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Voltaire's Candide or Optimism, Chapter 8

Chapter 8


"I was in bed and fast asleep when it pleased God to send the Bulgarians to our delightful castle of Thunder-ten-Tronckh; they slew my father and brother, and cut my mother in pieces. A tall Bulgarian, six feet high, perceiving that I had fainted away at this sight, began to ravish me; this made me recover; I regained my senses, I cried, I struggled, I bit, I scratched, I wanted to tear out the tall Bulgarian's eyes—not knowing that what happened at my father's house was the usual practice of war. The brute gave me a cut in the left side with his hanger, and the mark is still upon me." "Ah! I hope I shall see it," said honest Candide. "You shall," said Cunegonde, "but let us continue." "Do so," replied Candide. Thus she resumed the thread of her story:

"A Bulgarian captain came in, saw me all bleeding, and the soldier not in the least disconcerted. The captain flew into a passion at[Pg 31] the disrespectful behaviour of the brute, and slew him on my body. He ordered my wounds to be dressed, and took me to his quarters as a prisoner of war. I washed the few shirts that he had, I did his cooking; he thought me very pretty—he avowed it; on the other hand, I must own he had a good shape, and a soft and white skin; but he had little or no mind or philosophy, and you might see plainly that he had never been instructed by Doctor Pangloss. In three months time, having lost all his money, and being grown tired of my company, he sold me to a Jew, named Don Issachar, who traded to Holland and Portugal, and had a strong passion for women. This Jew was much attached to my person, but could not triumph over it; I resisted him better than the Bulgarian soldier. A modest woman may be ravished once, but her virtue is strengthened by it. In order to render me more tractable, he brought me to this country house. Hitherto I had imagined that nothing could equal the beauty of Thunder-ten-Tronckh Castle; but I found I was mistaken.

"The Grand Inquisitor, seeing me one day at Mass, stared long at me, and sent to tell me that he wished to speak on private matters. I was conducted to his palace, where I acquainted him with the history of my family, and he represented to me how much it was beneath my rank[Pg 32] to belong to an Israelite. A proposal was then made to Don Issachar that he should resign me to my lord. Don Issachar, being the court banker, and a man of credit, would hear nothing of it. The Inquisitor threatened him with an auto-da-fé . At last my Jew, intimidated, concluded a bargain, by which the house and myself should belong to both in common; the Jew should have for himself Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, and the Inquisitor should have the rest of the week. It is now six months since this agreement was made. Quarrels have not been wanting, for they could not decide whether the night from Saturday to Sunday belonged to the old law or to the new. For my part, I have so far held out against both, and I verily believe that this is the reason why I am still beloved.

"At length, to avert the scourge of earthquakes, and to intimidate Don Issachar, my Lord Inquisitor was pleased to celebrate an auto-da-fé . He did me the honour to invite me to the ceremony. I had a very good seat, and the ladies were served with refreshments between Mass and the execution. I was in truth seized with horror at the burning of those two Jews, and of the honest Biscayner who had married his godmother; but what was my surprise, my fright, my trouble, when I saw in a san-benito and mitre a figure which resembled that[Pg 33] of Pangloss! I rubbed my eyes, I looked at him attentively, I saw him hung; I fainted. Scarcely had I recovered my senses than I saw you stripped, stark naked, and this was the height of my horror, consternation, grief, and despair. I tell you, truthfully, that your skin is yet whiter and of a more perfect colour than that of my Bulgarian captain. This spectacle redoubled all the feelings which overwhelmed and devoured me. I screamed out, and would have said, 'Stop, barbarians!' but my voice failed me, and my cries would have been useless after you had been severely whipped. How is it possible, said I, that the beloved Candide and the wise Pangloss should both be at Lisbon, the one to receive a hundred lashes, and the other to be hanged by the Grand Inquisitor, of whom I am the well-beloved? Pangloss most cruelly deceived me when he said that everything in the world is for the best.

"Agitated, lost, sometimes beside myself, and sometimes ready to die of weakness, my mind was filled with the massacre of my father, mother, and brother, with the insolence of the ugly Bulgarian soldier, with the stab that he gave me, with my servitude under the Bulgarian captain, with my hideous Don Issachar, with my abominable Inquisitor, with the execution of Doctor Pangloss, with the grand Miserere to[Pg 34] which they whipped you, and especially with the kiss I gave you behind the screen the day that I had last seen you. I praised God for bringing you back to me after so many trials, and I charged my old woman to take care of you, and to conduct you hither as soon as possible. She has executed her commission perfectly well; I have tasted the inexpressible pleasure of seeing you again, of hearing you, of speaking with you. But you must be hungry, for myself, I am famished; let us have supper." They both sat down to table, and, when supper was over, they placed themselves once more on the sofa; where they were when Signor Don Issachar arrived. It was the Jewish Sabbath, and Issachar had come to enjoy his rights, and to explain his tender love.

