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Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, Chapter 7 A Whale of Unknown Species

Chapter 7 A Whale of Unknown Species

ALTHOUGH I WAS startled by this unexpected descent, I at least have a very clear recollection of my sensations during it.

At first I was dragged about twenty feet under. I'm a good swimmer, without claiming to equal such other authors as Byron and Edgar Allan Poe, who were master divers, and I didn't lose my head on the way down. With two vigorous kicks of the heel, I came back to the surface of the sea.

My first concern was to look for the frigate. Had the crew seen me go overboard? Was the Abraham Lincoln tacking about? Would Commander Farragut put a longboat to sea? Could I hope to be rescued?

The gloom was profound. I glimpsed a black mass disappearing eastward, where its running lights were fading out in the distance. It was the frigate. I felt I was done for.

"Help! Help!" I shouted, swimming desperately toward the Abraham Lincoln .

My clothes were weighing me down. The water glued them to my body, they were paralyzing my movements. I was sinking! I was suffocating . "Help!" This was the last shout I gave. My mouth was filling with water. I struggled against being dragged into the depths. Suddenly my clothes were seized by energetic hands, I felt myself pulled abruptly back to the surface of the sea, and yes, I heard these words pronounced in my ear:

"If master would oblige me by leaning on my shoulder, master will swim with much greater ease." With one hand I seized the arm of my loyal Conseil.

"You!" I said. "You!" "Myself," Conseil replied, "and at master's command." "That collision threw you overboard along with me?" "Not at all. But being in master's employ, I followed master." The fine lad thought this only natural!

"What about the frigate?" I asked.

"The frigate?" Conseil replied, rolling over on his back. "I think master had best not depend on it to any great extent!" "What are you saying?" "I'm saying that just as I jumped overboard, I heard the men at the helm shout, 'Our propeller and rudder are smashed!' "Smashed?" "Yes, smashed by the monster's tusk! I believe it's the sole injury the Abraham Lincoln has sustained. But most inconveniently for us, the ship can no longer steer." "Then we're done for!" "Perhaps," Conseil replied serenely. "However, we still have a few hours before us, and in a few hours one can do a great many things!" Conseil's unflappable composure cheered me up. I swam more vigorously, but hampered by clothes that were as restricting as a cloak made of lead, I was managing with only the greatest difficulty. Conseil noticed as much.

"Master will allow me to make an incision," he said. And he slipped an open clasp knife under my clothes, slitting them from top to bottom with one swift stroke. Then he briskly undressed me while I swam for us both.

I then did Conseil the same favor, and we continued to "navigate" side by side. But our circumstances were no less dreadful. Perhaps they hadn't seen us go overboard; and even if they had, the frigate—being undone by its rudder—couldn't return to leeward after us. So we could count only on its longboats.

Conseil had coolly reasoned out this hypothesis and laid his plans accordingly. An amazing character, this boy; in midocean, this stoic lad seemed right at home!

So, having concluded that our sole chance for salvation lay in being picked up by the Abraham Lincoln's longboats, we had to take steps to wait for them as long as possible. Consequently, I decided to divide our energies so we wouldn't both be worn out at the same time, and this was the arrangement: while one of us lay on his back, staying motionless with arms crossed and legs outstretched, the other would swim and propel his partner forward. This towing role was to last no longer than ten minutes, and by relieving each other in this way, we could stay afloat for hours, perhaps even until daybreak.

Slim chance, but hope springs eternal in the human breast! Besides, there were two of us. Lastly, I can vouch—as improbable as it seems—that even if I had wanted to destroy all my illusions, even if I had been willing to "give in to despair," I could not have done so! The cetacean had rammed our frigate at about eleven o'clock in the evening. I therefore calculated on eight hours of swimming until sunrise. A strenuous task, but feasible, thanks to our relieving each other. The sea was pretty smooth and barely tired us. Sometimes I tried to peer through the dense gloom, which was broken only by the phosphorescent flickers coming from our movements. I stared at the luminous ripples breaking over my hands, shimmering sheets spattered with blotches of bluish gray. It seemed as if we'd plunged into a pool of quicksilver. Near one o'clock in the morning, I was overcome with tremendous exhaustion. My limbs stiffened in the grip of intense cramps. Conseil had to keep me going, and attending to our self–preservation became his sole responsibility. I soon heard the poor lad gasping; his breathing became shallow and quick. I didn't think he could stand such exertions for much longer. "Go on! Go on!" I told him.

