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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Why are people saying 'salty'? - The English We Speak - YouTube

Why are people saying 'salty'? - The English We Speak - YouTube

Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak with me, Feifei...

...and me, Roy.

We may sound a little different - that's

because we are not able to record

in our normal studios

during the coronavirus outbreak. In this

programme, we have a word

that is used to say when someone

is upset over something minor or trivial.

Speaking of which, you got

really upset when

the vending machine didn't have any of

those sweets you like this morning!

I really like 'unicorn truffles' - you have

no idea how good they are.

It ruined my day!

Everyone likes 'unicorn truffles', but

there's no need to get overly upset

about it - they're just sweets!

You were so salty this morning!

What do you mean salty? You mean I was

sweaty? I sweat when I get stressed.

No, Roy. 'Salty' means you got upset over

nothing. They're just sweets. If you're that

desperate for them, you should go to the

supermarket before work like I did.

Wait, you've got some 'unicorn truffles'!?

Can I have one, please?

You can have one, and only one. Anyway,

let's listen to these examples...

She was so salty when she lost the board

game. It's really not that important.

He was so salty yesterday when nobody

wanted to go to lunch with him.

I'm sorry - it was a bad joke, but there's

no need to get salty about it!

This is The English We Speak from BBC

Learning English and we're

talking about the word 'salty'

- and now Roy, you're salty because

I won't give you more sweets!

Feifei, you have a bag full of 'unicorn

truffles'! You could open

a sweet shop you have that

many! So, I'm not being salty. I don't think

it's unreasonable to be upset

that you won't

give me one more sweet!

Fine, but only because I'm a nice person!

Talking about being salty, did you see Rob

this morning?

Yes! Why was he so angry?! I saw him

hitting the keyboard!

He was so angry with you, Feifei.

Haha that's because I unplugged

his computer! He couldn't turn it on!

So, when I told him

that I'd done it as a joke,

he got really salty.

Hahah you're the best, Feifei!

You love playing practical jokes

on people. Well, I need to

go back to the desk. Wait?! I can't move!

I'm stuck to the chair!

Yes! I know. I put lots of superglue on

your chair before you sat down!

Don't get salty

about it! Here have a couple of 'unicorn

truffles' to cheer you up!

Thanks Feifei, but I really need to go back

to work. Can you get me off

this chair, please?

Bye, Roy.


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Why are people saying 'salty'? - The English We Speak - YouTube Warum sagen die Leute „salzig“? - Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Why are people saying 'salty'? - The English We Speak - YouTube Kodėl žmonės sako "sūrus"? - The English We Speak - "YouTube Porque é que as pessoas dizem "salty"? - O inglês que falamos - YouTube Почему люди говорят "соленый"? - Английский, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Чому люди кажуть "солоний"? - The English We Speak - YouTube 为什么人们都说“咸”? - 我们说的英语 - YouTube

Hello and welcome to The English Hallo und willkommen bei The English Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak with me, Feifei... Wir sprechen mit mir, Feifei... We Speak with me, Feifei...

...and me, Roy. ... und ich, Roy. ...and me, Roy.

We may sound a little different - that's Wir klingen vielleicht etwas anders - das ist We may sound a little different - that's

because we are not able to record weil wir nicht aufnehmen können because we are not able to record

in our normal studios in unseren normalen Studios in our normal studios

during the coronavirus outbreak. In this خلال تفشي فيروس كورونا. في هذا während des Ausbruchs des Coronavirus. In diesem during the coronavirus outbreak. In this

programme, we have a word Programm, wir haben ein Wort programme, we have a word

that is used to say when someone das wird verwendet, um zu sagen, wenn jemand that is used to say when someone

is upset over something minor or trivial. sich über etwas Kleines oder Triviales aufregt. is upset over something minor or trivial.

Speaking of which, you got Apropos, du hast Speaking of which, you got

really upset when wirklich verärgert, wenn really upset when

the vending machine didn't have any of Der Automat hatte nichts davon the vending machine didn't have any of

those sweets you like this morning! diese Süßigkeiten, die du heute Morgen magst! those sweets you like this morning!

I really like 'unicorn truffles' - you have Ich mag 'Einhorn-Trüffel' wirklich - du hast I really like 'unicorn truffles' - you have

no idea how good they are. keine ahnung wie gut die sind. no idea how good they are.

It ruined my day! Es hat meinen Tag ruiniert! It ruined my day!

Everyone likes 'unicorn truffles', but Jeder mag „Einhorn-Trüffel“, aber Everyone likes 'unicorn truffles', but

there's no need to get overly upset Es besteht kein Grund, sich übermäßig aufzuregen there's no need to get overly upset

about it - they're just sweets! darüber - es sind nur Süßigkeiten! about it - they're just sweets!

You were so salty this morning! Du warst heute Morgen so salzig! You were so salty this morning!

What do you mean salty? You mean I was Was meinst du mit salzig? Du meinst, ich war es What do you mean salty? You mean I was

sweaty? I sweat when I get stressed. verschwitzt? Ich schwitze, wenn ich gestresst bin. sweaty? I sweat when I get stressed.