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Chapter 8 Capítulo 8 Bölüm 8


"I was in bed and fast asleep when it pleased God to send the Bulgarians to our delightful castle of Thunder-ten-Tronckh; they slew my father and brother, and cut my mother in pieces. «J'étais au lit et je dormais profondément quand il a plu à Dieu d'envoyer les Bulgares dans notre charmant château de Tonnerre-dix-Tronckh; ils ont tué mon père et mon frère et ont coupé ma mère en morceaux. A tall Bulgarian, six feet high, perceiving that I had fainted away at this sight, began to ravish me; this made me recover; I regained my senses, I cried, I struggled, I bit, I scratched, I wanted to tear out the tall Bulgarian's eyes—not knowing that what happened at my father's house was the usual practice of war. |||||||||||||||||ravage||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Un grand Bulgare de six pieds de haut, voyant que je m'étais évanoui à cette vue, se mit à me ravir; cela m'a fait récupérer; J'ai repris mes esprits, j'ai pleuré, j'ai lutté, j'ai mordu, j'ai gratté, j'ai voulu arracher les grands yeux du Bulgare - ne sachant pas que ce qui se passait chez mon père était la pratique habituelle de la guerre. The brute gave me a cut in the left side with his hanger, and the mark is still upon me." La brute m'a fait une coupure dans le côté gauche avec son cintre, et la marque est toujours sur moi. " "Ah! I hope I shall see it," said honest Candide. "You shall," said Cunegonde, "but let us continue." "Do so," replied Candide. Thus she resumed the thread of her story: Elle reprit ainsi le fil de son histoire:

"A Bulgarian captain came in, saw me all bleeding, and the soldier not in the least disconcerted. «Un capitaine bulgare est entré, m'a vu tout saigner, et le soldat pas du tout déconcerté. The captain flew into a passion at[Pg 31] the disrespectful behaviour of the brute, and slew him on my body. Le capitaine a volé dans une passion à [Pg 31] le comportement irrespectueux de la brute, et l'a tué sur mon corps. He ordered my wounds to be dressed, and took me to his quarters as a prisoner of war. Il a ordonné que mes blessures soient pansées et m'a emmené dans ses quartiers comme prisonnier de guerre. I washed the few shirts that he had, I did his cooking; he thought me very pretty—he avowed it; on the other hand, I must own he had a good shape, and a soft and white skin; but he had little or no mind or philosophy, and you might see plainly that he had never been instructed by Doctor Pangloss. ||||||||||||||me||||declared|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| J'ai lavé les quelques chemises qu'il avait, j'ai fait sa cuisine; il me trouvait très jolie - il l'a avoué; d'un autre côté, je dois avouer qu'il avait une bonne forme et une peau douce et blanche; mais il avait peu ou pas d'esprit ou de philosophie, et vous pourriez voir clairement qu'il n'avait jamais été instruit par le docteur Pangloss. In three months time, having lost all his money, and being grown tired of my company, he sold me to a Jew, named Don Issachar, who traded to Holland and Portugal, and had a strong passion for women. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||women En trois mois, ayant perdu tout son argent et étant fatigué de ma société, il me vendit à un juif, nommé Don Issachar, qui faisait du commerce en Hollande et au Portugal, et avait une forte passion pour les femmes. This Jew was much attached to my person, but could not triumph over it; I resisted him better than the Bulgarian soldier. Ce Juif était très attaché à ma personne, mais ne pouvait pas en triompher; Je lui ai mieux résisté que le soldat bulgare. A modest woman may be ravished once, but her virtue is strengthened by it. In order to render me more tractable, he brought me to this country house. Afin de me rendre plus docile, il m'a amené dans cette maison de campagne. Hitherto I had imagined that nothing could equal the beauty of Thunder-ten-Tronckh Castle; but I found I was mistaken.

"The Grand Inquisitor, seeing me one day at Mass, stared long at me, and sent to tell me that he wished to speak on private matters. I was conducted to his palace, where I acquainted him with the history of my family, and he represented to me how much it was beneath my rank[Pg 32] to belong to an Israelite. J'ai été conduit à son palais, où je lui ai fait part de l'histoire de ma famille, et il m'a représenté combien il était en dessous de mon rang [Pg 32] d'appartenir à un Israélite. A proposal was then made to Don Issachar that he should resign me to my lord. Une proposition fut alors faite à don Issacar pour qu'il me démissionne auprès de mon seigneur. Don Issachar, being the court banker, and a man of credit, would hear nothing of it. Don Issachar, étant le banquier de la cour et un homme de crédit, n'en entendait rien. The Inquisitor threatened him with an  auto-da-fé . At last my Jew, intimidated, concluded a bargain, by which the house and myself should belong to both in common; the Jew should have for himself Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, and the Inquisitor should have the rest of the week. Enfin, mon Juif, intimidé, conclut un marché par lequel la maison et moi appartiendrons aux deux en commun; le Juif devrait avoir pour lui lundi, mercredi et samedi, et l'inquisiteur devrait avoir le reste de la semaine. It is now six months since this agreement was made. Quarrels have not been wanting, for they could not decide whether the night from Saturday to Sunday belonged to the old law or to the new. Les querelles n'ont pas manqué, car ils ne pouvaient pas décider si la nuit de samedi à dimanche appartenait à l'ancienne loi ou à la nouvelle. For my part, I have so far held out against both, and I verily believe that this is the reason why I am still beloved. Pour ma part, j'ai jusqu'ici résisté aux deux et je crois vraiment que c'est la raison pour laquelle je suis toujours aimé.

