Οπέμπτος πλανήτης ήταν πολύ παράξενος.
The fifth|planet|was|very|strange
Der fünfte||||seltsam
O quinto planeta era muito estranho.
The fifth planet was very strange.
Ήταν ο μικρότερος απ' όλους.
||plus petit||
He was|the|youngest|than|all
It was the smallest of all.
Είχε ακριβώς τόσο χώρο για να φιλοξενεί έναν φανοστάτη κι έναν άνθρωπο που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι.
He had|exactly|so much|space|to|(particle for infinitive)|accommodate|one|streetlight|and|one|person|who|lit|and|extinguished|the|traffic light
Tinha espaço suficiente para acomodar um poste de luz e um homem que acendia e apagava a lanterna.
It had just enough space to host a streetlamp and a person who lit and extinguished the lamp.
Ο μικρός πρίγκιπας δεν μπορούσε να εξηγήσει σε τι θα μπορούσε να εξυπηρετήσει, κάπου πάνω στον ουρανό, σ' έναν πλανήτη χωρίς σπίτια, χωρίς πληθυσμό, ένα φανάρι και ένας άνθρωπος που το άναβε και το έσβηνε.
The|little|prince|not|could|to|explain|to|what|would|could|to|serve|somewhere|up|in the|sky|in|a|planet|without|houses|without|population|a||and|a|man|who|it|lit|and|it|extinguished
O pequeno príncipe não sabia explicar o que podia servir, algures no céu, num planeta sem casas, sem população, uma lanterna e um homem que a acendia e apagava.
The little prince could not explain what a lamp and a person who lit and extinguished it could serve on a planet in the sky, without houses, without a population.
Αλλά είπε στον εαυτό του: «Ίσως να είναι παράλογος αυτός ο άνθρωπος.
But|said|to himself|self|his|Perhaps|to be|is|unreasonable|this|the|man
Mas disse para si próprio: "Talvez este homem seja irracional.
But he said to himself: "Perhaps this man is irrational.
Όμως είναι λιγότερο παράλογος από τον βασιλιά, τον ματαιόδοξο, τον επιχειρηματία και τον μέθυσο.
||||||||vaniteux||l'homme d'affaires|||ivrogne
Mas é menos irracional do que o rei, o vaidoso, o homem de negócios e o bêbado.
Yet he is less irrational than the king, the vain one, the businessman, and the drunkard.
Τουλάχιστον η δουλειά του έχει κάποιο νόημα.
At least|the|work|his|has|some|meaning
Pelo menos o seu trabalho tem algum significado.
At least his work has some meaning.
Όταν ανάβει το φανάρι του, είναι σαν να γεννιέται ακόμη ένα αστέρι ή ένα λουλούδι.
When|it turns on|the|traffic light|his|it is|like|to|be born|another|one|star|or|one|flower
|anzündet||Laterne|||||geboren wird||||||
Quando a sua lanterna se acende, é como se nascesse outra estrela ou flor.
When he lights his lantern, it is as if another star or flower is born.
Όταν σβήνει το φανάρι του, είναι σαν να αποκοιμιέται το λουλούδι ή το αστέρι.
When|turns off|the|traffic light|his|is|like|to|falls asleep|the|flower|or|the|star
Quando a sua lanterna se apaga, é como se a flor ou a estrela adormecessem.
When he extinguishes his lantern, it is as if the flower or star falls asleep.
Είναι μια πολύ ωραία δουλειά.
It is|a|very|nice|job
É um trabalho muito bonito.
It is a very nice job.
Είναι πραγματικά χρήσιμη, αφού είναι ωραία».
It is|really|useful|since|it is|beautiful
É muito útil, uma vez que é agradável".
It is really useful, since it is nice.
Όταν πλησίασε τον πλανήτη, χαιρέτισε με σεβασμό τον άνθρωπο που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι.
When|approached|the|planet|greeted|with|respect|the|man|who|turned on|and|turned off|the|traffic light
Quando se aproximou do planeta, cumprimentou respeitosamente o homem que acendia e apagava a lanterna.
When he approached the planet, he respectfully greeted the man who was turning the light on and off.
Good morning
"Good morning.
Γιατί έσβησες το φανάρι σου;» «Αυτή είναι η διαταγή» απάντησε ο άνθρωπος που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι.
Why|did you turn off|the|traffic light|your|This|is|the|order|answered|the|man|who|turned on|and|turned off|the|traffic light
Porque é que desligou a lanterna?" "É essa a ordem", respondeu o homem que estava a ligar e a desligar a lanterna.