"Leave master behind?" he replied. "Never! I'll drown before he does!" Just then, past the fringes of a large cloud that the wind was driving eastward, the moon appeared. The surface of the sea glistened under its rays. That kindly light rekindled our strength. I held up my head again. My eyes darted to every point of the horizon. I spotted the frigate. It was five miles from us and formed no more than a dark, barely perceptible mass. But as for longboats, not a one in sight!

I tried to call out. What was the use at such a distance! My swollen lips wouldn't let a single sound through. Conseil could still articulate a few words, and I heard him repeat at intervals:

"Help! Help!" Ceasing all movement for an instant, we listened. And it may have been a ringing in my ear, from this organ filling with impeded blood, but it seemed to me that Conseil's shout had received an answer back. "Did you hear that?" I muttered.

"Yes, yes!" And Conseil hurled another desperate plea into space.

This time there could be no mistake! A human voice had answered us! Was it the voice of some poor devil left behind in midocean, some other victim of that collision suffered by our ship? Or was it one of the frigate's longboats, hailing us out of the gloom? Conseil made one final effort, and bracing his hands on my shoulders, while I offered resistance with one supreme exertion, he raised himself half out of the water, then fell back exhausted.

"What did you see?" "I saw . ," he muttered, "I saw . but we mustn't talk . save our strength . !" What had he seen? Then, lord knows why, the thought of the monster came into my head for the first time . But even so, that voice . Gone are the days when Jonahs took refuge in the bellies of whales!

Nevertheless, Conseil kept towing me. Sometimes he looked up, stared straight ahead, and shouted a request for directions, which was answered by a voice that was getting closer and closer. I could barely hear it. I was at the end of my strength; my fingers gave out; my hands were no help to me; my mouth opened convulsively, filling with brine; its coldness ran through me; I raised my head one last time, then I collapsed. Just then something hard banged against me. I clung to it. Then I felt myself being pulled upward, back to the surface of the water; my chest caved in, and I fainted. For certain, I came to quickly, because someone was massaging me so vigorously it left furrows in my flesh. I half opened my eyes. "Conseil!" I muttered.

"Did master ring for me?" Conseil replied.

Just then, in the last light of a moon settling on the horizon, I spotted a face that wasn't Conseil's but which I recognized at once. "Ned!" I exclaimed.

"In person, sir, and still after his prize!" the Canadian replied.

"You were thrown overboard after the frigate's collision?" "Yes, professor, but I was luckier than you, and right away I was able to set foot on this floating islet." "Islet?" "Or in other words, on our gigantic narwhale." "Explain yourself, Ned." "It's just that I soon realized why my harpoon got blunted and couldn't puncture its hide." "Why, Ned, why?" "Because, professor, this beast is made of boilerplate steel!" At this point in my story, I need to get a grip on myself, reconstruct exactly what I experienced, and make doubly sure of everything I write.

The Canadian's last words caused a sudden upheaval in my brain. I swiftly hoisted myself to the summit of this half–submerged creature or object that was serving as our refuge. I tested it with my foot. Obviously it was some hard, impenetrable substance, not the soft matter that makes up the bodies of our big marine mammals.

But this hard substance could have been a bony carapace, like those that covered some prehistoric animals, and I might have left it at that and classified this monster among such amphibious reptiles as turtles or alligators.

Well, no. The blackish back supporting me was smooth and polished with no overlapping scales. On impact, it gave off a metallic sonority, and as incredible as this sounds, it seemed, I swear, to be made of riveted plates.

No doubts were possible! This animal, this monster, this natural phenomenon that had puzzled the whole scientific world, that had muddled and misled the minds of seamen in both hemispheres, was, there could be no escaping it, an even more astonishing phenomenon—a phenomenon made by the hand of man.

Even if I had discovered that some fabulous, mythological creature really existed, it wouldn't have given me such a terrific mental jolt. It's easy enough to accept that prodigious things can come from our Creator. But to find, all at once, right before your eyes, that the impossible had been mysteriously achieved by man himself: this staggers the mind!

But there was no question now. We were stretched out on the back of some kind of underwater boat that, as far as I could judge, boasted the shape of an immense steel fish. Ned Land had clear views on the issue. Conseil and I could only line up behind him.

