulge more information about themselves when completing their online profiles. ||||||sử dụng||quy tắc heuristics|||||tiết lộ||||||||| |||LinkedIn||||||||||divulguer||||||complétant||| |||||||||||||reveal||||||||| |||||||||||||розкривати||||||||| LinkedIn和Facebook等网站利用这种启发式方法,鼓励人们在完善在线个人资料时透露更多关于自己的信息。 On LinkedIn, every user starts with some semblance of progress (figure 19). |||||||vẻ bề ngoài||| |||||||semblance||| |||||||appearance||| |LinkedIn||||||подобою||| 在LinkedIn上,每个用户都会从一定程度上的进展开始(见图19)。 The next step is to “Improve Your Profile Strength” by supplying additional information. |||||||profil||||| ||||||||||наданням|| As users complete each step, the meter incrementally shows the user is advancing. ||||||thước|dần dần||||| |||||||progressivement|||||avance |||||||поступово||||| 当用户完成每个步骤时,计量表逐步显示用户在前进。 Cleverly, LinkedIn's completion bar jumpstarts the perception of progress and does not include a numeric scale. malin|de LinkedIn|||démarre||||||||||| |LinkedIn's feature|||initiates||||||||||| розумно||||підштовхує||||||||||числову(1)| inteligentemente||||||||||||||| ||||impulsiona||||||||||| 聪明地,LinkedIn的完成进度条启动了进度的感知,不包括数字刻度。 For the new user, a proper LinkedIn profile does not seem so far away. |||||adecuada|||||||| 对于新用户,一个合适的LinkedIn个人资料并不那么遥远。 But even the “advanced” user still has additional steps she can take to inch toward the final goal. |||||||||||||avancer|||| |||||||додаткові|||||до|рухатися|||| 但即使是“高级”用户仍然可以采取额外的步骤来朝着最终目标迈进。

Figure 19 图19

*** *

Most people remain unaware of how heuristics help us make split-second decisions multiple times per day. ||||||quy tắc ngón tay cái|||||||||| ||||||||||divididas|||||| ||||||||||секунд|||||| ||permanecen|inconscientes||||||||||||| 大多数人不知道启发法如何帮助我们每天做出多次即时决策。 Psychologists believe there are hundreds of cognitive biases that influence our behaviors and the four discussed here are just a few examples. |||||||sesgos|||||||||||||| 心理学家认为有数百种认知偏见影响我们的行为,这里讨论的四种只是一些例子。

[lxvii] For product designers building habit-forming technology, understanding and leveraging these methods for boosting motivation and ability can prove highly impactful. ||||||||||||||booster||||||| 67||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||використання||||||||||| ||||||||||aprovechando||||||||||| [lxvii] 对于构建习惯形成技术的产品设计师来说,了解和利用这些方法来增强动机和能力可能会产生重大的影响。

Stephen Anderson, author of Seductive Interaction Design, created a tool called Mental Notes to help designers build better products through heuristics. |Anderson|||séduisante|||||||||||||||| Стівен||||Сексуальний||дизайну|||||||||||||| 《诱人的交互设计》的作者斯蒂芬·安德森(Stephen Anderson)创建了一种名为“心智笔记(Mental Notes)”的工具,帮助设计师通过启发式方法构建更好的产品。

[lxviii] Each of the cards in his deck of 50 contains a brief description of a cognitive bias and is intended to spark product team conversations around how they might utilize the principle. |||||||||||||||||||được dự định||khơi gợi||||||||sử dụng|| ||||||||||||||||biais||||||||||||||| 68||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||колоді|||||||||упередження||||||||||||||| [lxviii] 他的50张卡片中的每一张都包含一个认知偏见的简要描述,并旨在引发产品团队围绕如何利用这一原则展开讨论。 For example, team members might ask themselves how they could utilize the endowed progress effect or the scarcity effect to increase the likelihood of a desired user behavior. ||||||||||||ban cho|||||khả năng khan hiếm|||||khả năng||||| ||||||||||||dotada||||||||||||||| 例如,团队成员可能会自问如何利用所赋予的进步效应或稀缺效应来增加期望用户行为发生的可能性。