Why did you turn off your light?" "That is the order," replied the man who was turning the light on and off.
Good morning
"Good morning."
«Ποια είναι η διαταγή;» «Να σβήνω το φανάρι μου.
What|is|the|order|To|turn off|the|light|my
"Qual é a ordem?" "Para desligar a minha lanterna.
"What is the order?" "To turn off my lantern."
Good night
"Good night."
Και το άναψε ξανά.
E voltou a ligá-lo.
And he turned it on again.
«Μα γιατί το άναψες πάλι;» «Αυτή είναι η διαταγή» απάντησε ο άνθρωπος που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι.
But|why|it|you turned on|again|This|is|the|order|answered|the|man|who|turned on|and|turned off|the|traffic light
"Mas porque é que a ligaste outra vez?" "É essa a ordem", respondeu o homem que ligava e desligava a lanterna.
"But why did you turn it on again?" "This is the order," replied the man who turned the lantern on and off.
«Δεν καταλαβαίνω» είπε ο μικρός πρίγκιπας.
Not|I understand|said|the|little|prince
"I don't understand," said the little prince.
«Δεν υπάρχει κάτι να καταλάβεις» είπε ο άνθρωπος που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι.
Not|there is|anything|to|understand|said|the|man|who|turned on|and|turned off|the|traffic light
"There is nothing to understand," said the man who lit and extinguished the lamp.
«Η διαταγή είναι διαταγή.
"An order is an order.
Good morning
Good morning."
Ο 14 50 Κι έσβησε το φανάρι του.
The|And|turned off|the|light|his
And he extinguished his lamp.
Έπειτα σκούπισε το μέτωπό του μ' ένα κόκκινο καρό μαντίλι.
Then|he wiped|the|forehead|his|with|a|red|checkered|handkerchief
Depois, limpou a testa com um lenço xadrez vermelho.
Then he wiped his forehead with a red checkered handkerchief.
«Εδώ κάνω μια απαίσια δουλειά.
Here|I do|a|terrible|job
"Faço um péssimo trabalho aqui.
"Here I do a terrible job.
Κάποτε είχε νόημα.
Costumava fazer sentido.
Once it made sense.
Έσβηνα το πρωί κι άναβα το βράδυ.
I extinguished|the|morning|and|I lit|the|evening
Desligava-me de manhã e ligava-me à noite.
I would extinguish it in the morning and light it in the evening.
Είχα την υπόλοιπη μέρα να ξεκουράζομαι και την υπόλοιπη νύχτα για να κοιμάμαι…» «Κι από εκείνη την εποχή η διαταγή άλλαξε;» «Η διαταγή δεν άλλαξε» είπε ο άνθρωπος που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι.
||restliche|||ausruhen||||||||||von jener||Zeit||Befehl||||||||||||||
I had|the|rest of|day|to|rest|and|the|rest of|night|to|to|sleep|And|from|that|the|time|the|order|changed|The|order|not|changed|said|the|man|who|lit|and|extinguished|the|lantern
Tive o resto do dia para descansar e o resto da noite para dormir..." "E desde então a ordem mudou?" "A ordem não mudou", diz o homem que acende e apaga a lanterna.
I had the rest of the day to rest and the rest of the night to sleep..." "And since that time, has the order changed?" "The order has not changed," said the man who lit and extinguished the lantern.
«Κι αυτό είναι το δράμα μου!
"E esse é o meu drama!
"And this is my drama!"
Ο πλανήτης χρόνο με το χρόνο γυρίζει γρηγορότερα και η διαταγή δεν έχει αλλάξει!» «Λοιπόν;» είπε ο μικρός πρίγκιπας.
O planeta está a girar mais depressa todos os anos e a ordem não mudou!" "Então?
"The planet spins faster and faster year by year, and the order hasn't changed!" "So?" said the little prince.
«Τώρα λοιπόν που γυρίζει μια φορά το λεπτό, δεν έχω πάνω από ένα δευτερόλεπτο για να ξεκουραστώ.
Now|then|that|turns|once|time|the|minute|not|I have|more|than|one|second|to||rest
"Agora que gira uma vez por minuto, não tenho mais do que um segundo para descansar.
"Now that it spins once a minute, I don't have more than a second to rest.
Ανάβω και σβήνω μια φορά ανά λεπτό!» «Αυτό είναι αστείο!