"But then," I said, "does this contraption contain some sort of locomotive mechanism, and a crew to run it?" "Apparently," the harpooner replied. "And yet for the three hours I've lived on this floating island, it hasn't shown a sign of life." "This boat hasn't moved at all?" "No, Professor Aronnax. It just rides with the waves, but otherwise it hasn't stirred." "But we know that it's certainly gifted with great speed. Now then, since an engine is needed to generate that speed, and a mechanic to run that engine, I conclude: we're saved." "Humph!" Ned Land put in, his tone denoting reservations.

Just then, as if to take my side in the argument, a bubbling began astern of this strange submersible—whose drive mechanism was obviously a propeller—and the boat started to move. We barely had time to hang on to its topside, which emerged about eighty centimeters above water. Fortunately its speed was not excessive.

"So long as it navigates horizontally," Ned Land muttered, "I've no complaints. But if it gets the urge to dive, I wouldn't give $2.00 for my hide!" The Canadian might have quoted a much lower price. So it was imperative to make contact with whatever beings were confined inside the plating of this machine. I searched its surface for an opening or a hatch, a "manhole," to use the official term; but the lines of rivets had been firmly driven into the sheet–iron joins and were straight and uniform. Moreover, the moon then disappeared and left us in profound darkness. We had to wait for daylight to find some way of getting inside this underwater boat.

So our salvation lay totally in the hands of the mysterious helmsmen steering this submersible, and if it made a dive, we were done for! But aside from this occurring, I didn't doubt the possibility of our making contact with them. In fact, if they didn't produce their own air, they inevitably had to make periodic visits to the surface of the ocean to replenish their oxygen supply. Hence the need for some opening that put the boat's interior in contact with the atmosphere. As for any hope of being rescued by Commander Farragut, that had to be renounced completely. We were being swept westward, and I estimate that our comparatively moderate speed reached twelve miles per hour. The propeller churned the waves with mathematical regularity, sometimes emerging above the surface and throwing phosphorescent spray to great heights.

Near four o'clock in the morning, the submersible picked up speed. We could barely cope with this dizzying rush, and the waves battered us at close range. Fortunately Ned's hands came across a big mooring ring fastened to the topside of this sheet–iron back, and we all held on for dear life. Finally this long night was over. My imperfect memories won't let me recall my every impression of it. A single detail comes back to me. Several times, during various lulls of wind and sea, I thought I heard indistinct sounds, a sort of elusive harmony produced by distant musical chords. What was the secret behind this underwater navigating, whose explanation the whole world had sought in vain? What beings lived inside this strange boat? What mechanical force allowed it to move about with such prodigious speed?

Daylight appeared. The morning mists surrounded us, but they soon broke up. I was about to proceed with a careful examination of the hull, whose topside formed a sort of horizontal platform, when I felt it sinking little by little.

"Oh, damnation!" Ned Land shouted, stamping his foot on the resonant sheet iron. "Open up there, you antisocial navigators!" But it was difficult to make yourself heard above the deafening beats of the propeller. Fortunately this submerging movement stopped.

From inside the boat, there suddenly came noises of iron fastenings pushed roughly aside. One of the steel plates flew up, a man appeared, gave a bizarre yell, and instantly disappeared.

A few moments later, eight strapping fellows appeared silently, their faces like masks, and dragged us down into their fearsome machine.

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Chapter 7 A Whale of Unknown Species Kapitel 7 Ein Wal von unbekannter Art Capítulo 7 Una ballena de especie desconocida 7 skyrius Nežinomos rūšies banginis Rozdział 7 Wieloryb nieznanego gatunku Capítulo 7 Uma baleia de espécie desconhecida Глава 7 Кит неизвестного вида Bölüm 7 Türü Bilinmeyen Bir Balina 第7章未知物种的鲸鱼 第7章 未知物種的鯨魚

ALTHOUGH I WAS startled by this unexpected descent, I at least have a very clear recollection of my sensations during it. |||||||спуск|||||||||||||

At first I was dragged about twenty feet under. I'm a good swimmer, without claiming to equal such other authors as Byron and Edgar Allan Poe, who were master divers, and I didn't lose my head on the way down. |||||претендуя на||||||||||||||||||||||||| Je suis un bon nageur, sans prétendre égaler d'autres auteurs comme Byron et Edgar Allan Poe, qui étaient des maîtres plongeurs, et je n'ai pas perdu la tête en descendant. With two vigorous kicks of the heel, I came back to the surface of the sea. ||энергичный|||||||||||||

My first concern was to look for the frigate. Had the crew seen me go overboard? Was the Abraham Lincoln tacking about? ||||маневрировал галсами| ¿Estaba virando el Abraham Lincoln? L'Abraham Lincoln tirait-il des bords ? Would Commander Farragut put a longboat to sea? |||||спустить шлюпку|| Could I hope to be rescued?

