John Hardy: My green school dream
|||escola verde||
John Hardy: Mein Traum von einer grünen Schule
John Hardy: Hardy: Το όνειρο του πράσινου σχολείου μου
John Hardy Mi sueño de una escuela verde
John Hardy: Il mio sogno di scuola verde
Johnas Hardy: Mano svajonė apie žaliąją mokyklą
John Hardy: Moje marzenie o zielonej szkole
John Hardy: O meu sonho da escola verde
Джон Харди: Моя мечта о зеленой школе
John Hardy: Yeşil okul hayalim
Джон Гарді: Моя мрія про зелену школу
I grew up in a very small village in Canada, and I’m an undiagnosed dyslexic.
|||||||||||||non diagnostiqué|
|||||||||||||não diagnosticado|
I had a really hard time in school.
In fact, my mother told me eventually that I was the little kid in the village who cried all the way to school.
I ran away.
I left when I was 25 years old to go to Bali.
And there I met my incredible wife, Cynthia, and together over 20 years, we built an amazing jewelry business.
It was a fairy tale, and then we retired.
Then she took me to see a film that I really didn’t want to see.
Puis elle m'a emmené voir un film que je ne voulais vraiment pas voir.
It ruined my life -- (Laughter) "An Inconvenient Truth" and Mr. Gore.
Ça a ruiné ma vie -- (Rires) "Une Vérité Qui Dérange" et M. Gore.
I have four kids, and even if part of what he says is true, they’re not going to have the life that I had.
I have four kids, and even if part of what he says is true, they're not going to have the life that I had.
J'ai quatre enfants, et même si une partie de ce qu'il dit est vrai, ils n'auront pas la vie que j'ai eue.
У мене четверо дітей, і навіть якщо частина з того, що він каже, правда, у них не буде такого життя, яке було у мене.
And I decided at that moment that I would spend the rest of my life doing whatever I could to improve their possibilities.
And I decided at that moment that I would spend the rest of my life doing whatever I could to improve their possibilities.
Et j'ai décidé à ce moment-là que je passerais le reste de ma vie à faire tout ce que je pouvais pour améliorer leurs possibilités.
І в той момент я вирішив, що проведу решту свого життя, роблячи все, що в моїх силах, щоб покращити їхні можливості.
So here’s the world, and here we are in Bali.
Alors voici le monde, et nous sommes ici à Bali.
It’s a tiny, little island -- 60 miles by 90 miles.
It has an intact Hindu culture.
Cynthia and I were there.
We had had a wonderful life there, and we decided to do something unusual.
We decided to give back locally.
Nous avons décidé de redonner localement.
Мы решили вернуться на место.
Ми вирішили віддячити локально.
And here it is; it’s called the Green School.
Et le voici ; ça s'appelle l'École Verte.
I know it doesn’t look like a school, but it is something we decided to do, and it is extremely, extremely green.
Je sais que ça ne ressemble pas à une école, mais c'est quelque chose que nous avons décidé de faire, et c'est extrêmement, extrêmement vert.
The classrooms have no walls.
The teacher is writing on a bamboo blackboard.
|||||||quadro negro
The desks are not square.
At Green School, the children are smiling -- an unusual thing for school, especially for me.
And we practice holism.
І ми практикуємо холізм.
And for me it’s just the idea that, if this little girl graduates as a whole person, chances are she’ll demand a whole world -- a whole world -- to live on.
Et pour moi, c'est juste l'idée que, si cette petite fille obtient son diplôme en tant que personne entière, il y a des chances qu'elle exige un monde entier -- un monde entier -- pour vivre.
І для мене це просто ідея, що якщо ця маленька дівчинка закінчить школу цілісною особистістю, то, швидше за все, їй знадобиться цілий світ - цілий світ - для життя.
Our children spend 181 days going to school in a box.
Nos enfants passent 181 jours à aller à l'école dans une boîte.
Наші діти проводять 181 день, ходячи до школи в коробці.
我们的孩子在一个盒子里上学 181 天。
The people that built my school also built the prison and the insane asylum out of the same materials.
Les personnes qui ont construit mon école ont également construit la prison et l'asile d'aliénés avec les mêmes matériaux.