I turn on|and|I turn off|one|time|every|minute|This|is|funny
Eu ligo-me e desligo-me uma vez por minuto!" "Isso é engraçado!
I light and extinguish once a minute!" "That's funny!"
Οι ημέρες στον τόπο σου διαρκούν ένα λεπτό!» «Δεν είναι καθόλου αστείο» είπε ο άνθρωπος που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι.
The|days|in the|place|your|last|one|minute|Not|is|at all|funny|said|the|man|who|turned on|and|turned off|the|traffic light
Os dias na vossa casa duram um minuto!" "Não tem graça nenhuma", disse o homem que estava a acender e a apagar a lanterna.
"The days in your place last one minute!" "It's not funny at all," said the man who lit and extinguished the lamp.
«Πέρασε κιόλας ένας μήνας από τότε που αρχίσαμε να συζητάμε».
A month has passed|already|one|month|since|then|that|we started|to|talk
"Já passou um mês desde que começámos a falar."
"A month has already passed since we started talking."
«Ένας μήνας;» «Ναι.
"A month?" "Yes."
Τριάντα λεπτά.
Trinta minutos.
Thirty minutes.
Τριάντα μέρες!
Thirty days!
Good night
Good night."
Και άναψε πάλι το φανάρι του.
And|turned on|again|the|lantern|his
And he lit his lamp again.
Ο μικρός πρίγκιπας τον κοίταξε και συμπάθησε αυτόν τον άνθρωπο που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι του, ο οποίος υπάκουγε τόσο πιστά στη διαταγή.
The|little|prince|him|looked|and|felt sympathy for|this|the|man|who|lit|and|extinguished|the|lantern|his|the|who|obeyed|so|faithfully|to the|order
O principezinho olhou para ele e gostou daquele homem que acendia e apagava a lanterna, que obedecia tão fielmente à ordem.
The little prince looked at him and felt sympathy for this man who lit and extinguished his lamp, who obeyed the order so faithfully.
Θυμήθηκε τα ηλιοβασιλέματα που αναζητούσε και ο ίδιος μετακινώντας την καρέκλα του.
He remembered|the|sunsets|that|he was searching for|and|he|himself|moving|the|chair|his
Lembrou-se dos pores-do-sol que ele próprio procurava ao mover a sua cadeira.
He remembered the sunsets he sought himself by moving his chair.
Ήθελε να βοηθήσει τον φίλο του: «Ξέρω έναν τρόπο για να ξεκουράζεσαι όποτε το θελήσεις…» «Πάντοτε το θέλω» απάντησε ο άνθρωπος που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι.
|||||||||||sich ausruhen|||willst|immer|||||||||||
He wanted|to|help|his|friend|his|I know|a|way|to||rest|whenever|it|want|Always|it|want|answered|the|man|who|turned on|and|turned off|the|traffic light
He wanted to help his friend: "I know a way for you to rest whenever you want..." "I always want to," replied the man who lit and extinguished the lamp.
51 Γιατί δεν αποκλείεται να είναι κανείς ταυτόχρονα και πιστός και τεμπέλης.
||es ist ausgeschlossen||||gleichzeitig||gläubig||faul
Why|not|is excluded|to|be|anyone|simultaneously|both|faithful|and|lazy
51 Porque não é impossível ser fiel e preguiçoso.
Because it is possible to be both faithful and lazy at the same time.
Ο μικρός πρίγκιπας συνέχισε: «Ο πλανήτης σου είναι τόσο μικρός που μπορείς να κάνεις τον γύρο του με τρείς δρασκελιές.
The|little|prince|continued|The|planet|your|is|so|small|that|you can|to|make|the|round|of|with|three|strides
O principezinho continuou: "O teu planeta é tão pequeno que podes dar a volta a ele em três passos.
The little prince continued: "Your planet is so small that you can walk around it in three strides.
Δεν έχεις παρά να περπατάς αργά αργά για να μένεις πάντα στην πλευρά με τον ήλιο.
You do not|have|anything|to|walk|slowly|slowly|in order to|to|stay|always|on the|side|with|the|sun
Tudo o que tem de fazer é caminhar lentamente para ficar sempre do lado do sol.
You just have to walk slowly to always stay on the side with the sun.
Όταν θελήσεις να ξεκουραστείς, θα περπατάς… και η μέρα θα διαρκεί όσο θέλεις εσύ».
|du willst||ausruhen||gehen|||||dauert|||
When|you want|to|rest|will|walk|and|the|day|will|last|as long as|you want|you
Quando quiseres descansar, vais andar... e o dia durará o tempo que quiseres".