The gloom was profound. La morosité était profonde. I glimpsed a black mass disappearing eastward, where its running lights were fading out in the distance. J'ai aperçu une masse noire qui disparaissait vers l'est et dont les phares s'éteignaient au loin. It was the frigate. I felt I was done for. J'ai senti que j'étais fichu.

"Help! Help!" I shouted, swimming desperately toward the Abraham Lincoln .

My clothes were weighing me down. The water glued them to my body, they were paralyzing my movements. ||приклеила||||||||| I was sinking! I was suffocating . "Help!" This was the last shout I gave. My mouth was filling with water. I struggled against being dragged into the depths. Suddenly my clothes were seized by energetic hands, I felt myself pulled abruptly back to the surface of the sea, and yes, I heard these words pronounced in my ear:

"If master would oblige me by leaning on my shoulder, master will swim with much greater ease." |||оказать услугу||||||||||||| "Si le maître me fait l'amitié de s'appuyer sur mon épaule, il nagera avec beaucoup plus de facilité. With one hand I seized the arm of my loyal Conseil.

"You!" I said. "You!" "Myself," Conseil replied, "and at master's command." "That collision threw you overboard along with me?" "Not at all. But being in master's employ, I followed master." The fine lad thought this only natural! Le jeune homme a trouvé cela tout à fait naturel !

"What about the frigate?" I asked.

"The frigate?" Conseil replied, rolling over on his back. "I think master had best not depend on it to any great extent!" ||||||||||||степени "What are you saying?" "I'm saying that just as I jumped overboard, I heard the men at the helm shout, 'Our propeller and rudder are smashed!' "Estoy diciendo que justo cuando salté por la borda, escuché a los hombres en el timón gritar: '¡Nuestra hélice y timón están destrozados!' Je dis qu'au moment où j'ai sauté par-dessus bord, j'ai entendu les hommes à la barre crier : "Notre hélice et notre gouvernail sont brisés". "Smashed?" "Yes, smashed by the monster's tusk! |||||бивнем монстра "¡Sí, aplastado por el colmillo del monstruo! I believe it's the sole injury the Abraham Lincoln has sustained. ||||||||||получил Je crois que c'est la seule blessure que l'Abraham Lincoln ait subie. But most inconveniently for us, the ship can no longer steer." ||Но, что самое неудобное для нас, корабль больше не может управляться.||||||||управлять рулем "Then we're done for!" "Perhaps," Conseil replied serenely. |||спокойно "However, we still have a few hours before us, and in a few hours one can do a great many things!" "Mais nous avons encore quelques heures devant nous, et en quelques heures, on peut faire beaucoup de choses ! Conseil's unflappable composure cheered me up. невозмутимость Конселя|невозмутимое спокойствие|невозмутимость|ободрило|| I swam more vigorously, but hampered by clothes that were as restricting as a cloak made of lead, I was managing with only the greatest difficulty. |||энергичнее||стеснённый|||||||||||||||||||| Conseil noticed as much.

"Master will allow me to make an incision," he said. |||||||"разрез"|| And he slipped an open clasp knife under my clothes, slitting them from top to bottom with one swift stroke. Il a glissé un couteau à fermoir ouvert sous mes vêtements et les a déchirés de haut en bas d'un seul coup. Then he briskly undressed me while I swam for us both. |||||||плавала||| Puis il m'a déshabillé rapidement pendant que je nageais pour nous deux.

I then did Conseil the same favor, and we continued to "navigate" side by side. J'ai ensuite rendu la pareille à Conseil, et nous avons continué à "naviguer" côte à côte. But our circumstances were no less dreadful. Perhaps they hadn't seen us go overboard; and even if they had, the frigate—being undone by its rudder—couldn't return to leeward after us. So we could count only on its longboats.