Люди, построившие мою школу, также построили тюрьму и сумасшедший дом из тех же материалов.
So if this gentleman had have had a holistic education, would he be sitting there?
Итак, если бы у этого джентльмена было целостное образование, он бы сидел там?
Would he have had more possibilities in his life?
The classrooms have natural light.
They’re beautiful.
They’re bamboo.
The breeze passes through them.
And when the natural breeze isn’t enough, the kids deploy bubbles, but not the kind of bubbles you know.
Et quand la brise naturelle ne suffit pas, les enfants déploient des bulles, mais pas le genre de bulles que vous connaissez.
These bubbles are made from natural cotton and rubber from the rubber tree.
Ces bulles sont faites de coton naturel et de caoutchouc provenant de l'arbre à caoutchouc.
So we basically turned the box into a bubble.
Donc, nous avons essentiellement transformé la boîte en une bulle.
Поэтому мы в основном превратили коробку в пузырь.
And these kids know that painless climate control may not be part of their future.
Et ces enfants savent que le contrôle climatique sans douleur ne fera peut-être pas partie de leur avenir.
We pay the bill at the end of the month, but the people that are really going to pay the bill are our grandchildren.
|||||||||||||||||||||||nossos netos
Nous payons la facture à la fin du mois, mais les personnes qui vont vraiment payer la facture, ce sont nos petits-enfants.
Ми сплачуємо рахунки в кінці місяця, але люди, які дійсно збираються оплачувати рахунки, - це наші онуки.
We have to teach the kids that the world is not indestructible.
Nous devons apprendre aux enfants que le monde n'est pas indestructible.
These kids did a little graffiti on their desks, and then they signed up for two extra courses.
Эти дети сделали небольшие надписи на своих столах, а затем они подписались на два дополнительных курса.
The first one was called sanding, and the second one was called re-waxing.
Первый из них назывался шлифованием, а второй - повторным воском.
But since that happened, they own those desks.
Але відтоді, як це сталося, вони володіють цими столами.
They know they can control their world.
We’re on the grid; we’re not proud of it.
Nous sommes connectés au réseau; nous n'en sommes pas fiers.
Мы в сети; мы не гордимся этим.
Ми в сітці, ми не пишаємося цим.
but an amazing alternative energy company in Paris is taking us off the grid with solar.
Mais une incroyable entreprise d'énergie alternative à Paris nous déconnecte du réseau avec le solaire.
And this thing is the second vortex to be built in the world, in a two and a half meter drop on a river.
|||||||||||||||||||altura de||||
Et cette chose est le deuxième vortex à être construit dans le monde, dans une chute de deux mètres et demi sur une rivière.
И эта вещь - второй вихрь, который будет построен в мире, в двух с половиной метрах на реке.
І це друга вирва, яку побудували у світі, у двох з половиною метрах від річки.
When the turbine drops in, it will produce 8,000 watts of electricity, day and night.
Коли турбіна запрацює, вона вироблятиме 8 000 ват електроенергії вдень і вночі.
当涡轮机投入使用时,它将白天和黑夜产生 8,000 瓦的电力。
And you know what these are.
There’s nowhere to flush.
|||dar descarga
Il n'y a nulle part où tirer la chasse.
And as long as we’re taking our waste and mixing it with a huge amount of water -- you’re all really smart, just do the math.
Et tant que nous prenons nos déchets et les mélangeons avec une énorme quantité d'eau - vous êtes tous vraiment intelligents, faites juste le calcul.
І поки ми беремо наші відходи і змішуємо їх з величезною кількістю води - ви всі дуже розумні, просто порахуйте.
How many people times how much water.
Combien de personnes multiplié par combien d'eau.
There isn’t enough water.
These are compost toilets.
Это компостные туалеты.
And nobody at the school wanted to know about them, especially the principal.
And they work; people use them.
People are okay.
It’s something you should think about doing.
Not many things didn’t work.
The beautiful canvas and rubber skylights got eaten by the sun in six months.
||tela bonita|||claraboias||||||||
Прекрасное полотно и резиновые световые люки съели солнце через полгода.
Красиве полотно і гумові дахові вікна були з'їдені сонцем за півроку.
We had to replace them with recyclable plastic.