In this chapter, we discovered how to take users from trigger to action. We discussed how cognitive biases influence behavior and how by designing the simplest action in anticipation of a reward, product makers can advance users to the next phase of the Hook Model. |||||||||||||||sự mong đợi|||||||tiến bộ|||||||||

Now that users have passed through the first two phases, it is time to give them what they came for — the reward that scratches their itch. |||||||||||||||||||||||gãi|| |||||||||||||||||||||||gratte|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||desejo |||||||||||||||||||||||підкреслює|| |||||||||||||||||||||||rasca|| 现在用户已经通过了前两个阶段,是时候给他们他们想要的了——满足他们需求的奖励。 But what is it exactly that users want? 但究竟用户想要什么呢? What keeps us coming back time and again to habit-forming experiences and technologies? 是什么让我们一次又一次地回到习惯形成的体验和技术中? The answer to what we're all searching for is the topic of the next chapter. ***

Remember and Share

- Action is the second step in The Hook.

- The action is the simplest behavior in anticipation of reward. - 行动是为了获得奖励而预期的最简单的行为。

- As described by the Dr. BJ Fogg's Behavior Model: - 根据BJ福格博士的行为模型: - For any behavior to occur, a trigger must be present at the same time as the user has sufficient ability and motivation to take action. - 为了产生任何行为,触发器必须同时存在,而用户必须有足够的能力和动机采取行动。

- To increase the desired behavior, ensure a clear trigger is present, then increase ability by making the action easier to do, and finally align with the right motivator. |||||s'assurer|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||переконайтеся||||||||||||||||||||||

- Every behavior is driven by one of three Core Motivators: seeking pleasure or avoiding pain, seeking hope and avoiding fear, seeking social acceptance while avoiding social rejection.

- Ability is influenced by the six factors of time, money, physical effort, brain cycles, social deviance, and non-routineness. |||||||||||||||sự lệch chuẩn||| ||||||||||||||||||non-routinier |||||||||||||||desvio|||não-rotina |||||||||||||||desviación||| ||||||||||||||||||неконформність Ability is dependent on users and their context at that moment.

- Heuristics are cognitive shortcuts we take to make quick decisions. • 启发式是我们为了做出快速决策而采取的认知快捷方式。 Product designers can utilize many of the hundreds of heuristics to increase the likelihood of their desired action. 产品设计师可以利用数百种启发式中的许多来增加他们所期望的行动发生的可能性。

*** *

Do This Now

Refer to the answers you came up with in the last “Do This Now” section to complete the following exercises:

- Walk through the path your users would take to use your product or service, beginning from the time they feel their internal trigger to the point where they receive their expected outcome. |||parcours|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||шлях|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 沿着用户使用您的产品或服务的路径走一遍,从他们感觉到内部触发器的时候开始,直到他们获得预期结果的点。 How many steps does it take before users obtain the reward they came for? ||||||||obtenir||||| ||||||||отримують||||| 用户获得他们前来寻找的奖励需要多少步骤? How does this process compare with the simplicity of some of the examples described in this chapter? ||||se compare|||||||||||| |||||||simplicidad||||||||| ||||порівнюється|||||||||||| 这个过程与本章中描述的一些示例的简单性相比如何? How does it compare with competing products and services? |||||конкуруючими||| 它与竞争产品和服务相比如何?

- Which resources are limiting your users' ability to accomplish the tasks that will become habits? |||limitent||||||||||| Quais|||||||||||||| - 有哪些资源限制了用户完成将成为习惯的任务的能力? - Time - 时间

- Money

- Physical effort

- Brain cycles (too confusing)

- Social deviance (outside the norm) |sự lệch chuẩn||| ||||norme |deviância|||

- Non-routine (too new)

- Brainstorm three testable ways to make the intended tasks easier to complete. brainstorming||testables||||||||| brainstorm||||||||||| мозковий штурм||перевірні||||||||| - 构思三种可测试的方法,使预期的任务更容易完成。

- Consider how you might apply heuristics to make habit-forming actions more likely. - 考虑如何应用启发式方法使养成习惯的行为更有可能发生。

[End. [End. 02:04:12]