Conseil had coolly reasoned out this hypothesis and laid his plans accordingly. Conseil avait froidement réfléchi à cette hypothèse et établi ses plans en conséquence. An amazing character, this boy; in midocean, this stoic lad seemed right at home! ||||||||стоик|||||

So, having concluded that our sole chance for salvation lay in being picked up by the Abraham Lincoln's longboats, we had to take steps to wait for them as long as possible. Ainsi, ayant conclu que notre seule chance de salut résidait dans le fait d'être recueillis par les chaloupes de l'Abraham Lincoln, nous avons dû prendre des mesures pour les attendre le plus longtemps possible. Consequently, I decided to divide our energies so we wouldn't both be worn out at the same time, and this was the arrangement: while one of us lay on his back, staying motionless with arms crossed and legs outstretched, the other would swim and propel his partner forward. ||||||||||||||||||||||договорённость||||||||||||||||||||||||| J'ai donc décidé de diviser nos énergies pour ne pas nous épuiser tous les deux en même temps, et voici ce que j'ai fait : pendant que l'un d'entre nous restait allongé sur le dos, immobile, les bras croisés et les jambes tendues, l'autre nageait et propulsait son partenaire vers l'avant. This towing role was to last no longer than ten minutes, and by relieving each other in this way, we could stay afloat for hours, perhaps even until daybreak. Ce rôle de remorquage ne devait pas durer plus de dix minutes, et en nous relayant ainsi, nous pouvions rester à flot pendant des heures, peut-être même jusqu'au lever du jour.

Slim chance, but hope springs eternal in the human breast! Peu de chance, mais l'espoir est éternel dans la poitrine humaine ! Besides, there were two of us. Lastly, I can vouch—as improbable as it seems—that even if I had wanted to destroy all my illusions, even if I had been willing to "give in to despair," I could not have done so! |||поручиться за то||маловероятно||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Enfin, je peux attester - aussi improbable que cela puisse paraître - que même si j'avais voulu détruire toutes mes illusions, même si j'avais été prêt à "céder au désespoir", je n'aurais pas pu le faire ! The cetacean had rammed our frigate at about eleven o'clock in the evening. I therefore calculated on eight hours of swimming until sunrise. A strenuous task, but feasible, thanks to our relieving each other. The sea was pretty smooth and barely tired us. Sometimes I tried to peer through the dense gloom, which was broken only by the phosphorescent flickers coming from our movements. ||||всматриваться||||||||||||мерцания|||| Parfois, j'essayais de regarder à travers l'obscurité dense, qui n'était interrompue que par les scintillements phosphorescents provenant de nos mouvements. I stared at the luminous ripples breaking over my hands, shimmering sheets spattered with blotches of bluish gray. Je fixai les ondulations lumineuses qui se brisaient sur mes mains, des feuilles chatoyantes parsemées de taches d'un gris bleuté. It seemed as if we'd plunged into a pool of quicksilver. ||||||||||ртуть Parecía como si nos hubiéramos sumergido en un charco de azogue. Nous avions l'impression d'avoir plongé dans une piscine d'eau vive. Near one o'clock in the morning, I was overcome with tremendous exhaustion. My limbs stiffened in the grip of intense cramps. ||окоченели||||||судорогами Conseil had to keep me going, and attending to our self–preservation became his sole responsibility. Conseil devait m'aider à tenir le coup, et veiller à notre préservation devenait sa seule responsabilité. I soon heard the poor lad gasping; his breathing became shallow and quick. I didn't think he could stand such exertions for much longer. |||||||усилия||| "Go on! Go on!" I told him.

"Leave master behind?" he replied. "Never! I'll drown before he does!" |утону||| Just then, past the fringes of a large cloud that the wind was driving eastward, the moon appeared. ||||края облака||||||||||||| Juste à ce moment-là, au-delà des franges d'un gros nuage que le vent poussait vers l'est, la lune est apparue. The surface of the sea glistened under its rays. |||||блестела||| |||||brilhou||| That kindly light rekindled our strength. |||вновь зажёг|| I held up my head again. My eyes darted to every point of the horizon. I spotted the frigate. It was five miles from us and formed no more than a dark, barely perceptible mass. ||||||||||||||едва различимая| But as for longboats, not a one in sight! Mais pour ce qui est des chaloupes, il n'y en a pas une en vue !

I tried to call out. What was the use at such a distance! My swollen lips wouldn't let a single sound through. Conseil could still articulate a few words, and I heard him repeat at intervals:

"Help! Help!" Ceasing all movement for an instant, we listened. And it may have been a ringing in my ear, from this organ filling with impeded blood, but it seemed to me that Conseil's shout had received an answer back. C'était peut-être un bourdonnement d'oreille, dû au fait que cet organe se remplissait de sang, mais il me semblait que le cri de Conseil avait reçu une réponse en retour. "Did you hear that?" I muttered.