The teachers dragged giant PVC whiteboards into the classrooms, so we had some good ideas.
We took old automobile windshields, put paper behind them and created the first alternative to the whiteboard.
|||automóveis antigos|parabrisas de automóveis||||||||||||
Green School sits in south-central Bali, and it’s on 20 acres of rolling garden.
绿色学校坐落在巴厘岛中南部,占地 20 英亩的滚动花园。
There’s an amazing river traveling through it, and you can see there how we manage to get across the river.
Там проходит удивительная река, и вы видите, как нам удается пройти через реку.
I met a father the other day, he looked a little crazed.
J'ai rencontré un père l'autre jour, il avait l'air un peu fou.
I said, "Welcome to Green School."
J'ai dit : "Bienvenue à l'École Verte."
He said, "I’ve been on an airplane for 24 hours."
Il a dit : "J'ai été dans un avion pendant 24 heures."
Він сказав: "Я провів у літаку 24 години".
I asked him, "Why?"
He said, "I had a dream once about a green school, and I saw a picture of this green school, I got on an airplane.
Il a dit : "J'ai eu un rêve autrefois au sujet d'une école verte, et j'ai vu une image de cette école verte, je suis monté dans un avion.
In August I’m bringing my sons."
En août, j'emmène mes fils."
This was a great thing.
C'était une grande chose.
But more than that, people are building green houses around Green School, so their kids can walk to school on the paths.
And people are bringing their green industries, hopefully their green restaurants, to the Green School.
It’s becoming a community.
It’s becoming a green model.
We had to look at everything.
Мы должны были смотреть на все.
No petrochemicals in the pavement.
|pas de produits pétrochimiques|||
No pavement.
These are volcanic stones laid by hand.
There are no sidewalks.
The sidewalks are gravel, they flood when it rains, but they’re green.
|||de cascalho||||||||
Les trottoirs sont en gravier, ils inondent quand il pleut, mais ils sont verts.
This is the school buffalo.
C'est le buffle de l'école.
He’s planning to eat that fence for dinner.
Il prévoit de manger cette clôture au dîner.
All the fences at Green School are green.
||as cercas|||||
And when the kindergarten kids recently moved their gate, they found out the fence was made out of tapioca.
|||jardim de infância||||||||||cerca de tapioca|||||
They took the tapioca roots up to the kitchen, sliced them thinly and made delicious chips.
||||raízes de tapioca|||||||em fatias finas||||
aménagement paysager
We manage to keep the garden that was there running right up to the edge of each of the classrooms.
Нам удается удержать сад, который был там, прямо до края каждого класса.
Нам вдалося зберегти сад, який там був, що підходив до краю кожного класу.
We dropped them gently in.
We made space for these guys who are Bali’s last black pigs.
||||||||de Bali|||
Ми звільнили місце для цих хлопців, які є останніми чорними свинями на Балі.
And the school cow is trying to figure out how to replace the lawnmower on the playing field.
|||vaca da escola||||||||||||||
These young ladies are living in a rice culture, but they know something that few people know in a rice culture.
Ці дівчата живуть у середовищі рисової культури, але вони знають те, що мало хто знає в цій культурі.
They know how to plant organic rice, they know how to look after it, they know how to harvest and they know how to cook it.
They’re part of the rice cycle.
and these skills will be valuable for them in their future.
This young man is picking organic vegetables.
We feed 400 people lunch every day.
And it’s not a normal lunch; there’s no gas.
Local Balinese women cook the food on sawdust burners using secrets that only their grandmothers know.
|||||||queima de serragem||||||||
Місцеві балійські жінки готують їжу на пальниках з тирси, використовуючи секрети, які знають лише їхні бабусі.
The food is incredible.
Green School is a place of pioneers, local and global.
And it’s a kind of microcosm of the globalized world.
The kids are from 25 countries.
When I see them together, I know that they’re working out how to live in the future.
Green School is going into its third year with 160 children.
It’s a school where you do learn reading -- one of my favorites -- writing -- I was bad at it -- arithmetic.
C'est une école où vous apprenez à lire -- l'une de mes préférées -- à écrire -- j'étais mauvais en ça -- en arithmétique.
But you also learn other things.
Mais vous apprenez aussi d'autres choses.