No, Roy. 'Salty' means you got upset over Nein, Roy. „Salty“ bedeutet, dass du dich darüber aufgeregt hast No, Roy. 'Salty' means you got upset over

nothing. They're just sweets. If you're that nichts. Es sind nur Süßigkeiten. Wenn du das bist nothing. They're just sweets. If you're that

desperate for them, you should go to the verzweifelt nach ihnen, sollten Sie zu dem gehen desperate for them, you should go to the

supermarket before work like I did. Supermarkt vor der Arbeit wie ich. supermarket before work like I did.

Wait, you've got some 'unicorn truffles'!? Warte, du hast ein paar 'Einhorn-Trüffel'!? Wait, you've got some 'unicorn truffles'!?

Can I have one, please? Kann ich bitte eines haben? Can I have one, please?

You can have one, and only one. Anyway, Du kannst einen haben, und nur einen. Wie auch immer, You can have one, and only one. Anyway,

let's listen to these examples... Hören wir uns diese Beispiele an ... let's listen to these examples...

She was so salty when she lost the board Sie war so salzig, als sie das Brett verlor She was so salty when she lost the board

game. It's really not that important. Spiel. Es ist wirklich nicht so wichtig. game. It's really not that important.

He was so salty yesterday when nobody Er war gestern so salzig, als niemand He was so salty yesterday when nobody

wanted to go to lunch with him. wollte mit ihm essen gehen. wanted to go to lunch with him.

I'm sorry - it was a bad joke, but there's Es tut mir leid - es war ein schlechter Witz, aber es gibt einen I'm sorry - it was a bad joke, but there's

no need to get salty about it! kein Grund, darüber salzig zu werden! no need to get salty about it!

This is The English We Speak from BBC Dies ist The English We Speak von BBC This is The English We Speak from BBC

Learning English and we're Englisch lernen und wir sind Learning English and we're

talking about the word 'salty' über das Wort "salzig" sprechen talking about the word 'salty'

- and now Roy, you're salty because - und jetzt Roy, du bist salzig, weil - and now Roy, you're salty because

I won't give you more sweets! Ich gebe dir keine Süßigkeiten mehr! I won't give you more sweets!

Feifei, you have a bag full of 'unicorn Feifei, du hast eine Tüte voller Einhörner Feifei, you have a bag full of 'unicorn

truffles'! You could open Trüffel'! Du könntest öffnen truffles'! You could open

a sweet shop you have that ein süßes Geschäft haben Sie das a sweet shop you have that

many! So, I'm not being salty. I don't think viele! Also, ich bin nicht salzig. Ich denke nicht many! So, I'm not being salty. I don't think

it's unreasonable to be upset es ist unvernünftig, verärgert zu sein it's unreasonable to be upset

that you won't das wirst du nicht that you won't そうならないように

give me one more sweet! gib mir noch ein süßes! give me one more sweet!

Fine, but only because I'm a nice person! Gut, aber nur, weil ich ein netter Mensch bin! Fine, but only because I'm a nice person! でも、僕がいい人だからだよ!

Talking about being salty, did you see Rob Apropos salzig, hast du Rob gesehen? Talking about being salty, did you see Rob

this morning? heute Morgen? this morning?

Yes! Why was he so angry?! I saw him Ja! Warum war er so wütend?! Ich sah ihn Yes! Why was he so angry?! I saw him

hitting the keyboard! auf die Tastatur schlagen! hitting the keyboard!

He was so angry with you, Feifei. Er war so wütend auf dich, Feifei. He was so angry with you, Feifei.

Haha that's because I unplugged Haha, das liegt daran, dass ich den Stecker gezogen habe Haha that's because I unplugged

his computer! He couldn't turn it on! sein Computer! Er konnte es nicht einschalten! his computer! He couldn't turn it on!

So, when I told him Also, als ich es ihm sagte So, when I told him

that I'd done it as a joke, dass ich es als Scherz getan hatte, that I'd done it as a joke,

he got really salty. er wurde richtig salzig. he got really salty.

Hahah you're the best, Feifei! Hahah du bist die Beste, Feifei! Hahah you're the best, Feifei!

You love playing practical jokes Du liebst es, Streiche zu spielen You love playing practical jokes

on people. Well, I need to auf Menschen. Nun, ich muss on people. Well, I need to

go back to the desk. Wait?! I can't move! geh zurück zum Schreibtisch. Warte ab?! Ich kann mich nicht bewegen! go back to the desk. Wait?! I can't move!

I'm stuck to the chair! Ich klebe am Stuhl fest! I'm stuck to the chair!

Yes! I know. I put lots of superglue on Ja! Ich weiss. Ich habe viel Sekundenkleber aufgetragen Yes! I know. I put lots of superglue on

your chair before you sat down! Ihren Stuhl, bevor Sie sich hinsetzen! your chair before you sat down!

Don't get salty イライラするな|| Werde nicht salzig Don't get salty

about it! Here have a couple of 'unicorn darüber! Hier haben ein paar 'Einhorn about it! Here have a couple of 'unicorn

truffles' to cheer you up! Trüffel', um Sie aufzuheitern! truffles' to cheer you up!

Thanks Feifei, but I really need to go back Danke Feifei, aber ich muss wirklich zurück Thanks Feifei, but I really need to go back

to work. Can you get me off arbeiten. Kannst du mich abholen? to work. Can you get me off

this chair, please? Dieser Stuhl, bitte? this chair, please?

Bye, Roy. Bye, Roy.

Bye. Bye.