"Yes, yes!" And Conseil hurled another desperate plea into space. ||бросил|||мольба о помощи||

This time there could be no mistake! A human voice had answered us! Was it the voice of some poor devil left behind in midocean, some other victim of that collision suffered by our ship? Était-ce la voix d'un pauvre diable abandonné au milieu de l'océan, d'une autre victime de la collision subie par notre navire ? Or was it one of the frigate's longboats, hailing us out of the gloom? ||||||||приветствующая нас||||| Conseil made one final effort, and bracing his hands on my shoulders, while I offered resistance with one supreme exertion, he raised himself half out of the water, then fell back exhausted. ||||||упираясь|||||||||||||напряжение сил|||||||||||| Conseil fit un dernier effort, et s'appuyant de ses mains sur mes épaules, tandis que j'opposais une suprême résistance, il se hissa à moitié hors de l'eau, puis retomba épuisé.

"What did you see?" "I saw . ," he muttered, "I saw . but we mustn't talk . save our strength . !" What had he seen? Then, lord knows why, the thought of the monster came into my head for the first time . Puis, Dieu sait pourquoi, l'idée du monstre m'est venue à l'esprit pour la première fois. But even so, that voice . Gone are the days when Jonahs took refuge in the bellies of whales! |||||Ионы||убежище нашли||||| Fini le temps où les Jonas se réfugiaient dans le ventre des baleines !

Nevertheless, Conseil kept towing me. |||буксировал| Sometimes he looked up, stared straight ahead, and shouted a request for directions, which was answered by a voice that was getting closer and closer. Parfois, il levait la tête, regardait droit devant lui et criait pour demander son chemin, ce à quoi répondait une voix qui se rapprochait de plus en plus. I could barely hear it. I was at the end of my strength; my fingers gave out; my hands were no help to me; my mouth opened convulsively, filling with brine; its coldness ran through me; I raised my head one last time, then I collapsed. Just then something hard banged against me. ||||ударилось|| I clung to it. |Я держался за это.|| Then I felt myself being pulled upward, back to the surface of the water; my chest caved in, and I fainted. ||||||||||||||||вдавилась внутрь||||упал в обморок Puis je me suis sentie tirée vers le haut, à la surface de l'eau ; ma poitrine s'est affaissée et je me suis évanouie. For certain, I came to quickly, because someone was massaging me so vigorously it left furrows in my flesh. ||||||||||||энергично|||борозды на коже||| Il est certain que je suis revenu rapidement à moi, car quelqu'un me massait si vigoureusement qu'il laissait des sillons dans ma chair. I half opened my eyes. "Conseil!" I muttered.

"Did master ring for me?" Conseil replied.

Just then, in the last light of a moon settling on the horizon, I spotted a face that wasn't Conseil's but which I recognized at once. A ce moment-là, dans les dernières lueurs d'une lune qui s'installait à l'horizon, j'ai aperçu un visage qui n'était pas celui de Conseil mais que j'ai tout de suite reconnu. "Ned!" I exclaimed.

"In person, sir, and still after his prize!" the Canadian replied.

"You were thrown overboard after the frigate's collision?" "Yes, professor, but I was luckier than you, and right away I was able to set foot on this floating islet." ||||||||||||||||||||плавучий островок "Islet?" Островок? "Or in other words, on our gigantic narwhale." "Explain yourself, Ned." "It's just that I soon realized why my harpoon got blunted and couldn't puncture its hide." ||||||||||затупился|||пронзить|| "Es que pronto me di cuenta de por qué mi arpón se embotó y no pudo perforar su piel". "Why, Ned, why?" "Because, professor, this beast is made of boilerplate steel!" |||||||котельная сталь| At this point in my story, I need to get a grip on myself, reconstruct exactly what I experienced, and make doubly sure of everything I write. |||||||||||||||||||||вдвойне|||||

The Canadian's last words caused a sudden upheaval in my brain. |||||||потрясение||| I swiftly hoisted myself to the summit of this half–submerged creature or object that was serving as our refuge. ||поднялся||||||||полузатопленного|||||||||убежище Je me hissai rapidement au sommet de cette créature ou de cet objet à moitié immergé qui nous servait de refuge. I tested it with my foot. Obviously it was some hard, impenetrable substance, not the soft matter that makes up the bodies of our big marine mammals. |||||непроницаемое вещество|||||||||||||||