You learn bamboo building.
Vous apprenez à construire en bambou.
You practice ancient Balinese arts.
This is called mud wrestling in the rice fields.
The kids love it.
The mothers aren’t quite convinced.
Les mères ne sont pas tout à fait convaincues.
Мамы не совсем убеждены.
We’ve done a lot of outrageous things in our lives, and we said, okay, local.
Nous avons fait beaucoup de choses scandaleuses dans nos vies, et nous avons dit, d'accord, local.
What does local mean?
Local means that 20 percent of the population of the school has to be Balinese.
本地意味着学校 20% 的人口必须是巴厘岛人。
And this was a really big commitment.
И это было действительно большое обязательство.
And we were right.
And people are coming forward from all over the world to support the Balinese Scholarship Fund, because these kids will be Bali’s next green leaders.
||||||||||||||Bolsa de estudos||||||||||
The teachers are as diverse as the student body.
And the amazing thing is that volunteers are popping up.
И удивительно, что волонтеры появляются.
A man came from Java with a new kind of organic agriculture.
A woman came from Africa with music.
And together these volunteers and the teachers are deeply committed to creating a new generation of global, green leaders.
И вместе эти волонтеры и преподаватели глубоко привержены созданию нового поколения глобальных, зеленых лидеров.
The Green School effect -- we don’t know what it is.
We need someone to come and study it.
But what’s happening, our learning-different kids -- dyslexic -- we’ve renamed them prolexic -- are doing well in these beautiful, beautiful classrooms.
And all the kids are thriving.
And how did we do all this?
On giant grass.
It’s bamboo.
It comes out of the ground like a train.
It grows as high as a coconut tree in two months.
Il pousse aussi haut qu'un cocotier en deux mois.
And three years later it can be harvested to build buildings like this.
Et trois ans plus tard, il peut être récolté pour construire des bâtiments comme celui-ci.
It’s as strong and dense as teak.
Il est aussi solide et dense que le teck.
And it will hold up any roof.
И он будет держать любую крышу.
When the architects came, they brought us these things, and you’ve probably seen things like this.
The yellow box was called the administration complex.
(Laughter) We squashed it, we rethought it, but mainly we renamed it -- the heart of school.
And that changed everything forever.
It’s a double helix.
|||hélice dupla
Это двойная спираль.
It has administrators in it and many, many other things.
And the problem of building it -- when the Balinese workers saw long reams of plans, they looked at them and said, "What’s this?
||||||||||||pilhas de||||||||||
Et le problème de la construction - lorsque les travailleurs balinais ont vu de longs plans, ils les ont regardés et ont dit : "C'est quoi ça ?"
E o problema da construção - quando os trabalhadores balineses viam longas resmas de planos, olhavam para eles e diziam: "O que é isto?
И проблема его строительства - когда балийские рабочие увидели длинные планы планов, они посмотрели на них и сказали: «Что это?
So we built big models.
Alors nous avons construit de grands modèles.
We had them engineered by the engineers.
Nous les avons fait concevoir par des ingénieurs.
Мы создали их инженерами.
And Balinese carpenters like this measured them with their bamboo rulers, selected the bamboo and built the buildings using age-old techniques, mostly by hand.
||||||||||régua de bambu||||||||||||||
It was chaos.
And the Balinese carpenters want to be as modern as we do, so they use metal scaffolding to build the bamboo building.
||||||||||||||||andaimes de metal|||||
And when the scaffolding came down, we realized that we had a cathedral, a cathedral to green, and a cathedral green education.
The heart of school has seven kilometers of bamboo in it.
В сердце школы есть семь километров бамбука.
From the time the foundations were finished, in three months it had roofs and floors.
It may not be the biggest bamboo building in the world, but many people believe that it’s the most beautiful.
Is this doable in your community?
We believe it is.
Green School is a model we built for the world.
It’s a model we built for Bali.
And you just have to follow these simple, simple rules: be local, let the environment lead and think about how your grandchildren might build.
So, Mr. Gore, thank you.
You ruined my life, but you gave me an incredible future.
You (the person)||||||||||
And if you’re interested in being involved in finishing Green School and building the next 50 around the world, please come and see us.
Thank you.