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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 25 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 5

CHAPTER 25 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 5

It is evident that the Czarina Catherine is still at sea, hastening on her way to Varna. Lord Godalming has just returned. He had four telegrams, one each day since we started, and all to the same effect. That the Czarina Catherine had not been reported to Lloyd's from anywhere. He had arranged before leaving London that his agent should send him every day a telegram saying if the ship had been reported. He was to have a message even if she were not reported, so that he might be sure that there was a watch being kept at the other end of the wire.

We had dinner and went to bed early. Tomorrow we are to see the Vice Consul, and to arrange, if we can, about getting on board the ship as soon as she arrives. Van Helsing says that our chance will be to get on the boat between sunrise and sunset. The Count, even if he takes the form of a bat, cannot cross the running water of his own volition, and so cannot leave the ship. As he dare not change to man's form without suspicion, which he evidently wishes to avoid, he must remain in the box. If, then, we can come on board after sunrise, he is at our mercy, for we can open the box and make sure of him, as we did of poor Lucy, before he wakes. What mercy he shall get from us all will not count for much. We think that we shall not have much trouble with officials or the seamen. Thank God! This is the country where bribery can do anything, and we are well supplied with money. We have only to make sure that the ship cannot come into port between sunset and sunrise without our being warned, and we shall be safe. Judge Moneybag will settle this case, I think!

16 October.--Mina's report still the same. Lapping waves and rushing water, darkness and favouring winds. We are evidently in good time, and when we hear of the Czarina Catherine we shall be ready. As she must pass the Dardanelles we are sure to have some report.

17 October.--Everything is pretty well fixed now, I think, to welcome the Count on his return from his tour. Godalming told the shippers that he fancied that the box sent aboard might contain something stolen from a friend of his, and got a half consent that he might open it at his own risk. The owner gave him a paper telling the Captain to give him every facility in doing whatever he chose on board the ship, and also a similar authorization to his agent at Varna. We have seen the agent, who was much impressed with Godalming's kindly manner to him, and we are all satisfied that whatever he can do to aid our wishes will be done. We have already arranged what to do in case we get the box open. If the Count is there, Van Helsing and Seward will cut off his head at once and drive a stake through his heart. Morris and Godalming and I shall prevent interference, even if we have to use the arms which we shall have ready. The Professor says that if we can so treat the Count's body, it will soon after fall into dust. In such case there would be no evidence against us, in case any suspicion of murder were aroused. But even if it were not, we should stand or fall by our act, and perhaps some day this very script may be evidence to come between some of us and a rope. For myself, I should take the chance only too thankfully if it were to come. We mean to leave no stone unturned to carry out our intent. We have arranged with certain officials that the instant the Czarina Catherine is seen, we are to be informed by a special messenger.

CHAPTER 25 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 5 KAPITEL 25 - Das Tagebuch des Dr. Seward, Teil 5 CAPÍTULO 25 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 5 CAPITOLO 25 - Il diario del dottor Seward, parte 5 CAPÍTULO 25 - Diário do Dr. Seward, parte 5

It is evident that the Czarina Catherine is still at sea, hastening on her way to Varna. |||||||||||moving quickly||||| |||||||||||apresurándose||||| É evidente que a Czarina Catarina ainda está no mar, a caminho de Varna. Lord Godalming has just returned. O Lorde Godalming acabou de regressar. He had four telegrams, one each day since we started, and all to the same effect. Recebeu quatro telegramas, um por dia desde que começámos, e todos com o mesmo efeito. That the Czarina Catherine had not been reported to Lloyd's from anywhere. Que a Czarina Catarina não tinha sido comunicada ao Lloyd's de lado nenhum. He had arranged before leaving London that his agent should send him every day a telegram saying if the ship had been reported. Antes de partir de Londres, tinha combinado que o seu agente lhe enviaria todos os dias um telegrama a dizer se o navio tinha sido registado. He was to have a message even if she were not reported, so that he might be sure that there was a watch being kept at the other end of the wire. Ele devia receber uma mensagem mesmo que ela não fosse comunicada, para ter a certeza de que estava a ser vigiado do outro lado do fio.