But this hard substance could have been a bony carapace, like those that covered some prehistoric animals, and I might have left it at that and classified this monster among such amphibious reptiles as turtles or alligators. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||земноводный|||||

Well, no. The blackish back supporting me was smooth and polished with no overlapping scales. On impact, it gave off a metallic sonority, and as incredible as this sounds, it seemed, I swear, to be made of riveted plates. |||||||звонкость металла||||||||||||||||

No doubts were possible! This animal, this monster, this natural phenomenon that had puzzled the whole scientific world, that had muddled and misled the minds of seamen in both hemispheres, was, there could be no escaping it, an even more astonishing phenomenon—a phenomenon made by the hand of man. ||||||||||||||||смущал||ввело в заблуждение|||||||полушария земного шара|||||||||||||||||||| Cet animal, ce monstre, ce phénomène naturel qui avait intrigué tout le monde scientifique, qui avait embrouillé et égaré l'esprit des marins des deux hémisphères, était, on ne pouvait s'y soustraire, un phénomène encore plus étonnant, un phénomène fait par la main de l'homme.

Even if I had discovered that some fabulous, mythological creature really existed, it wouldn't have given me such a terrific mental jolt. |||||||||||||||||||||потрясение It's easy enough to accept that prodigious things can come from our Creator. ||||||удивительный|||||| But to find, all at once, right before your eyes, that the impossible had been mysteriously achieved by man himself: this staggers the mind! |||||||||||||||||||||поражает разум||

But there was no question now. We were stretched out on the back of some kind of underwater boat that, as far as I could judge, boasted the shape of an immense steel fish. ||||||||||||||||||||похвасталась||||||| Nous étions allongés à l'arrière d'une sorte de bateau sous-marin qui, pour autant que je puisse en juger, avait la forme d'un immense poisson d'acier. Ned Land had clear views on the issue. Ned Land avait des opinions claires sur la question. Conseil and I could only line up behind him. Conseil et moi n'avons pu que nous aligner derrière lui.

"But then," I said, "does this contraption contain some sort of locomotive mechanism, and a crew to run it?" ||||||механизм|||||||||||| "Mais alors", ai-je dit, "cet engin contient-il une sorte de mécanisme de locomotive, et une équipe pour le faire fonctionner ?" "Apparently," the harpooner replied. "And yet for the three hours I've lived on this floating island, it hasn't shown a sign of life." "Et pourtant, depuis trois heures que je vis sur cette île flottante, elle n'a montré aucun signe de vie." "This boat hasn't moved at all?" "No, Professor Aronnax. It just rides with the waves, but otherwise it hasn't stirred." ||||||||||пошевелилось Il se laisse porter par les vagues, mais il n'a pas bougé". "But we know that it's certainly gifted with great speed. Now then, since an engine is needed to generate that speed, and a mechanic to run that engine, I conclude: we're saved." Or, comme il faut un moteur pour générer cette vitesse, et un mécanicien pour faire tourner ce moteur, j'en conclus que nous sommes sauvés". "Humph!" Ned Land put in, his tone denoting reservations. ||||||означающий|

Just then, as if to take my side in the argument, a bubbling began astern of this strange submersible—whose drive mechanism was obviously a propeller—and the boat started to move. ||||||||||||бурление началось||кормой||||подводный аппарат||||||||||||| À ce moment-là, comme pour me donner raison, un bouillonnement s'est produit à l'arrière de cet étrange submersible - dont le mécanisme d'entraînement était manifestement une hélice - et le bateau s'est mis à bouger. We barely had time to hang on to its topside, which emerged about eighty centimeters above water. Nous avons à peine eu le temps de nous accrocher à sa partie supérieure, qui émergeait à environ quatre-vingts centimètres au-dessus de l'eau. Fortunately its speed was not excessive. |||||чрезмерной

"So long as it navigates horizontally," Ned Land muttered, "I've no complaints. ||||движется||||||| But if it gets the urge to dive, I wouldn't give $2.00 for my hide!" Mais s'il a envie de plonger, je ne donnerais pas 2 dollars pour ma peau !". The Canadian might have quoted a much lower price. Le Canadien aurait pu proposer un prix beaucoup plus bas. So it was imperative to make contact with whatever beings were confined inside the plating of this machine. |||необходимо||||||||заточены|||||| Así que era imperativo entrar en contacto con los seres que estuvieran confinados en el interior de la chapa de esta máquina. I searched its surface for an opening or a hatch, a "manhole," to use the official term; but the lines of rivets had been firmly driven into the sheet–iron joins and were straight and uniform. |||||||||люк||люк для человека|||||||||||||||||||||||| Moreover, the moon then disappeared and left us in profound darkness. We had to wait for daylight to find some way of getting inside this underwater boat.