"At length, to avert the scourge of earthquakes, and to intimidate Don Issachar, my Lord Inquisitor was pleased to celebrate an  auto-da-fé . «Enfin, pour conjurer le fléau des tremblements de terre et intimider don Issacar, mon lord Inquisiteur a eu le plaisir de célébrer un auto-da-fé. He did me the honour to invite me to the ceremony. I had a very good seat, and the ladies were served with refreshments between Mass and the execution. J'avais une très bonne place et les dames ont été servies avec des rafraîchissements entre la messe et l'exécution. I was in truth seized with horror at the burning of those two Jews, and of the honest Biscayner who had married his godmother; but what was my surprise, my fright, my trouble, when I saw in a  san-benito and mitre a figure which resembled that[Pg 33] of Pangloss! J'étais en vérité saisi d'horreur de l'incendie de ces deux Juifs et de l'honnête biscayen qui avait épousé sa marraine; mais quelle fut ma surprise, ma frayeur, mon trouble, quand j'ai vu dans un san-benito et une mitre une figure qui ressemblait à celle [Pg 33] de Pangloss! I rubbed my eyes, I looked at him attentively, I saw him hung; I fainted. Je me suis frotté les yeux, je l'ai regardé attentivement, je l'ai vu pendu; Je me suis évanoui. Scarcely had I recovered my senses than I saw you stripped, stark naked, and this was the height of my horror, consternation, grief, and despair. A peine avais-je repris mes esprits que je vous ai vu dépouillé, complètement nu, et c'était le comble de mon horreur, de ma consternation, de mon chagrin et de mon désespoir. I tell you, truthfully, that your skin is yet whiter and of a more perfect colour than that of my Bulgarian captain. This spectacle redoubled all the feelings which overwhelmed and devoured me. I screamed out, and would have said, 'Stop, barbarians!' but my voice failed me, and my cries would have been useless after you had been severely whipped. mais ma voix m'a manqué, et mes cris auraient été inutiles après que vous ayez été sévèrement fouettée. How is it possible, said I, that the beloved Candide and the wise Pangloss should both be at Lisbon, the one to receive a hundred lashes, and the other to be hanged by the Grand Inquisitor, of whom I am the well-beloved? Comment est-il possible, dis-je, que le bien-aimé Candide et le sage Pangloss soient tous deux à Lisbonne, l'un recevant cent coups de fouet et l'autre pendu par le grand inquisiteur, dont je suis le bien-aimé? Pangloss most cruelly deceived me when he said that everything in the world is for the best. Pangloss m'a le plus cruellement trompé en disant que tout dans le monde est pour le mieux.

"Agitated, lost, sometimes beside myself, and sometimes ready to die of weakness, my mind was filled with the massacre of my father, mother, and brother, with the insolence of the ugly Bulgarian soldier, with the stab that he gave me, with my servitude under the Bulgarian captain, with my hideous Don Issachar, with my abominable Inquisitor, with the execution of Doctor Pangloss, with the grand Miserere to[Pg 34] which they whipped you, and especially with the kiss I gave you behind the screen the day that I had last seen you. ||||||||||||||||||mass murder|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Have mercy||||||||||||||||||||||||| «Agité, perdu, tantôt hors de moi, tantôt prêt à mourir de faiblesse, mon esprit était rempli du massacre de mon père, de ma mère et de mon frère, de l'insolence du vilain soldat bulgare, du coup de couteau qu'il m'a donné, avec ma servitude sous le capitaine bulgare, avec mon hideux don Issacar, avec mon abominable inquisiteur, avec l'exécution du docteur Pangloss, avec le grand misère à [Pg 34] qu'ils vous ont fouetté, et surtout avec le baiser que je vous ai donné derrière le écran le jour où je vous avais vu pour la dernière fois. I praised God for bringing you back to me after so many trials, and I charged my old woman to take care of you, and to conduct you hither as soon as possible. J'ai loué Dieu de vous avoir ramené à moi après tant d'épreuves, et j'ai chargé ma vieille femme de prendre soin de vous et de vous conduire ici le plus tôt possible. She has executed her commission perfectly well; I have tasted the inexpressible pleasure of seeing you again, of hearing you, of speaking with you. |||||||||||indescribable|||||||||||| But you must be hungry, for myself, I am famished; let us have supper." Mais vous devez avoir faim, pour moi, je suis affamé; soupons. " They both sat down to table, and, when supper was over, they placed themselves once more on the sofa; where they were when Signor Don Issachar arrived. It was the Jewish Sabbath, and Issachar had come to enjoy his rights, and to explain his tender love. C'était le sabbat juif, et Issacar était venu pour jouir de ses droits et pour expliquer son tendre amour.