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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'talk the talk' mean? - YouTube

What does 'talk the talk' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak with me, Feifei...

Neil: ...and me, Neil.

Feifei: In this programme, we have

an expression you can use

to describe someone who talks

confidently about a topic, but might not

actually know that much about it.

Neil: Which reminds me, Feifei.

Did I tell you that I've started

a new evening course?

Feifei: No. What's it in?

Neil: Well, see if you can guess...

My lords, ladies and gentlemen.

It is indeed an immense

honour and privilege to stand here

before you on this great occasion

and humbly offer

my thoughts...

Feifei: Er... Neil. What are you

going on about?

Neil: Public speaking! It's my new course.

Feifei: Right. Well, you can certainly

talk the talk.

Neil: Oh good - that's the whole point.

Feifei: Hmm. That's not really

a compliment. When we say

someone can talk the talk, it

means they talk a lot about a subject,

but they might not really know

that much about it - even

if they sound confident.

Neil: How dare you! Well, let's hear some

examples of this expression in action.

Oh no, not another meeting chaired

by Binh. He can certainly talk the talk

but he actually

knows nothing!

OK, go in there, talk the talk, and get out

before they realise we don't have

a clue about marketing!

It's one thing talking the talk, but we need

action. We need someone

who can walk the walk.

Feifei: You're listening to The English

We Speak from BBC Learning English.

In this programme,

we're looking at the expression

'talk the talk'. It refers to people

who talk confidently

on a topic without necessarily

knowing much about it.

Neil: That's right, Feifei. You know,

you're really quite knowledgeable

about the English

language, aren't you?

Feifei: Thanks.

Neil: I mean, you don't just talk the talk

- you can walk the walk too.

Feifei: Absolutely! As you heard in the

earlier example, and just then

from Neil, the opposite

of 'talk the talk' is 'walk the walk'.

Neil: That refers to someone who shows

their abilities through action -

not just talking.

Feifei: Like you, Neil.

Neil: You know what? I think I'll give up

that public speaking course

and join a hiking club -

to learn how to walk the walk.

Feifei: Ha! Good idea.

Neil: Bye!

Feifei: Bye!

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What does 'talk the talk' mean? - YouTube ¿Qué significa "hablar por hablar"? - YouTube トーク・ザ・トーク」とは?- YouTube Co oznacza "mówić to, co się mówi"? - YouTube O que significa "falar o que pensa"? - YouTube Что означает "говорить как есть"? - YouTube 'Konuşmak' ne anlama geliyor? - YouTube Що означає "говорити те, що говорять"? - YouTube “说说话”是什么意思? - YouTube “說說話”是什麼意思? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English Feifei: Hola y bienvenidos a The English

We Speak with me, Feifei...

Neil: ...and me, Neil.

Feifei: In this programme, we have

an expression you can use

to describe someone who talks

confidently about a topic, but might not

actually know that much about it.

Neil: Which reminds me, Feifei.

Did I tell you that I've started ¿Te he dicho que he empezado

a new evening course? ¿un nuevo curso nocturno?

Feifei: No. What's it in? 菲菲:いや、何に入ってるの?

Neil: Well, see if you can guess...

My lords, ladies and gentlemen.

It is indeed an immense Se trata de una inmensa

honour and privilege to stand here honor y privilegio de estar aquí

before you on this great occasion ante ti en esta gran ocasión

and humbly offer y ofrecer humildemente そして、謙虚にこう申し上げる。

my thoughts...

Feifei: Er... Neil. What are you

going on about? ¿De qué estás hablando?

Neil: Public speaking! It's my new course.

Feifei: Right. Well, you can certainly

talk the talk. hablar por hablar. ったな。

Neil: Oh good - that's the whole point. Bien, de eso se trata. ニール:ああ、それが重要なんだ。

Feifei: Hmm. That's not really Feifei: Hmm. Eso no es realmente 菲菲:うーん。それはあまり

a compliment. When we say 褒め言葉だ。私たちが

someone can talk the talk, it alguien puede hablar por hablar

means they talk a lot about a subject, significa que hablan mucho sobre un tema,

but they might not really know

that much about it - even

if they sound confident.

Neil: How dare you! Well, let's hear some Neil: ¡Cómo te atreves! Bueno, vamos a escuchar algunos

examples of this expression in action. ejemplos de esta expresión en acción.

Oh no, not another meeting chaired Oh no, no otra reunión presidida いやはや、また座長会議か

by Binh. He can certainly talk the talk por Binh. Sin duda sabe hablar

but he actually

knows nothing!

OK, go in there, talk the talk, and get out Vale, entra ahí, habla lo que tengas que hablar, y sal de ahí. よし、そこに行って、話をして、出て行け

before they realise we don't have antes de que se den cuenta de que no tenemos を持たないことに気づかれる前に。

a clue about marketing! ¡ni idea de marketing! マーケティングのヒントがある!

It's one thing talking the talk, but we need 口先だけではだめだ。

action. We need someone

who can walk the walk. 歩くことができる人。

Feifei: You're listening to The English

We Speak from BBC Learning English.

In this programme,

we're looking at the expression

'talk the talk'. It refers to people

who talk confidently

on a topic without necessarily

knowing much about it.

Neil: That's right, Feifei. You know,

you're really quite knowledgeable estás realmente bien informado

about the English

language, aren't you?

Feifei: Thanks.

Neil: I mean, you don't just talk the talk Quiero decir, no solo hablas por hablar

- you can walk the walk too. - あなたも歩くことができる。

Feifei: Absolutely! As you heard in the

earlier example, and just then

from Neil, the opposite

of 'talk the talk' is 'walk the walk'.

Neil: That refers to someone who shows

their abilities through action -

not just talking.

Feifei: Like you, Neil.

Neil: You know what? I think I'll give up ニール:あのね。あきらめよう

that public speaking course

and join a hiking club -

to learn how to walk the walk.

Feifei: Ha! Good idea.

Neil: Bye!

Feifei: Bye!