So our salvation lay totally in the hands of the mysterious helmsmen steering this submersible, and if it made a dive, we were done for! ||спасение|||||||||кормчие||||||||||||| But aside from this occurring, I didn't doubt the possibility of our making contact with them. Mais à part cela, je ne doutais pas de la possibilité d'entrer en contact avec eux. In fact, if they didn't produce their own air, they inevitably had to make periodic visits to the surface of the ocean to replenish their oxygen supply. |||||||||||||||||||||||пополнить запас кислорода||| Hence the need for some opening that put the boat's interior in contact with the atmosphere. D'où la nécessité d'une ouverture qui mette l'intérieur du bateau en contact avec l'atmosphère. As for any hope of being rescued by Commander Farragut, that had to be renounced completely. ||||||||||||||отказаться от| Quant à l'espoir d'être secouru par le commandant Farragut, il faut y renoncer complètement. We were being swept westward, and I estimate that our comparatively moderate speed reached twelve miles per hour. The propeller churned the waves with mathematical regularity, sometimes emerging above the surface and throwing phosphorescent spray to great heights. ||взбалтывал|||||математической регулярностью||появляясь над поверхностью|||||||||| L'hélice brasse les vagues avec une régularité mathématique, émergeant parfois de la surface et projetant des embruns phosphorescents à de grandes hauteurs.

Near four o'clock in the morning, the submersible picked up speed. We could barely cope with this dizzying rush, and the waves battered us at close range. ||||||головокружительный||||||||| Fortunately Ned's hands came across a big mooring ring fastened to the topside of this sheet–iron back, and we all held on for dear life. |руки Неда||||||швартовочное кольцо||прикреплённое|||||||||||||||| Heureusement, les mains de Ned ont trouvé un gros anneau d'amarrage fixé sur le dessus de ce dos en tôle, et nous nous sommes tous accrochés pour survivre. Finally this long night was over. My imperfect memories won't let me recall my every impression of it. |незавершённые|||||||||| A single detail comes back to me. Several times, during various lulls of wind and sea, I thought I heard indistinct sounds, a sort of elusive harmony produced by distant musical chords. ||||затишья|||||||||неясные звуки|||||неуловимая||||||аккорды музыки What was the secret behind this underwater navigating, whose explanation the whole world had sought in vain? Quel est le secret de cette navigation sous-marine dont le monde entier a cherché en vain l'explication ? What beings lived inside this strange boat? Quels êtres vivaient à l'intérieur de cet étrange bateau ? What mechanical force allowed it to move about with such prodigious speed?

Daylight appeared. The morning mists surrounded us, but they soon broke up. I was about to proceed with a careful examination of the hull, whose topside formed a sort of horizontal platform, when I felt it sinking little by little. |||||||||||корпус судна|||||||||||||||| J'allais procéder à un examen minutieux de la coque, dont le dessus formait une sorte de plate-forme horizontale, lorsque je la sentis s'enfoncer peu à peu.

"Oh, damnation!" |«Чёрт возьми!» "¡Oh, maldición!" Ned Land shouted, stamping his foot on the resonant sheet iron. ||||||||резонирующий|| "Open up there, you antisocial navigators!" But it was difficult to make yourself heard above the deafening beats of the propeller. ||||||||||оглушительный|||| Fortunately this submerging movement stopped. Heureusement, ce mouvement de submersion s'est arrêté.

From inside the boat, there suddenly came noises of iron fastenings pushed roughly aside. ||||||||||крепежи||| De l'intérieur du bateau, on entend soudain des bruits d'attaches en fer que l'on écarte brutalement. One of the steel plates flew up, a man appeared, gave a bizarre yell, and instantly disappeared.

A few moments later, eight strapping fellows appeared silently, their faces like masks, and dragged us down into their fearsome machine. |||||крепкие парни||||||||||||||ужасная| Quelques instants plus tard, huit solides gaillards apparaissent silencieusement, le visage masqué, et nous entraînent dans leur redoutable machine.