When you want to rest, you will walk... and the day will last as long as you want it to."
«Αυτό δεν με βοηθάει και πολύ» είπε ο άνθρωπος που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι.
This|not|me|helps|and|much|said|the|man|who|turned on|and|turned off|the|traffic light
"Isso não me ajuda muito", disse o homem que estava a acender e a apagar a luz.
"That doesn't help me much," said the man who lit and extinguished the lamp.
«Αυτό που μου αρέσει στη ζωή είναι να κοιμάμαι».
This|that|to me|likes|in|life|is|to|sleep
"O que eu gosto na vida é de dormir."
"What I like about life is to sleep."
«Είσαι άτυχος» είπε ο μικρός πρίγκιπας.
You are|unlucky|said|the|little|prince
"Tens azar", disse o principezinho.
"You are unlucky," said the little prince.
«Είμαι άτυχος» είπε ο άνθρωπος που άναβε κι έσβηνε το φανάρι.
I am|unlucky|said|the|man|who|turned on|and|turned off|the|traffic light
"Tenho azar", disse o homem que estava a acender e a apagar a luz.
"I am unlucky," said the man who lit and extinguished the lamp.
Good morning
"Good morning."
Κι έσβησε το φανάρι του.
And|turned off|the|headlights|his
And he extinguished his lamp.
«Αυτόν εδώ», σκέφτηκε ο μικρός πρίγκιπας συνεχίζοντας το ταξίδι του, «αυτόν εδώ θα τον περιφρονούσαν όλοι οι άλλοι, ο βασιλιάς, ο ματαιόδοξος, ο μέθυσος, ο επιχειρηματίας.
||||||fortsetzend||||||||verachten würden|||||||||||
Him|here|thought|the|little|prince|continuing|the|journey|his|him|here|would|him|would despise|all|the|others|the|king|the|vain man|the|drunkard|the|businessman
"Este", pensou o principezinho enquanto prosseguia a sua viagem, "este seria desprezado por todos os outros, o rei, o vaidoso, o bêbedo, o homem de negócios.
"This one," thought the little prince as he continued his journey, "this one would be despised by all the others, the king, the vain man, the drunkard, the businessman."
Ωστόσο είναι ο μόνος που δεν μου φαίνεται γελοίος.
However|he is|the|only|who|not|to me|seems|ridiculous
However, he is the only one who doesn't seem ridiculous to me.
Ίσως επειδή ασχολείται και με άλλα πράγματα πέρα από τον εαυτό του».
Perhaps|because|he is occupied|and|with|other|things|beyond|from|the|self|his
Talvez porque está envolvido noutras coisas para além de si próprio".
Perhaps because he is involved in other things beyond himself.
Αναστέναξε λυπημένος και σκέφτηκε ακόμη: “Αυτός εδώ είναι ο μόνος που θα μπορούσε να τον κάνω φίλο μου.
He sighed|sadly|and|he thought|again|This|here|is|the|only|who|would|be able to|to|him|make|friend|my
Suspirou tristemente e até pensou: "Esta é a única pessoa de quem posso fazer amizade.
He sighed sadly and thought further: “This is the only one I could make my friend.
Μα ο πλανήτης του είναι πράγματι τόσο μικρός.
Mas o seu planeta é de facto muito pequeno.
But his planet is indeed so small.
Δεν υπάρχει χώρος για δυο…” Αυτό που ο μικρός πρίγκιπας δεν τολμούσε να ομολογήσει είναι ότι στεναχωριόταν που άφηνε αυτόν τον ευλογημένο πλανήτη, κυρίως για τα χίλια τετρακόσια σαράντα ηλιοβασιλέματα το εικοσιτετράωρο!
||Platz|||||||||||zugeben|||traurig war||verließ|||gesegnete||||||vierhundert||Sonnenuntergänge||einundzwanzig Stunden
There|is|room|for|two|This|that|the|little|prince|not|dared|to|admit|is|that|was sad|that|was leaving|this|the|blessed|planet|mainly|for|the|thousand|four hundred|forty|sunsets|the|twenty-four hours
Não há lugar para dois..." o que o principezinho não se atrevia a admitir é que estava triste por deixar este planeta abençoado, especialmente pelos mil quatrocentos e quarenta pores-do-sol por dia!
There is no room for two…” What the little prince did not dare to admit is that he was sad to leave this blessed planet, mainly for the one thousand four hundred forty sunsets a day!
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