We had dinner and went to bed early. Jantámos e deitámo-nos cedo. Tomorrow we are to see the Vice Consul, and to arrange, if we can, about getting on board the ship as soon as she arrives. |||||||Vicecónsul||||||||||||||||| Amanhã vamos falar com o Vice-Cônsul e, se possível, tratar de entrar a bordo do navio assim que ele chegar. Van Helsing says that our chance will be to get on the boat between sunrise and sunset. Van Helsing diz que a nossa hipótese é entrar no barco entre o nascer e o pôr do sol. Van Helsing, şansımızın gün doğumu ile gün batımı arasında tekneye binmek olacağını söylüyor. The Count, even if he takes the form of a bat, cannot cross the running water of his own volition, and so cannot leave the ship. |||||||||||||||||||own will|||||| |||||||||||||||||||voluntad propia|||||| O Conde, mesmo que assuma a forma de um morcego, não pode atravessar a água corrente por sua própria vontade e, por isso, não pode abandonar o navio. As he dare not change to man's form without suspicion, which he evidently wishes to avoid, he must remain in the box. Como não se atreve a mudar para a forma de homem sem levantar suspeitas, o que evidentemente quer evitar, tem de permanecer na caixa. İnsanın şeklini şüphe duymadan değiştirmeye cesaret edemediği ve açıkça kaçınmak istediği için, kutunun içinde kalmalıdır. If, then, we can come on board after sunrise, he is at our mercy, for we can open the box and make sure of him, as we did of poor Lucy, before he wakes. Se, então, pudermos entrar a bordo depois do nascer do sol, ele fica à nossa mercê, pois podemos abrir a caixa e certificarmo-nos dele, como fizemos com a pobre Lucy, antes de ele acordar. What mercy he shall get from us all will  not count for much. A misericórdia que ele terá de todos nós não contará muito. Bizden alacağı merhamet pek bir şey ifade etmeyecek. We think that we shall not have much trouble with officials or the seamen. |||||||||||||marineros Pensamos que não teremos grandes problemas com os funcionários ou com os marinheiros. Thank God! Graças a Deus! This is the country where bribery can do anything, and we are well supplied with money. |||||soborno|||||||||| Este é o país onde o suborno pode fazer tudo, e estamos bem providos de dinheiro. We have only to make sure that the ship cannot come into port between sunset and sunrise without our being warned, and we shall be safe. Só temos de nos certificar de que o navio não pode entrar no porto entre o pôr do sol e o nascer-do-sol sem que sejamos avisados, e estaremos a salvo. Judge Moneybag will settle this case, I think! |wealthy judge|||||| |Juez Dinero|||||| O juiz Moneybag vai resolver este caso, penso eu!

16 October.--Mina's report still the same. 16 de outubro - O relatório da Mina continua a ser o mesmo. Lapping waves and rushing water, darkness and favouring winds. |||||||supportive| Olas lamiendo|||||||| Ondas a bater e água a correr, escuridão e ventos favoráveis. We are evidently in good time, and when we hear of the Czarina Catherine we shall be ready. É evidente que estamos a tempo, e quando soubermos da Czarina Catarina estaremos prontos. As she must pass the Dardanelles we are sure to have some report. Como ele deve passar pelos Dardanelos, temos a certeza de que teremos alguma informação.

17 October.--Everything is pretty well fixed now, I think, to welcome the Count on his return from his tour. 17 de outubro - Penso que já está tudo bem arranjado para receber o Conde no regresso da sua viagem. Godalming told the shippers that he fancied that the box sent aboard might contain something  stolen from a friend of his, and got a half consent that he might open it at his own risk. |||||||||||||||||||||||||partial agreement||||||||| |||transportistas||||||||a bordo de||||||||||||||||||||||| Godalming disse aos carregadores que achava que a caixa enviada para bordo poderia conter algo roubado a um amigo seu e obteve um meio consentimento para a abrir por sua conta e risco. The owner gave him a paper telling the Captain to give him every facility in doing whatever he chose on board the ship, and also a similar authorization to his agent at Varna. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||autorización similar||||| O armador entregou-lhe um papel em que dizia ao capitão para lhe dar todas as facilidades para fazer o que quisesse a bordo do navio, e também uma autorização semelhante ao seu agente em Varna. We have seen the agent, who was much impressed with Godalming's kindly manner to him, and we are all satisfied that whatever he can do to aid our wishes will be done. Falámos com o agente, que ficou muito impressionado com a amabilidade com que Godalming o tratou, e estamos todos convencidos de que tudo o que ele puder fazer para satisfazer os nossos desejos será feito. We have already arranged what to do in case we get the box open. Já combinámos o que fazer no caso de conseguirmos abrir a caixa. If  the Count is there, Van Helsing and Seward will cut off his head at once and drive a stake through his heart. Se o Conde estiver lá, Van Helsing e Seward cortam-lhe imediatamente a cabeça e espetam-lhe uma estaca no coração. Morris and Godalming and I shall prevent interference, even if we have to use the arms which we shall have ready. Morris e Godalming e eu impediremos a interferência, mesmo que tenhamos de usar as armas que teremos prontas. The Professor says that if we can so treat the Count's body, it will soon after fall into dust. O Professor diz que, se conseguirmos tratar o corpo do Conde desta forma, ele desfaz-se em pouco tempo. In such case there would be no evidence against us, in case any suspicion of murder were aroused. |||||||||||||||||despertara Nesse caso, não haveria provas contra nós, caso fosse levantada qualquer suspeita de assassínio. But even if it were not, we should stand or fall by our act, and perhaps some day this very script may be evidence to come between some of us and a rope. Mas, mesmo que assim não fosse, devemos manter-nos de pé ou cair pelo nosso ato, e talvez um dia este mesmo guião possa ser uma prova que se interponha entre alguns de nós e uma corda. Ama olmasa bile, eylemimize sadık kalmalı ya da düşmeliyiz ve belki bir gün bu senaryo bazılarımızla bir ip arasına girmenin kanıtı olabilir. For myself, I should take the chance only too  thankfully if it were to come. Quanto a mim, ficaria muito grato se a oportunidade surgisse. We mean to leave no stone unturned to carry out our intent. ||||||sin dejar nada||||| نعني عدم ترك أي حجر دون تغيير لتنفيذ نيتنا. Pretendemos não deixar pedra sobre pedra para concretizar o nosso objetivo. We have arranged with certain officials that the instant the Czarina Catherine is seen, we are to be informed by a special messenger. Combinámos com alguns funcionários que, assim que a Czarina Catarina for vista, seremos informados por um mensageiro especial.