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ART OF SALES 1, 4.04 (V) When it Works (How You Solidify a Lead)

4.04 (V) When it Works (How You Solidify a Lead)

[MUSIC] Let's say that we are at a networking event and we get to the fourth gear of conversation, and this happens.3 You ask me, well, how do you do that, Craig? And I say, how do you think about sales people processing tools now? And then you say, well, I have about 50 sales people, but how do I know if they're disciplined? Aha, you sound like a prospect. So now what do I do? Do I stay and talk to you for the rest of the night? Many sales people say, yes, you found one, lock it in. And I say, no, because I haven't accomplished my goal yet. Yes, I've found one, but there are four other prospects in this room. So here's what I want you to do. I would ask some questions like, well, let's talk about that. Tell me, how do you measure your sales people now, and are they coached based on certain metrics? And we would proceed to have a very short conversation, where I might tell you a quick story about how we think about and measure discipline. But then I would use my reverse gear. I would do it slightly differently than if you were not a prospect. This time I would say, it sounds like you and I may have some things to discuss. May I send you a quick email in the morning and see if we can get ten minutes to discuss this next week? It's likely you would say, yes, assuming you liked what you heard in our short conversation. I would then give you my business card and say, sounds great. As I said a few minutes ago, there are a bunch of people I'm here to see and I'm sure you the same way. It was good to meet you and I will follow up with you tomorrow. Have great night. In this way, you secure your next contact with this prospect but you also leave your self time to find the others. Go get them.

4.04 (V) When it Works (How You Solidify a Lead)

[MUSIC] Let's say that we are at a networking event and we get to the fourth gear of conversation, and this happens.3 You ask me, well, how do you do that, Craig? [音楽]私たちがネットワーキングイベントに参加していて、会話の第4段階に到達すると、これが起こるとします.3あなたは私に尋ねます、あなたはどうしていますか? And I say, how do you think about sales people processing tools now? And then you say, well, I have about 50 sales people, but how do I know if they're disciplined? そして、あなたは、まあ、私は約50人の販売員を抱えていますが、彼らが訓練されているかどうかはどのように分かりますか? Aha, you sound like a prospect. So now what do I do? Do I stay and talk to you for the rest of the night? Many sales people say, yes, you found one, lock it in. And I say, no, because I haven't accomplished my goal yet. 私はまだ目標を達成していないので、いいえ、私は言う。 Yes, I've found one, but there are four other prospects in this room. So here's what I want you to do. I would ask some questions like, well, let's talk about that. Tell me, how do you measure your sales people now, and are they coached based on certain metrics? And we would proceed to have a very short conversation, where I might tell you a quick story about how we think about and measure discipline. But then I would use my reverse gear. I would do it slightly differently than if you were not a prospect. 私はあなたが見込み客でない場合と少し違ったやり方をします。 This time I would say, it sounds like you and I may have some things to discuss. May I send you a quick email in the morning and see if we can get ten minutes to discuss this next week? It's likely you would say, yes, assuming you liked what you heard in our short conversation. I would then give you my business card and say, sounds great. As I said a few minutes ago, there are a bunch of people I'm here to see and I'm sure you the same way. It was good to meet you and I will follow up with you tomorrow. Have great night. In this way, you secure your next contact with this prospect but you also leave your self time to find the others. Go get them.